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Friday, June 27, 2008
Dearest all who have been reading my entries,

Ive finally moved to http://asyhhie.livejournal.com

Things are slowly but surely being updated.

Do leave your comments once in a while.



Auf Wiedersehen~

6/27/2008 09:11:00 PM

touched down
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Finally back home after being away for 6 months. Once again i shall say that time really passes fast. Im suffering from jet lag now. i cant sleep wen it doesnt reach 4am and cant wake up till after 3pm (spore time). haha ..

The amount of luggage i brought back frm Swiss was much much heavier than when i first came. haha~ blame it on the thick textbooks, thick winter clothings and all the heavy chocs .. hee~ As much as it feels great to finally be back home to my crazy lovable family and to my warm bed filled with at least 4 pillows and all my bears, i kinda miss being in Swiss.

I shall always remember and miss (not in order):

PI #11, #310, The Well, well-ganging, Villa, kulinar and sofra crevetten and funghi pizza, bus 20 and 21, dorni, horw zentrum, credit suiss, old town, student bars, events team, running up hill to catch the always on time buses, going back home from sch at 12.30am and walking at the dark-cant-even-see-your-fingers pathway to the bus stop, msn-ing during tourism lessons, stoning during marketing lessons, wish-it-will-end-faster german lessons, german wanted group, late night suppers, cook out sessions, tom yum soup, sambal prawns, cereal prawns, dissertating, reading past dissertations, all-due-together projects, the locker room, locker #11, the mountain view outside my room, the grocery shoppin to Central, Shanghai, Migro, Coop and Denner all at the same time, the trips to Paris, Barcelona, Konstanz, Florence and Venice, the open yourself public buses, The Lake, the walks to the lake to feed the swans and ducks, nicknaming ppl (awesome, 7-11, smigger, drawn together, keri-keri, su-ah, dipsy etc), maggi mee, climbing up the never ending staircase to my room, the room checks, pretzels, hot chocs, movenpick ice creams, migro chf2 chips, ovomaltine drinks and chocs, chf0.5 yogurt, orange juice, brunch, worst-than-prison-food in the dining hall, peppermint tea, snowball fights, wearing layers of clothes to go out during winter, still-freezing-cold spring and summer, addictive-cheat-your-money vending machines, Die Post, sunrise prepaid card, phone booth, flash calling cards, outdated computer rooms and always empty laptap rooms ..

there are more to list but it will then be never ending. im glad i took this step to brave out of my comfort zone.

Also a thank you to those who have made an impact in my life in IMI one way or another;

damian, gordon, shirine, utsav, kelvin, mich, shugan, liyan, daniel ...

Especially to:
audrey, surene, julianne and diba.

Thank for being part of my life every step of the way throughout my life in IMI. You guys have made my journey there unforgettable and memorable and i truly hope that we will stay friends forever in the long run and wen every time we meet, all those memories that we share will always be something that will bond us together.

on a separate note, will be switching to live journal soon. Started my poly life with blogger and shall end my sch life with blogger. will update my new url soon.

Till then


6/24/2008 10:26:00 AM

degree holder
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I cant believe THE day have actually come and gone. I finally graduated with a BA in tourism and events management with a 2nd upper for my hons. 6 months in Swiss, in IMI realli zooms fast and i wished i could turn back time. I wouldnt want to change anything as everything that happens are great memories that i will forever treasure but mayb extend each day a bit longer.

And i found out i was only 1% short of getting a first class degree!! aRghHh .. so close yet so far. As the saying goes, if it's not meant to be urs it wont. But im already super proud of myself for getting this far and achieving this much especially achieving an A for my dissertation that took over my 5 mths of IMI life .. hee~. I hope my family are extremely proud for me. I reali owe them alot. Their love and motivation have always keep me going even wen im at my lowest. Coz in the end i kno they will always support me in whatever i aim to achieve and whatever im doin will ultimately be for them. Love them lots!!

Super busy days ahead. To Interlaken Jungfrau tmr and followed by skiing at Mt. Titlis on friday. And after that, time to fly back home to super hot sunny island of Singapore. As much as im looking forward to go back, i dread leaving the life im used to already. Will list down the things that i will miss here in Swiss soon.

On a lighter note, Italy trip to Florence and Venice was a dream come true. Pictures and long descriptions will be posted up wen i hav the time to write it back in Singapore.

till then ...


Winning doesnt always mean being first,
winning means you're doing better
than you've done before

6/18/2008 10:29:00 PM

change of plans
Sunday, June 08, 2008
8It's either im there at the wrong place at the wrong time or the right place at the right time. But seriously, life in IMI is like being in an interactive drama serial. As the months passes by, new characters comes and goes and the plot somehow gets .. complicated?

On a random note, it was nice having someone to share everything with. But wen it comes to the point wen i hav to restrict some stuff, i then begin to wonder - was it juz temporary to get me started and having to deal with everything by myself all over again? Sometimes u juz wished that the person was there for u to fall back on but then u'll realise that u shd keep it hidden only to urself like ur suppose to.

And wat if having hearing two side of a story and still unsure which to believe? In the first place it was not a problem for u to solve but then i believe never to judge or to hate a person without knowing him/her that well. And even if the person is ur fren, sometimes, u juz hav to always look at their better side and still be a fren but at the same time be wary ..

And work will officially be starting on October 5th. It means more time in Singapore, more time to meet up frens and more time to be with the family. And especially now with AI warded, at least i be there to help around the house and stuff.

To AI, be strong ya bro. U'll be okie. Just remember, god will not give a burden greater than wat one can bear. And i admire u for being stronger than me when u're so much younger.

Finally a big birthday shout out to my bro, khairul anwar aka 'baduman' .. lol
You're finally reached the big 2-0!! so act ur age dude. hahaha~
Wishing u all the best and for ur future endeavors. :)

Off to Italy soon. Florence and Venice ... here i come. wee~


Quote of the day:

To love someone is nothing. To be loved by someone is something. To love and be loved by someone is everything

6/08/2008 01:55:00 AM

Wednesday, June 04, 2008
horoscope for the day:

Right now, there is way too much socializing to be done -- and the big questions about your life are just not important. This is a good thing for you, because until now you've been using up a lot of energy wondering about where you are headed. Pondering this type of imponderable question is a waste of time, so it's a good thing that your day will be filled with friends and laughter. You need to lighten up a bit, and these people will serve as the helium in your mood balloon

so wat am i waiting for? lets partyyy and hav fun!

but i still hav my trip to plan and packing to be done ... ohwells~

and thxs lots to diba mum for the yummy-licious mee rebus .. a taste of home. *grins


Quote of the day:
Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life

6/04/2008 02:01:00 AM

the remaining few days
Monday, June 02, 2008
The final paper ended bout 4hrs ago but somehow i wasnt glad everything's finally over. For one, the paper was a killer! Most of the stuff that i studied for didnt come out and the questions that i answered, i tried superbly hard to relate to what i've been reading tru the past few days and rely on my general knowledge of what ive studied since my poly years. Sigh~

Pray to god that i can at least scrape tru a B for all my subjects. *cross fingers

And, the end of exams means school's really over. There will be no more late nights in sch or well-ganging or the endless orders of pizza or the rushing for deadlines or the late nights doing projects or everything else that sch life offers. im reali going to miss life here ..

The only thing that im anticipating is the trip to Italy - Florence and Venice. Been wanting to go Venice since i learn bout it in the social studies subject way back in sec 4. haha~ and who knows i reali ended visiting it. Im truly lucky and im grateful for everything that have been goin on for me so far.

And later tonight, picking up diba parents frm zurich airport. cant wait for mee rebus tmr!! waha~ reali miss traditional home cooked food lah ..

And And .. sis will be here in 13 more days!!! cant wait to see her!!!

Time to start packing my stuff! can u believe it! I felt as if i juz arrived in Swiss and getting used to the pace of life here and now im packing to go home and to start a new chapter of my life. Hopefully all goes well. Insya'allah ..


6/02/2008 03:25:00 PM

Thursday, May 29, 2008
And so i couldnt stop myself frm blogging till after 2nd June.

Im clueless on wat to study for the int'l tourism exam and wats more it's focused on tourism policy and planning.

And im still not looking forward to tmr's oral test even though i wana get it done and over with ..

i cant study in the morning!!

and since summer is approaching and wen the heat sometimes gets unbearable, nothing feels more like heaven than eating a whole tub of ice cream. waha~

somebody save meee~

toodles ..

Quote of the day:

The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live

5/29/2008 11:25:00 PM

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Thank to my dearest cow-fetish roomie (shes gona kill me for this.. waha), i decided to re-read my past entries from the moment i left Singapore to my most recent entry. And it really brought back alot of memories which i shall treasure for a very very long time. We realli cant help it but in all of our convo nowadays there will be an emo moment that either me or diba will bring up. Yes roomie i will reali miss u and ur weird crazy 'irritating' moments.

Coincidentally my horoscope for the day says:

Starting today, you can expect the feverish pace of your life to slow down quite a bit -- and it's not a moment too soon! This throttling down is going to happen organically, and it will offer you the chance to recharge your drained batteries. So you can look forward to letting the craziness of the world pass on by you while you kick back and relax with the friends who know how to help you unwind. The forecast is for sunnier, more social times ahead.

yes pls .. more social time with the peepz ive gotten close to here before we start moving on our separate ways.

And on other news, so far the exams have been .. erm .. hmmm .. indescribable. Marketing was oookkiieee but im not reali confident in one of the question i answered and German .. well .. lets juz say had brutally murdered me and im not looking forward to the oral test cming friday. sigh~ thank god it's not included in our overall BA marks. Just hope that tourism can help me push my marks back up. *prays and cross fingers ..

And and, yest i decided to watch the movie 'Ayat ayat cinta'. It's not like me to watch a malay/indon movie but since it was recommended, no harm watching rite. And .. i cried!! my tears are all wasted crying for all the sad movies but it was worth it. Juz a tout after watching the movie: Are you strong enuf to see the man u love marries someone else? Im not so sure of the answer for myself. But hopefully i dont need to ans it at all ...

okie i shd stop blogging till after the 2nd June .. we'll see how long it can last. hee~


Quote of the day:

Life is about trusting your feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories, learning from the past, and realizing people change

what more can i say ...

5/27/2008 06:59:00 PM

Monday, May 26, 2008
Im suppose to be memorizing the whole stack of German notes but here i am changing my blogskin. tsktsk~

I'll start soon. Promise.


5/26/2008 11:39:00 PM

passing days
Sunday, May 25, 2008
In a few hours time, the start of the nightmare begins. A week juz zooms past and i pray hard that whatever i've been studying will stay in my head till after 11am. haha~ Pls god make the 2hrs as painless as possible.
But shouldnt i get used to exams? Been sitting for countless number of exams for the past 15 years of my sch life. And this will be my last time sitting for exams till if i decide to take up MBA. haha~ So .. shouldnt i be anticipating it and be sad that it's all gona be over soon .. right? ermm .. lol

Went tru my organiser yesterday and as i flip tru each week since the start of my life in Swiss, im surprised at myself for surviving all those agonizing deadlines that are all packed close to each other. And wen i start flipping to future dates after today, im shocked at the limited time im left here!! the coming week will be filled with me studying for German and tourism den the week after, packing for spore and florence/venice trip den the week after that the long awaited Italy trip den after that sis will be arriving = graduation and soon it will be time to fly home. OMG-ness lah! sigh~
Ohwells .. lets treasure the remaining days we have left ..

And news frm sis, my littlest bro is making problems again. It has and always been him. Doesnt he kno how much time and money have been spent on him? Doesnt he seem to care what mum have been sacrificing so far mostly for him and this is the way he pays all of it back? I juz dont get wats running in the thick skull of his. sigh~ I juz hope as i step into the working world, i could help out with the family expenses and put less burden on mum. She needs a rest already.

Mayb the first step is to do well for my degree so that she can be proud of me. And if i do well, im dedicating it also to my elder sis and dad's unachievable dreams.

Back to memorising ..


5/25/2008 09:36:00 PM

an intro

~ AsYUrAh rOsLAn~
~ 21 yRs ~
~ 14 sEpT 1986 ~
~ SIM & IMI, Swiss ~
~ BA (hons) in int'l tourism & events ~
~ MaLAy mUsLIm ~
~ nar_alien@hotmail.com ~

more to kno

* tALL * cHeErFuL * sunflower *
* coNTenTeD * hApPy *
* ChoCoLaTeS * bEaRs *
* boOkwoRm * sPeciAL *
* tRaVeL * yELLow *
* mIrAcLeS * piAnO *
* mOviEz * MuSiC *
* vIrGo * hOteLs/eVEntS *
* yOGa * gUItAr * * fAirYtALe * dAydReaM *
* iSoLAtiOn * mAgiC *

:: aSpirAtiOns ::

1.coMplEte mY dEgrEe with a min of sec hons
2.fAll iN lOvE
3.mY drEaM jOb
4.wOrk iN duBai
5.LivE a fULfiLLinG LifE wiTh mY fAmiLy & fReNs

beautiful souls

  • anz
  • cleo
  • dee
  • elena
  • g.w
  • j.d
  • mas
  • mel
  • mich
  • nickizah
  • nad.z
  • nadi-ians
  • nokz
  • rad
  • siok
  • u-ka
  • zila


    back in time

    'August 2004'

    'September 2004'

    'October 2004'

    'November 2004'

    'December 2004'

    'January 2005'

    'February 2005'

    'March 2005'

    'April 2005'

    'May 2005'

    'June 2005'

    'July 2005'

    'August 2005'

    'September 2005'

    'October 2005'

    'November 2005'

    'December 2005'

    'January 2006'

    'February 2006'

    'March 2006'

    'April 2006'

    'May 2006'

    'June 2006'

    'July 2006'

    'August 2006'

    'September 2006'

    'October 2006'

    'November 2006'

    'December 2006'

    'January 2007'

    'February 2007'

    'March 2007'

    'April 2007'

    'May 2007'

    'June 2007'

    'July 2007'

    'August 2007'

    'September 2007'

    'October 2007'

    'November 2007'

    'December 2007'

    'January 2008'

    'February 2008'

    'March 2008'

    'April 2008'

    'May 2008'

    'June 2008'


    picture design: © Alexander Karpenko 2005 | aikart@pisem.net or AiK-art
    skin: slayerette
    image font: adine kirnberg script