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i want my la la land
Sunday, September 30, 2007

still rem the days where we had to sing the children day song in pri sch ..
'ahem' Sama sama maju ke hadapan. Pandai cari pelajaran ... lolz.
those were the days

Anyhoos, went out with my classmates for two days straight and im glad i did enjoy myself. well, we dont reali have the chance to socialise that much in class. So on friday, they had a last min plan to hang out and since i was invited, why not. 'grins'
Then the next day, i planned an iftar with them. lolz. Initially there should be around 10 to 11 of us going but ended up only 5 that went - me, drey, norman, patrick and daniel. And of coz not forgetting the restaurant owner himself, Haresh. Yup we had dinner at his restaurant in River Valley called Spize. I reali love the Nasi Pattaya. But before dinner, 5 of us hang around Great World City first since we had bout an hour plus to spare. Dinner was totally filling and yummy-licious. =) And after dinner, had our little chat that lasted for more than 2 hours! lolz.

Speaking of Iftar, Rita, my ex-colleague from my previous SIP co. called to invite for an iftar at Mr Syah house. Im planning to go. For the food. hahaha

And regarding my previous post of my thumdrive that died on me, i think it's officially RIP along with all my projects. Cant believe how relaxed i am. It's not as if i have any back-up. But wats the use of me panicking and crying coz i still have to re-do everything all over again. And the already done 800 words indv reflective report for ROM, i reali cant rem what i've typed. sigh. I shall not buy that brand anymore. hUmpH ..

And and Prison Break 3, Ugly Betty 2, Heroes 2, Grey Anatomy 4 and Bones 3 is already airing!! wee~

12 more days to fasting ..


9/30/2007 07:42:00 PM

Saturday, September 29, 2007
ArgHHhh!! feel like screaming and crying but at the same time trying to calm myself down. My thumbdrive just died on me with all my projects and research (ones that are done and ones halfway done) all gone!!! HOW!! anyone knows if i can recover it all!!!! HELP!!!


9/29/2007 09:42:00 AM

two weeks of fasting
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The two weeks of fasting has been passing by fast and had been lotsa fun! The first week was breaking fast with the primary school peepz, then the following week, the secondary school peepz and coming saturday, with my SIM peepz!! wee~ the only ppl im missing now is my Nadi gang and my poly mates.

Just watched the movie 'If Only' recommended by Damien and omg-ness lah!! it's reali touching and im now addicted to the songs that was sung by Jennifer Love Hewitt in the movie. Should reali watch the show and u'll realise how it is to really appreciate and treasure the one you love. 'grins'

Presentation for ROM coming friday. The first since i started studying in SIM. anticipating it but as usual i always have cold feet during presentations. aRGh! i should have gotten used to this mannn .. been doing presentations throughout my poly life.

Anyhoos, got back 3 of our projects back and im soo happy with the results. For FHMT we got a B, i passed my PDP and IHRM, we got an A!!! and i pray i can keep up with this for my other projects.

Finally, today will be my last day teaching the pri 3 kid that stays at Bedok. Partly, im sadden to the thought that i will have to leave without making much difference but another part, im excited to finally be free of him!! waha. coz after a long day at sch and without sleeping at night due to projects, i still have to tolerate his rudeness and nonesense. haiz. not that i hate kids. i love my other two tutees but him, i cant take the tiredness anymore.

630pm already .. time to set the table . toOdleS

9/26/2007 11:54:00 AM

self reflection
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Interesting bout me that i should note:-

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:Y
ou are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.


9/22/2007 08:43:00 PM

the happenings
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Sleep is a luxury nowadays. when i do get to sleep i wish i can cont'd doing so the whole day. Nowadays, either i can only get a 3 to the most 5 hours of sleep or non at all. I never been so exhausted in my life and still have to push myself to continue on. The tired-ness of it all is slowly taking an effect on my body. Still i have tons of assignments and projects on my have-to-do-lists. Everthing doesnt seems to end.

Today is already a week since we started fasting. It's reali zooming past. 3 more weeks to go before Raya - not that im looking forward to it.

And yest was a blast! had iftar (breaking of fast tog) with my pri sch mates. Just the normal 3 of us as usual - Mas, Nokz and me. Went to Seoul Garden at Bugis again whereby it was filled with the usual crazy talks, lots of laughing and food. After that, since it was still early, mas suggested that we take a walk ... a very long walk. And stupidly and wanting to go tru a new experience and adventure, we agreed. And so we started our walk from Bugis MRT station all the way to Paya Lebar MRT. yes .. we walked THAT far for 2 hours frm 830pm - 1030pm! *faints. Actually our aim was till Eunos or better yet Kembangan but i was too tired already and my feet started to cramp from all the walking. So i opted to take the bus instead. haha. but throughout the walk it had been doubly fun. with more laughter and craziness. it's never a bore with them girls.

Cant wait for coming sat iftar with my sec sch mates now. haha ..

i need another week of real break frm sch. The previous one week break wasnt a break at all. sigh


9/19/2007 05:39:00 AM

the year is here
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I'M 21!!! wahhhhh .. the big 2-1 is actually here.

SingS ..
HappY birthdAy tO aSy
hAppY bIrthDay To Asy
haPpy biRthdAY, hApPy BirThdAy
HapPy bIrtHdaY tO mEeeEE ..

So funnie that last year when it was my birthday, that day was the second day of my SIP and today, it's the second day of the fasting month and im the second born in the family. waha .. abit not related but somehow my life revolves around the no. 2 .. hmmm .. my lucky no. mayb?

Officially today i'll get my key of freedom!! Not that i was ever locked up.

And a bday shoutout to dad too!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!! to those who doesnt kno, i hav the same bday as him! wee~

And my agenda today to celebrate my bday .. to finish up MICE project. 'dotz'


9/13/2007 06:08:00 PM

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My youngest brother is the cutest lah. i didnt expect to get any prezie from him for my coming bday but he actually saved up to buy me something. And it was something im currently in need of. My hp crystal casing had already cracked and i have to resort to scotch tape-ing it together before buying a new one which i predicted in a few days time. And suddenly today, he presented me this mini gift that is wrapped in a cute pooh bear wrapping paper which initially i tout was only a bar of choc. haa~ Instead it was a new crsytal casing for my hp and he actually got my hp model right! impressive!! love him to bits

Today went johor with mum since it was the only off day i hav before the fasting month starts. Planned to go there early around 10am but i overslept since i only slept at 4am. Objective of goin there was to find a tailor that makes a full set of ladies' business suit coz mum said my biz suit i have now is not long enuf for me. waha. Went through the whole of Larkin but the shops there only tailors for baju kurungs. haiz .. wasted our journey there. at least got to buy some dunkin donuts back. yummy ..
So headed to JB to a nearesr shopping mall (which i forgot the name) and finally found one tailor shop. Chose the type of material i want, showed him how the design of the suit should be, took my measurements, negotiated the price and after 45mins of doing all that, we're done!! Think will only collect it after raya. mum told the shop owner it was no rush. =) yay!! my biz suit is on its way!! wee~

counting down to ...

Ramadan - 2 days
My 21st - 3 days

And found out we had a new project to do!!! aRghHHhh .. FMHT somemore .. *faints
They are so not satisfied in killing us already. but to bring us back to life and killing us again is inhuman i tell u! haizzzz ...


9/11/2007 03:19:00 PM

advance 21st
Monday, September 10, 2007
Yesterday was fun fun fun. Though it had cost me a bomb, im glad i had the celebration. 'grins' Thanks so much for those who took the effort to come by. It realli means alot. Terribly sorry though if i was a bad host. waha. but i truly hope everyone enjoyed themselves with the food.

Went for a late shopping with 2 of my bro and my sis at Giants the day before. Then spent half the night baking yummyliciouz brownies. Overslept (haha) and woke up to prepare all the last min stuff before heading down to the chalet. The place was totally cool-ness and supposedly, we should only occupy a bench and a bbq pit but ended up conquering the other benches around us since there was no one else bbq-ing. haa~ Started the pit around 5+pm when finally all the food came and ppl started arriving about 6pm i think.

With wonderful frens around and for once a great family gathering, i didnt feel bad not touching my MICE .. well .. till now. haha. Speaking of MICE, it will be due friday at 12pm and im still halfway done. dead me .. haiz.

Had to make this post short and sweet coz i've got tutoring soon. dreading .. lolz

Pics will be up soon. =)


9/10/2007 11:37:00 AM

Wednesday, September 05, 2007
It's only wednesday. or more precisely from my watch, a thursday, but im already drained up. I've been forcing myself to stay awake every night and only sleeping past 2am to get some of my research and assignments done. I need a break! juz a whole full day of sleep pls. *yawns

Was on my way back from tuition juz now and as usual passed by TP. And everytime i do, i will start to reminise my past 3 years there. I cant believe that i still misses my days there. And as i cont'd thinking (something bad to do sometimes .. waha), i realise how fast the it all had passed by. I used to dream, to aim to cont'd my studies in TP. i didnt even planned to futhur my studies till my last year there. And seeing how it all comes and goes as fast, i bet my time spent on this degree will fly too. And after that, no more reason for me to not stepping into the working world. Im too comfortable in juz studying though it sometimes tires me out. but acquiring new knowledge and meeting new frens is where my comfort zone is for now. sigh .. for my sake, i hope time will take its time and crawl past instead.

And ignore my previous post that im leaving on the first. Might be changed back to the 3rd. To make things simpler take it between the 2nd to the 4th that i will fly off. Everything will be confirmed by end this month i hope.

Im gona miss out FBA teacher wen he leaves to go back IMI. waha


9/05/2007 07:14:00 PM

money matters
Monday, September 03, 2007
Woke up late for school. Instead of setting my alarm at 630, i set my radio to on at 630 BUT didnt turn it on. dotz .. so in order not to be late (i still was..) took the taxi from home. OMG-ness lah the money i had to fork out - 18 freaking bucks!! from tamp to clementi. *faints

Nowadays i realise im getting lesser sleep but miraculously i can survive a whole day. From juggling school and projects and tutoring, i can call myself a superwoman. haa~ to me thats it.

And today, was the starting of FBA. Mr Caldwell had to come all the way frm IMI Switz to teach us the subject. And i totally like his teaching style. I can still remember what was being discussed in class!! waha .. if all teachers in IMI have the same teaching style, im gona like studying there. Actually im looking forward to next year already. We got to kno more info of what to expect but there will be more to come. And there's 23 nationalities studying in the campus alone .. haa~ .. gona be an interesting mix of new frens and cultures. As if u hav the whole world in ur school.

Oh and my announcement of the date i be flying, i think it will be earlier instead as we gota be in IMI by 2nd Jan for an orientation on the 3rd Jan.

And im pairing up with brainy for FBA project ... pinky and the brain unite! lolz .. crappy mann ..

Okie back to MICE .. tOodLEs

9/03/2007 06:24:00 PM

FHMT .. ermmmm
Saturday, September 01, 2007
hElPpPp!!! i dont get what this teacher is saying!! im totally very absolutely lost. the agony!! wats more its finance subject. One that im very weak in. aRgHhh .. 2 more hours before class ends .. dotz. shall do my MICE project instead i guess. waha.

A long time day yest! didnt sleep the whole night due to doing PDP portfolio, then went straight to school like a zombie. Had a short project discussion before went Tong Seng-ing coz i had a craving for something soupy. AND saw Ms J.D there!!! but she juz finished had lunch and had to rush back to work. Then after tuition, slept a whole 12hrs till 1030am today. hehe

And to those who wants to know when i'll be flying off .. it will either be on the 3rd or 4th of January!! wee~ i get to celebrate New Year's day in Spore!! quick book me for this might be the last time u'll get to see me. waha

Coming week, the only subject we will be learning is FBA (food & beverage admin) which will be taught by an angmo lecturer straight from IMI. Hopefully other than juz the content of the subject that he'll be covering, he can tell us what to expect when we fly there soon.

okie .. MICE time (oh we got another one week extension for the submission dateline!!) ..


(im turning 21 soon .. oHnOooo .. haha)

9/01/2007 08:52:00 AM

an intro

~ AsYUrAh rOsLAn~
~ 21 yRs ~
~ 14 sEpT 1986 ~
~ SIM & IMI, Swiss ~
~ BA (hons) in int'l tourism & events ~
~ MaLAy mUsLIm ~
~ nar_alien@hotmail.com ~

more to kno

* tALL * cHeErFuL * sunflower *
* coNTenTeD * hApPy *
* ChoCoLaTeS * bEaRs *
* boOkwoRm * sPeciAL *
* tRaVeL * yELLow *
* mIrAcLeS * piAnO *
* mOviEz * MuSiC *
* vIrGo * hOteLs/eVEntS *
* yOGa * gUItAr * * fAirYtALe * dAydReaM *
* iSoLAtiOn * mAgiC *

:: aSpirAtiOns ::

1.coMplEte mY dEgrEe with a min of sec hons
2.fAll iN lOvE
3.mY drEaM jOb
4.wOrk iN duBai
5.LivE a fULfiLLinG LifE wiTh mY fAmiLy & fReNs

beautiful souls

  • anz
  • cleo
  • dee
  • elena
  • g.w
  • j.d
  • mas
  • mel
  • mich
  • nickizah
  • nad.z
  • nadi-ians
  • nokz
  • rad
  • siok
  • u-ka
  • zila


    back in time

    'August 2004'

    'September 2004'

    'October 2004'

    'November 2004'

    'December 2004'

    'January 2005'

    'February 2005'

    'March 2005'

    'April 2005'

    'May 2005'

    'June 2005'

    'July 2005'

    'August 2005'

    'September 2005'

    'October 2005'

    'November 2005'

    'December 2005'

    'January 2006'

    'February 2006'

    'March 2006'

    'April 2006'

    'May 2006'

    'June 2006'

    'July 2006'

    'August 2006'

    'September 2006'

    'October 2006'

    'November 2006'

    'December 2006'

    'January 2007'

    'February 2007'

    'March 2007'

    'April 2007'

    'May 2007'

    'June 2007'

    'July 2007'

    'August 2007'

    'September 2007'

    'October 2007'

    'November 2007'

    'December 2007'

    'January 2008'

    'February 2008'

    'March 2008'

    'April 2008'

    'May 2008'

    'June 2008'


    picture design: © Alexander Karpenko 2005 | aikart@pisem.net or AiK-art
    skin: slayerette
    image font: adine kirnberg script