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Sunday, April 29, 2007
Time check: 4.20am

Bout a few minutes ago just finished watching Full House. waha. Im really addicted to all the K-dramas.

Anyhoos, remember my application to SIM ... well ... i rec'd the letter on Saturday and ... I GOT IN!! 'do happy dance'

I cant wait of the possibilities that im goin to go tru wen sch starts in June. But before that, reality sinks in and now im really worried. I dont kno how it's gonna be settled but since this path have been set for me, i hope the journey on will help .. oh god pls help.

And im so getting use to all these tourists character/behavoirs. Some could really just make you wanna shot them down while some just makes your day.
Nonetheless, i just love doin it. Mayb thats why im excited to contd my studies in my course and awaiting the opportunities to do what i love.

The weather nowadays have been really unpredictable. From very very extremely sunny to a very very bad thunderstorms which stops all of a sudden. Hopefully, cming sat & sunday, the weather will be on my side and may it will not be too sunny nor rains. I have activities planned with mum and sis.

And lately, or it's just recently, i have been doin some thinking. But i think i shall keep it to the back of my head. Coz i've promised my diary that i wont speak or even think of it anymore. I've lose hope on it already. hmmm ...

I just hope i do get into school so i can concentrate on being busy. Too much slacking can just kill you in more ways you cant imagine. waha


~ My touts ~
It's only a matter of time
That it will occur
Im worried and excited
But at the same time im dreading it
Like life, its unpredictable
For now i hope it wont happen
I've things planned,
I've others to worry about
It wont help if it does
Just go away for now
I've close the door for its entry
Stay far away

~ All our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them ~


4/29/2007 10:20:00 PM

eat, sleep, slack, abit of wer .. repeat
Thursday, April 26, 2007
3rd shift at UWW today. covered for Nadia and it was my first time closing aloneeee .. it was okie i guez. Morning till afternoon crowd was already sooo slow. Come evening after ET left i was totally totally bored to death. After doing wat i suppose to - printing of adv tixs, setting aside float money, count cash etc etc, im left at looking at my own reflection. In the end, took silly pixs of myself frm my hp camera, sing out loud with the radio and welcome the unwanted visitors that consists of mainly flying ants. hahahaha ...

Back at THAT place .. well onli for a moment due to this thingy. donno if it's settled or not but WTH having me blamed. The amount of money i handle now is much much more that i ever held throughout my time there. And why should i do such a thing wen there was alot for me to lose.

Took the grad robe and im surprisingly surprise that it was actually nice. Hee .. The downside of it, there's no hat thingy to make it nicer. hehe ..

Now still clueless, stationary and i hate waiting. how long more??

And i love my bro's bike!! totally cool-ness lah.. will post a pic of it soon. It's just that i love having someone to sent me and pick me up which for today he did. haha .. but at the end of the trips, my butt aches. hahaha .. but it's saves my time taking the mrt and bus.
So im still on a mission to find a bf who hav a car so that he can chauffer me ard. wahahaha ..

This entry is totally random and all over the place. Read if u muz but if u dont understand, neither do some. hee .. go figure.


4/26/2007 07:44:00 PM

The phantom of the opera
Sunday, April 22, 2007
THE day came and go. Awaited for the 22nd of april to come more than a month ago and finally the day had gone by. The best 2 1/2hrs of my life and oh how much i was smiling throughout the entire time.

Im refering to The Phantom Of The Opera my dear frens who was thinking otherwise. I was expecting it to be wonderful but it far exceeded my expectation coz it was extremely, superbly excellent. The scene change, the props, the characters and the oh so addictive songs. Me and sis was humming and singing to it all the way home. It was worth every single cent that i fork out. Im glad that of all productions, the choice i made to be my first in the esplanade is this. What more could i ask for. haha .. hmmm .. mayb either make the programme booklet cheaper or free. haha .. oh and the two ppl in front of us keep leaning forward thus blocking our view to certain parts of the stage. In order for me to see the happenings on the whole stage, i too hae to lean forward. how irritating. u can actually see fine even wen leaning back. jakun-ness ppl. xP

After researching on the whole Esplanade for one of my school assignment, i could finally actually watch a performance inside. For someone like me, i dont mind saving and spending more for a worth watching production. Arts is love for me and sis. Juz watching great theatre shows, musicals, dramas etc can make me the happiest girl at that moment - A note for future boyfren. haha (note, there's no 's' in boyfren coz im refering to the one. lol)

time check:- 6.10am

and im still wide awake. Juz less than 1/2 hr ago, i finally finished watching the korean drama series - My Girl. Recommended it to mum to watch it since now she's hook to korean dramas and she actually rented it!! waha. Ouh how i love mum so much! haha .. and the price of watching, not enuf sleep for nights. hahaha ..

And .. replies to tags:-

crapazoid: thxs dearie. ur a great fren that im glad to get to kno. i wish u gd luck to u too! jiayou to us!!

julie: i kno u'll be there always and back at you too. beep me anytime. HUGS .. and yupyup found it out frm my fren too. So ex mann juz for the robe. haiz. haha

Aisha: hee .. i hope so too. thankiez!! and good luck for your SIP. =)

okie .. eyelids totally heavy. have fun to those starting school in a few hrs time .. hehe .. tOodlEs

a peekon wat i saw:

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4/22/2007 11:55:00 PM

blessed be
Friday, April 20, 2007
Finally .. went to hand in my application to SIM. The school was impressive and hugigantic. haha

Wen we arrive, everyone was mugging and studying and filling up all the empty benches with books, notes and colourful stationeries. Somehow i can imagine myself studying at a similiar situation. And pardon me for saying this, but i miss mugging for exams! haha. Esp wen i did it tog with di. Im gonna miss our studying week sessions mannn.. haha

Met audrey for lunch at BK and headed out to Clementi bout 2 hrs later. The journey was super long and super ulu. haa .. After the summary talk held with regards to the course we decide to venture in, we found out only 13 places were left!!! ARgHhHh .. Hopefully our entry to the course wld be smooth sailing. Imagine 3 courses with only 30 students!! such competition. Really shows how many people are actually wanting to futhur their studies in HTM. 3 more agonising weeks to wait for the outcome. haizzz ..

Brainy .. we shd meet again!! Queue for donuts and go eat at Tong Seng. Haha. Im glad the course im doin is together with you. HUGS!!

On a seperate note:-

My horoscope for today:-
You are never truly alone, even if you're going through a solo phase. You can always rely on your friends for the support you need -- emotional or otherwise. When was the last time you took stock of the people you choose to be in your life? It would do you a world of good to remind yourself how lucky you are to know the people you know. Today, send some sweet emails or text messages just to let those people know that you think they are pretty special. Keep the love going!

Looking back at it, i do feel lucky. Thanks to peepz whom have been there for me. Who have part of lifes shared with me and me with them. The fun times, crazy times, the laughters and even thing else in between, i thank you from the bottom of my heart for it all.

The primary school frens
The secondary school frens
The poly frens
The CCA frens
The deli frens
The UWW frens
The SIP frens
The camps frens

I would list people's name down, but im afraid i might miss out some who had impacted my life one way or another. Coz every person, every fren and every acquaintance ive met and known have change parts of the life im living now.

Thank You


4/20/2007 06:07:00 PM

Should i give up studying
Thursday, April 19, 2007
So does that mean i should give up studying?

In the back of my mind and my heart i do not want to. I wanna contd so by the time i step into the working world, i could gain more. Diploma nowadays is easily to find frm most people. I want to step up and be better - for once.

Aunt came by and starts asking qns. If i hav a job yet. If no why not since i've already hav my diploma. What sch im applying. How much is the fees. Do i get any scholarships or burseries. haizzz ..

Upon hearing the fees that i hav to pay she asked. "How are you going to pay since both u and ur sis wana contd study?"

I reali hope god has something planned for me to help me out. As said before, im at a crossroad unsure which path i should take. im tired of sitting down here, clueless and lost.

Someone, anyone who knows anybody who can fund my studies tell me .. haa


And i should stop hoping to fit in. If ppl do forget me, be it. im okie with it. Heck, i should be use to it already.


~ Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are ~

4/19/2007 07:40:00 AM

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
And so, bored to death from staying at home and of my stoopid headache .. sooo .. to put my mind to concentrate on something else, i decided to bake. cookies this time. and less than 2 days, the 60+ cookies i baked were gobbled up by my siblings. i had plans for the cookies!! to only eat if im totally hungry in the wee hrs of the morning since i nw only sleep usually after 2am or later. ahahz

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cookiezzzzzz .. =P

Then today, since mum was soo engrossed with the korean tv series (Be strong, Geum-Soon!) that she borrowed (7 cds mind you) and wanting to end it all by tmr, i decided to cook dinner instead. haa .. since there was the already defrosted chix waiting to be cooked, i decided to put my culinary skills to practice. hahaha .. and thinking it mite not be enuf, add another dish to the menu. Thus, the menu for dinner was:-

1) Baked chicken with carrots ... and ...
2) Potato and chicken chowder.


didnt reali followed the recipe .. juz did wat i remembered doin before ( did both of it in sch b4 during culinary class ) but with a lot of changes while following my tastebuds & instinct. hahahaha

but it turn out great!!

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baked chicken

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baked chix & potato chowder

On a similar note, elder sis wana bake a cake tmr. nthing special. juz to bake for fun. haa ..


4/17/2007 05:45:00 PM

back of my mind
Monday, April 16, 2007
It's funnie wen one day you feel too tired of living anymore and the next, ur anticipating where it'll take you next. Mayb bcoz realising it or not, we hav dreams and plans for what we want to achieve and at the back of our minds, we can visually see how it all work out in the end.

Slept the whole day yesterday due to the unbearable headache and the loss of my voice. By sleeping, i can prevent frm eating anymore panadols that doesnt help and also frm talking to anyone thus preserving my voice. Due to the hours and hours of sleep, i couldnt sleep the whole of last nite. Stayed up to watch movies ... long time ago movies that i still love. To name a few, she's all that and the perfect man. Ironically, love story type of movies thingy. haa .. juz wanna smile for no reason. haha.

It had been a while since i last saw the sunrise. And as i look out to the morning skylight, it caught me short and i stopped breathing for a few seconds. The view was truly magnificient and it hit me there and then - how wonderful god creation is. As the sun starts to rise, the colours it bring out gives hope showing a new day is arriving and to start everything fresh. note to self: i need to go live near to nature more even if it's for only a month.

Rite now i hate not doing anything. My plans are now stationary and unmovable untill some things gets settled and confirmed. Im juz looking forward to sunday this week - Phantom of the opera @ the esplanade. Time pls fly.

And something random, i found a way to destress .. baking .. im falling in love with baking. muffins and cookiez done. next to try, choc cakes and brownies .. hee


~ everyone dies but only some people lives ~

4/16/2007 04:02:00 AM

Business Opportunity
Thursday, April 12, 2007

If u hav an eye for business or u would like to make an investment as a shareholder .... look no futhur.

ILUF International Pte Ltd
* e-commerce business
* commission based on global profit sharing.

With only a minimum amount of US50, you will get back about 6 times of what u put in at a minumim time period of a month to a maximum of 6 month. If after 6 mth, there is no increase in ur shares, money back guarantee is assured.

No product selling or any selling what-so-ever. A fast and new way to see ur money grow. To learn more, contact me back and i'll shall explain more to u and see hw it can benefit u.

Grab on to this opportunity now and call me!!

ps: check on www.iluf.biz

4/12/2007 06:10:00 PM

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
My horoscope message:-
Nothing in your life is written in stone, and you have to accept that things can change with little or no notice. Everything is fluctuating in your life right now, and it would do you some good to try to go with the flow -- be like a surfer riding a bodacious wave. You can choose to flail about and try to fight the current, but you'll only tire yourself out and feel like you failed. If you go with the flow, you will experience a rush of excitement -- and power.

My throat hurts and im having stomach uneasiness and i wish i could juz dissapear. I think im somehow am suffering frm a slight depression. I have no idea when and how or why but mayb i lost the feeling of looking forward to something when i wake up everyday.

But im alright. Truly. Mayb rite now. from where im standing, the sun has yet to come out. It's just the days where it rains non-stop and wen it doesnt, it's just drizzling or cloudy or just that the earth stop spinning leaving me stuck in the night time.

On a more cheefully separate note, watched Because I Said So with sis yesterday. An interesting storyline and in some parts, i choked up frm tears. I didnt cry but was just touched. Unlike wen i watched A Walk To Remember, tears actually keep rolling down my cheeks. haha. Then, a bit of retail therapy for sis and pizza hut again for dinner.

And currently to fill up my boredom, been stuck with a book by Nora Roberts and oh how i wish i could live in the coutryside. Away from tall buidings everytime i look out the wondow or hearing noises from vehicles passing by.
I just want to see the endless horizon stretched out. To breath in the cool morning air and late nights atmosphere while swinging on the porch enjoying freshly baked cookies and a glass of milk while wrapping myself in a nice toasty warm blanket with a book by my side. And to enjoy the early morning sunrise and the late evening sunset. To fill my time with endless baking in the kitchen or drawing non-sensical pictures that only i could interpret or get engross in books that test my mind or just bring me away from reality and get lost in the world im reading about.
Or mayb i can imagine my life near the beach, doin exactly what i've said above but as a plus, i could have morning or night walks by the beach and have the crashing waves sounds as a bedtime lullaby.
Or mayb a cottage in the woods, where i can actually have an advanture of my own, trekking and discovering.
I know that all that i just stated wont exactly come true but mayb i just add in to my wishlist coz as they say .. somehow wishes do come true if you really believe. hahaha

back to fill my time with nothingness. im too bored that i become to lazy when my room is shouting for me to clean it up and my laudry basket for me to clear. haizzzz .. i really need to dissapear. haa ..


4/11/2007 05:32:00 PM

pics of everything
Sunday, April 08, 2007
the past few weeks had been filled with never ending outings and fun-ness. SO here are the pics to enjoy .. coz im abit lazy to describe em' all in vivid details. haha. so enjoy!!


i kno this is way way overdue but still .. a moment that to be remembered. hee

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Nadi-ian 07

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Oldie & Newbie Nadi

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us and props!!


After a stressful week of pentas, it was time to celebrate!! To celebrate the successful staging of Pentas Janji and the rise of new Nadi sub comm members. It was the best outing!! A great day spent with wonderful peepz!!

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pit stop to take pic .. haha

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Ms J.D and me

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mua and crazyly unique ain .. haa

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nad w and me

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buffet spread ..

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first twister grp

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second twister grp

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complicated third twister group

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playin the thinking game

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girls out loud

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taiti den .. haa

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heart attack!!!

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girls bowling


Love this three girls to bits!! They made my werk life in deli the last time fun & memorable. glad tt even we are busy with our own stuff, we still have time to spare to meet. HUGGIEZ!

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sophie, me and liana

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our yummy food

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i-scream .. yummy


If some of u didnt kno. TP's PPP last yr was to be restaged agn for the launch of this yr PPP. Held at Arts House and i tink it'll be fun all over agn. Except i cant be involve anymore. sadness .. anyhoos, went for the restaged and after that hung out with them Nadians agn for pizzas and cam-whoring. haa

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at the arts house

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waiting for entry

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girl power

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our table

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the other table

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our bill .. waha

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fantastic five .. haha

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face up

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everyonee who cam-whored

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look up

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though blurred but i love it!


thxs fie for lending us ur hse and ur hospitality. it was damn tiring staring at the tv for hours but it was funnn!! we shd do it agn. soon! 'winks winks'

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all who came

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concentratinggg .. haa

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all who were left at the end of the day

PHEW .. finally all donee ..


4/08/2007 06:25:00 PM

Thursday, April 05, 2007
Im extremely in an emo-ed mood since yesterday night. The time of the month i guez but i never ever have a moment of PMS-ing before this year and i tink this month is the worst. Mayb age is catching up. Hate this feeling of over sensitivity. Or mayb there's too much on my mind rite now. Too many in fact that i dont even kno where to begin. I just hope that as this so called wonderful journey of life continues, everything will get better.

Im forsee-ing myself stuck at a crossroad. Not a two way crossroad but i tink a four of five way that i desperately need to pick one. But im clueless on which path is the best coz once i venture into one, it'll be the point of no return. And so ... i just prefer to sit and stare into nothingness which i think thats wat im doing at this current moment. So excuse my fake smile or laughter for now. Im trying to find me back.

On a totally seperate seperate note, can i have dimitri (in anastasia) as my guy. ](ps to julie - i will still fight for jensen though) hahaha. Mayb for now my perfect guy is in fairy tales and tv series. Im not prepared for reality yet.

And i tink im gonna try tutoring. Any one who needs any tutors for those frm K1-Pri 6 lemmi kno. 'grins' ..

I'll end todays post with a song that's stuck in my head. tOodlEs

Anatasia sountrack - Journey to the past

Heart, don't fail me now!
Courage, don't desert me!
Don't turn back now that we're here.
People always say Life is full of choices.
No one ever mentions fear!
Or how the world can seem so vast
On a journey ... to the past.

Somewhere down this road I know someone's waiting
Years of dreams just can't be wrong!
Arms will open wide.
I'll be safe and wanted
Fin'lly home where I belong.
Well, starting now, I'm learning fast
On this journey to the past

Home, Love, Family.
There was once a time I must have had them, too.
Home, Love, Family, I will never be complete Until I find you...

One step at a time,
One hope, then another,
Who knows where this road may go
Back to who I was,
On to find my future.
Things my heart still needs to know.
Yes, Let this be your sign,
Let this road be mine!
Let it lead me to my past
And bring me home...
At last!

4/05/2007 07:56:00 PM

title-less random entry
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Parents start you off on life but friends get you through it

Mayb it's just me but i sometimes feel im bad at being a fren. I try to be a good one. Mayb a least a fren but it seems as the years goes pass i dont qualify to be one. You know when we were younger, when we label our frens as just frens, good frens, close frens and best frens, so which part of that category do i fit into.

Somehow i came up with this conclusion. Mayb the reason why i do not get too close with anyone that much is mayb bcoz there's this rules that frens tell frens everything. And im not prepared to tell people bout my life secrets and i myself sometimes do not wish to know others as it means it adds to more of my problems which in the first place is hard for me to carry. Selfish huh. I know. Haiz.

But that doesnt mean i dont care. You can share part of ur life story to me and i will definately do the same but to an extend i suppose. Trust is the word that i feel is hard to come by.

And hav u in a particular moment, even when u are surrounded with great people it's hard for you to smile. You seriously do not hav a problem but you just cant smile. Even if you do, you kno it's so plastic. Funnily, at that particular moment you just feel that you wish to go somewhere - quiet, peaceful and with a company that you feel extremely comfortable with even without any words spoken.

But sometimes to be forgotten completely it hurts and mayb bcoz if that i learn never to expect too much from someone too much.
I do wonder then, since frenship hurt-ness sometimes juz kills how bout love hurt-ness. wouldnt you feel like dying? And so now you kno why wen u ask me if i ever be in love, my simple answer will be no and i dont plan to for a long time i guez. haa .. Weird isnt it that i've given up on love wen i never even experience it. Well .. love comes in lots of different form. Mayb the ones i've received so far is just sufficent enuf.

Im so unsure of what im looking for and seek to find. Time is ticking and im slowly reaching THE age of 'freedom'. Freedom to what i havent got the slight idea. What im worried about now is to survive. Im so afraid of the future. Should i just giv up what i wana persue now for the sake of my siblings? right now im totally not helping. haiz


4/04/2007 08:14:00 PM

Outing & Baking
Sunday, April 01, 2007
WARNING!! super long entry below.

First outing:- Audrey belated bday celebration

ppl involved: me, audrey, su & nad

The four of us decided to go Seoul Garden. Meeting was at 1pm but me & su reached at 2pm!!! wahaaa .. not only we missed the stop but had something to do b4 meeting the rest. haa.

Anyhoos, i think i ate tremendously a lot!! me and su keep gorging ourself non-stop till there no way we could eat anything else except ... ice -cream!! haha. a great way to end a delicious meal.

den headed to shop & save or was it cold storage to buy the ingredients i lack for baking my muffins tonite. Yesh! im baking for two days in a row! ahahz. It was my first time ever baking muffins and i hope it'll turn out great.

Then one by one had to leave and left with only me & su where we rested our heavy stomach in the library.haha. left bout 6pm to go meet my mum at Bishan for maulidur rasul.

thanks girls for the delicious outing. It was love to see all of u. hee .. 'HUGS'


Reached Bisha exactly at 630pm. Shared a cab with this two unknown old couple to the mosque which was located near Mediacorp station but deeper. It was sooo ulu. If im not wrong it's the Omar Salmah mosque. hee

Anyhoos, the selawat & everything started frm ishak onwards for bout 1 1/2hrs. Ended at bout 1130pm!! and i've yet to go home and bake muffins!! but wat i loved bout this maulid thing is every muslims will recite the selawat together and there's this feeling of peacefulness. and as you recite and understanding some of the meaning, you'll reflect back to ur pass deeds and sins and somehow u realise how ignorant you've been all this while.

Took the mrt back to tampines and walked all the way home since we've missed the last bus. Upon reaching home, i realise i can't start baking yet as i was lacking with some ingredients. So both my bros volunteered to accompany me to the 24 hours Prime supermarket that is located near the 'pasar' to get it. We cycled there and by the time i reached home, i was sooo exhausted!! the last time i cycled was like 3 years ago!! it had been that long!! i wondered how am i to survived tmr cycling with the nadi-ans.

Baking started at 3am and i forsee myself not sleeping tonite. With my two bro and my youngest sister, we started. My muffins this time was not what i help my older sis did. It's totally choc muffins with cuppacino icing. haa ..

Followed the ingredients as close as possible and the results that we came up was that the batter was sooo muffin like batter type. i was sooo afraid that it turned out wrong so after preheating the oven, did a test run with 2 muffins. ANDDD ... it turned out superbly wonderful! i was over the moon.

As sis contd filling in the batter to the individual muffins cups and my 3rd bro started on the icing, me and my 4th bro did the 2nd batter. As more muffins are being done, time seems to have flew. Three batter were made while the icing had to be made twice and after the last batch of muffins were cooked, time check was 6.30am!!! Luckily we ate the extra super large new york pizza yest and sooo i packed the muffins in the box with icing all ready and decorated! It fits in exactly 40 muffins!! yay-ness. finally rested for a while at 7am and woke up at 8am!!! i was late!! had only 1/2 to get ready! luckily the meeting place was under my block!

second outing: Nadi get together
ppl involved: 'you'll find out soon'

Met them (julie, azm, nad n, aqilah) under my block bout 8.40pm. Went to pick ain up and all of us squeeze like sardines in Nad N bro the car. But it was better than having to take the bus. haha

Reached East Coast Park (ECP) bout 9am (we were totally early!) and find a shelter for us. One by one ppl starts appearing and by noon the whole gang was there, all 15 of us (the earlier six of us plus suhaila, haikal, hanifi, shahid, nad w, rabz, mamat, farhan and radiah).

Played cards in the beginning of the afternoon (UNO & taiti) den came the twister game! We were divided into 3 groups and i tink the last group was really twisted the worst lah. haha.

Then all of us except kal, fie and shahid went cycling. We cycled from one end to the other end (jetty) and back for one hour non-stop. I was soo prepared for muscle aches later. Reaching back, me and nad n started eating the spread of dealicious food. The cycling had taken all my energy away. Oh and they loved my muffins and cookiez!! so the one hr sleep was worth it!!

Followed that, more taiti game. haha. we combined the 2 sets of cards and played with 8 ppl total! Can u believed that we played that for 1 1/2hrs! It was crazy lah.

By 630pm, we decided to pack and .... go bowling!! but by then han, rad, han, shahid, ain & aqilah had left. Played 2 sets of game. Nad W was totally great with bowling and the orange ball that she use had luck! coz those who use it everysince from the middle of the game had stikes. haha .. for the first set i came in second!! woohoo!! that wont hapen if i play with my siblings mann .. haha. but for second set i kept on losing coz my hand was already sooo aching!!!

Ended the day by opening our 'champagne' and watching nad w and kal took turn riding fie's bike. haha
Took 31 with su and nad n. Then me and nad n, we stopped in frnt of the stadium and walked home. and my whole body started aching very very badly!! Upon reaching home, ate what ever i brough back and lie down for a while in the living room. Accidentally slept and wen i woke up bout 12MN, i was stiff like a board mann.. I donno how but wen i woke up at 4am, i was on my bed and still in my clothes i wore to the beach!! hahahahaha .. but my body ache seems to get worst! ate painkillers and changed my clothes and took a quick rinse. Now im all better but my butt still hurts. haha

It was a great outing that we ever had. One of the best!! I missing them already!! Can't wait for sunday in(out)ing. haha. to fie's hse we'll goooo .. haha.
and today's is my hse bday!! happy 19th years old house!! today marks the day we first settled into this old house. hee .. and happy april fool ppl!! haha

ps: pics will be up soon. after i upload em'.

4/01/2007 09:03:00 AM

an intro

~ AsYUrAh rOsLAn~
~ 21 yRs ~
~ 14 sEpT 1986 ~
~ SIM & IMI, Swiss ~
~ BA (hons) in int'l tourism & events ~
~ MaLAy mUsLIm ~
~ nar_alien@hotmail.com ~

more to kno

* tALL * cHeErFuL * sunflower *
* coNTenTeD * hApPy *
* ChoCoLaTeS * bEaRs *
* boOkwoRm * sPeciAL *
* tRaVeL * yELLow *
* mIrAcLeS * piAnO *
* mOviEz * MuSiC *
* vIrGo * hOteLs/eVEntS *
* yOGa * gUItAr * * fAirYtALe * dAydReaM *
* iSoLAtiOn * mAgiC *

:: aSpirAtiOns ::

1.coMplEte mY dEgrEe with a min of sec hons
2.fAll iN lOvE
3.mY drEaM jOb
4.wOrk iN duBai
5.LivE a fULfiLLinG LifE wiTh mY fAmiLy & fReNs

beautiful souls

  • anz
  • cleo
  • dee
  • elena
  • g.w
  • j.d
  • mas
  • mel
  • mich
  • nickizah
  • nad.z
  • nadi-ians
  • nokz
  • rad
  • siok
  • u-ka
  • zila


    back in time

    'August 2004'

    'September 2004'

    'October 2004'

    'November 2004'

    'December 2004'

    'January 2005'

    'February 2005'

    'March 2005'

    'April 2005'

    'May 2005'

    'June 2005'

    'July 2005'

    'August 2005'

    'September 2005'

    'October 2005'

    'November 2005'

    'December 2005'

    'January 2006'

    'February 2006'

    'March 2006'

    'April 2006'

    'May 2006'

    'June 2006'

    'July 2006'

    'August 2006'

    'September 2006'

    'October 2006'

    'November 2006'

    'December 2006'

    'January 2007'

    'February 2007'

    'March 2007'

    'April 2007'

    'May 2007'

    'June 2007'

    'July 2007'

    'August 2007'

    'September 2007'

    'October 2007'

    'November 2007'

    'December 2007'

    'January 2008'

    'February 2008'

    'March 2008'

    'April 2008'

    'May 2008'

    'June 2008'


    picture design: © Alexander Karpenko 2005 | aikart@pisem.net or AiK-art
    skin: slayerette
    image font: adine kirnberg script