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baking funnn ..
Thursday, March 29, 2007
time check: 2.15am

Wat am i do up so lateee .. BAKING!! yeshyesh i really baking. and im having funnn!! haha. chocolate chip vanilla muffins & choc chip cookiez!! haha. im high on choc nw!! wanna taste my creation?? haha. only nadians goin this sat outing get to. haa ..

and soooo .. i've decided. really2 decided with brainy. We gonna go SIM to futhur our studies. Hopefully both our application will be able to get through. Then studying for a degree will be fun having her ard and i wont get home sick wen we're off off and awayyyy .. haa.

The past two days had passed very very slow. Not that im complaining. haa .. staying at home means more sleep, more slacking time and save money. ahahz. starting next month, my every saturday will be booked by werk. other days im freeee except the 5th (dentist appt), 2oth (registration to SIM) and the 22nd (phantom of the opera). I love knowing what i gonna do, what to do and have planned to do. yupyup.

okie my first batch of cookiez are doneeee .. ouhhh how i love smelling freshly baked cookiez and muffins. yummyliciouz.


3/29/2007 08:13:00 PM

It's really finally sinking in
Sunday, March 25, 2007
If i wait for the pixs to all come to me, the post bout pentas would be yesterday's news. SO lemmi start without pixs.

Had our nadi training on mon till late afternoon. wen tru everything frm stage mgt to lites & sound. Blockings only started on tues. However we only managed to cover 4 scene. The next day, everything else came. for blocking and tech run and a full run tru and it was soo a mess. i tink it was den ppl start realising how lack of time we are having. Anyhoos, thurs we came at 8am. Soon, everything was better and had a full-dress rehearsals which with accordance to when actual rehearsals started, was not bad. ended near to 10+pm. 8am once again and u shd see all the nadi-ians dead faces that morning. I love all of them for cming so early every morning and being the last to leave without complain.

Actual day finally arrives and the hectic-ness back stage was energizing. lolz. minor bumps and mistakes but i tink we did great. all of us. every single MAG-ians. With the limited amt of time we had. kudos to everyone!!

It's over ppl!!! My final and last pentas. im soo gonna miss it lots. haiz.

thxs to those who came and support! the babes, the nadi alumni, the prss mates, the samba peepz, the family and all those who were present. yayness.

ppls that im glad to have worked with:-

the four directors - Ili, Lela, Hani & Aliff.
It had been a pleasure knowing u guys and to hav worked together. My apologies if i had offended anyone unintentionally. All the best and thanks for the frenship & experience.

Producer & co-producer - Hajar & Nadiah W.
The sweetest girls i've known. Thanks for guiding me tru and answering my non stop doubts and to have supported all of us.

All SGHs of the diff subgrps that i got to kno frm all the meetings. Thank you for ur presence and to kno we all with the diff arts form interest can work tog well.

To my nadi-ans.

My chilli padi SM aisha: She may look small but dont try to test her patience. haha. It had been fun to have worked with u side by side. Thanks for being the person i kno u are and to have stepped up to the plate when u need to. HUGS

My lighting gal ain: you did it girl!!! yeah yeah. kecian seh for u having to come 8am everyday, no enuf rest den go home still hav to do cuesheets and all. im glad i was by ur side to support you!!

My sound babe shahirah and the helper farhan: yesh farhan. u've redeemed urself and thxs for ur time to hav spent with us. and shahirah no more worrying bout feedbacks!! haha. perfect sound & music at the rite time!! yayness.

My video personnel nad z (hehe) and the cameraman haikal: hopefully u guys get perfect shots for us!!! i kno u guys do. hee .. i cant wait for the vid!! cepat burn to cd! haha

The followspots peepz azm & shahid: i tink whoever does spots wld go crazy very very soon. kudos for improving and doing great!

Crews!!! the head crew julie & rad: thanks for guiding em tru and not having me worried too much. the kuncu2 - mamat, aqilah, athirah, farhanah, ahmad, shimir, asyraf, erwin, jup, reedwan and saleem, thxs for being the flash that day. u guys were great and thxs for making things possible.

dearest FM azimah: wonderful job with the limited no. of ushers and having the FOH to run smoothly.

Sweet runners parvin, suhaila and nad n: thxs for the run run running ard to get performers on time and knowing whos who for what and when. best arh u gals.

the technician abgs and ucls: thank you soo much to abg rafi, abg jai, uncle wong and uncle lim for ur constant guidance and feedback and being there.

and so the old nadi sub-comm finally stepped down on the day of Pentas. It didnt hit me that hard then but now somehow the feeling of missing all of them is slowly sinking in. 3 years in nadi had been an eye opening and unforgettable experience that had made my poly life one of the best times, It's true that julie said that you're totally diff wen ur with them than ur with ur other frens. to my dearest nadians, thank you for all the wonderful times and the frenship we've forged. frm my seniors to my freshies, every one of you had made an impact in my life. and i thank you greatly for it. And so the stepping down of my exceptional sub-comm members:-

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
the old sub-comm

and the rise of the new sub-comm members:-

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
the new sub-comm

all the best to u all. may u bring nadi to new heights!!

and to shahirah & amalina, my applaud to you for ur positions in MAG main-comm. DO MAG proud and Nadi prouder. You guys are the best peepz for the roles given. kudos.

I cant wait for our celebration outing tog on sat!! missing u guys already. Im suffering frm post-pentas syndrome!! ahahz

~Many people will walk in and out of your life,
but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart ~


3/25/2007 10:38:00 AM

it's over
Friday, March 23, 2007
todays advice:-

If you don't have a good reason to celebrate today, then think one up! Commemorate the one-year anniversary of the last time you lost your car keys, or have a toast to a day without rain. It's not very hard to find something good about your life right now, in part because your mindset is so positive lately. Set school or work problems aside. Today is for rejoicing in the fact that you are who you are in the world that you're in!

I can think of more than one very good reason to celebrate.
1) PENTAS is over! and nadi had done me proud as usual. 'grins'
2) I've finally step down as SGH. Good luck to the new nadi sub-comm members.
3) I've forged new friendship throughout the entire process of Pentas Janji. People i've worked with have been totally wonderful.
4) I've received the letter saying i've graduated!!
5) I've survived SIP .. haha

more to list but those are my current top five. haa

will update more on Pentas on my next post and will update more on the new nadi sub-comm members. Rite now im so gonna reclaim back all my precious hours of sleep. Since mon-wed been going to sch at 9am and ended quite late - bout 10pm. and the final two days 8am! till bout 11pm. i tink i will 'die' in my sleep like i did yest. haa ..

Overall, pentas had been a success. Kudos to all. TITS, NIRA, SNT, PST, NADI and all those who played a part one way or another. yayness!

time for bed. till then. Toodles!!

p/s i got red roses!! for the first time!! waha! make it sunflowers the next time k. hahahahhaha

3/23/2007 06:39:00 PM

the sudden
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
i cant believe it myself. as i was listening to my voice, it so doesnt sound like me. waha. somehow as if i was out of my body and it was someone else that was talking. Im terribly sori should i had offended anyone in particular. I was trying to protect my members and saying what was on their mind. 1000 apologies.

Pentas is like bout 2 days away. Im so hoping and praying it will turn out great. The first time i saw the whole script, i tout it was great and truthfully i still think it's wonderful.

Okie i need to do the cue sheet. but my eyeslids are sooo heavy! reporting 8am tmr all the wae to 10pm+ i tink. 'yawning' and im hungryyyy!! the last meal i had was at 2pm! 'stomach grumbling' oh well ..


3/21/2007 05:04:00 PM

the sudden
i cant believe it myself. as i was listening to my voice, it so doesnt sound like me. waha. somehow as if i was out of my body and it was someone else that was talking. Im terribly sori should i had offended anyone in particular. I was trying to protect my members and saying what was on their mind. 1000 apologies.

Pentas is like bout 2 days away. Im so hoping and praying it will turn out great. The first time i saw the whole script, i tout it was great and truthfully i still think it's wonderful.

Okie i need to do the cue sheet. but my eyeslids are sooo heavy! reporting 8am tmr all the wae to 10pm+ i tink. 'yawning' and im hungryyyy!! the last meal i had was at 2pm! 'stomach grumbling' oh well ..


3/21/2007 05:04:00 PM

Sunday, March 18, 2007
Im trying so hard to not it let affect me. It's starting to get damn irritating and there's nthing i can do about it. May this week pass by as the other have done so and so i can move on. and let the week after that flies too so i can pass down my position and not worry about all this anymore. haiz. i was juz wishing that my last production will be a memorable & an unforgettable one. looking at it, i guez it's gonna be.

looking forward to start sch. which i got no idea where though. waha

~ To be successful you must accept all challenges that come your way. You can't just accept the ones you like ~
Message of the day:-
Don't worry if you are unsure about your purpose in life. Join the club! Most people who claim to have figured out their entire life's path are fooling themselves. You don't necessarily have to have an answer to the question 'What do you want to do with your life?' What's important is that you are open to anything -- and ready to put forth all the effort necessary to make something happen when it can

3/18/2007 03:24:00 PM

a blast from the past
Saturday, March 17, 2007
On my way home from werk yesterday, while i was boarding the train and was heading towards an empty seat, a girl beside it was suddenly smiling at me as though we had known before. truth to be told, i was taken aback but out of courtesy, i smiled back. Suddenly she asked if my name was Asyurah and i was previously from Tampines Primary. I nearly jumped out of my seat coz i didnt recognise her one bit! But i soon found out she was in the same batch as me but she was in class 6/1 while i was way way back in class 6/6. How weird was that when she recognises me. And get this. She even knows my elder sis & her name!!! She reali has a very very very good memory mannn .. haha.

Another encountance i had was with emma on the bus back home. waha!! it was delightfully love to see her after so so long! ahahz. we reali reali reali had to meet up with everyone once again! haha.

The past is really catching up on meee .. lolz.

i love how dee's blog always start with a cool quote. Mayb i end mine with one later. haha.

Anyhoos, Im back to square one. Im once again clueless on the path to be taken. The former school that i applied for still have yet to get back to me and suddenly im having second thoughs on it. Now im eye-ing on another sort of similar degree in another private sch thanks to huiying. It somehow attracted me more and the prospect of graduating with it is more appealing. waha. Im tink i need to pray to ask god to help me with the choices i need to make.

gona be a busy week next week. will prepare for the stress to come!! 'gearing up my weapons' wahaha.

~ Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you’re born to stand out ~

3/17/2007 12:12:00 PM

it's getting up my nerves
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
~ People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them ~

it surely is when one by one everyone is dropping out last minute. I kno they are sorry for doing so but sorry not gonna cut it isnt it. It's already difficult as it is. Others also have commitments and also having to support themselves and to live. HELLO! im trying not to sound sarcastic but i cant help it when my patience is being tested to the limits. Other people graduate too and have to find work and have to support their own financial expenses. BUT there's responsibility and commitment too that is to be taken into consideration. Life isnt all about having your 'gang' with you everytime and to run everytime you feel you want to give up. If i've been thinking that way from the beginning, i wouldnt have step into TP or my course or this CCA or my SIP co. or everything else i've decided to do.

I'm tired of feeling irritated by people that shrugs off things last minute and thinks that everything will work out by itself when they leave. Drawing a line between work & frens, there really is a clear distinction. So do not read me wrongly. I had enuf and im breaking free and moving on. Thanks for nothing.


Anyhoos, TP MAG Pentas is bout a week away.
Details as follows:-
Date/Day: 23rd March 07/Friday
Tixs: $6
Venue: TP Audi 1
Beep me, tag me, call me or leave me a msg if u wana reserve or buy em'. Tixs selling fast!!

And and .. i can officially say, i've graduated! My 3 years in TP had been a memorable one. The best years i cld ever experience. The stress, the fun, the laughter, the tears, the friendship, the suffering, the memories will forever be carved in me forever.

After looking at my hp for the results non-stop, it finally came. Though the A that i dream for didnt actually meant to be mine, but what i get was more than enuf to put a smile across my face. haaa .. time to plan for my next step, my future plans and for new dreams to be uncovered and fullfilled. But before that lets parrttyyy!! we deserve it! all graduating (-ed) students deserve the single moment of success and achievement & to celebrate the ending of our poly life.

Let me reminise on the friendships ive forged .. (with no accordance to anything).
Fate, di, audrey, su, nadia, joey, huiying, peiling, fang an, junita, zila, dee, parveen, julie, azm, azimah, parvin, aisha, rabz, zah, kal, fiq, han, rad, mamat, aishah, fie, nad z, nad w ....
this people had mark a footstep in my life which will never be easily erased. All of them are special in their own way that im glad to have met & known. To those whom i accidentally missed out, my greatest apologize coz all those i've met throughout my poly years have made an impact to me one way or another.

looking forward for the graduating ceremony and the robe thingy and to hold that cert in my hands. waha!

Time check: 4am

Nitez (gd morning) all.

3/14/2007 07:21:00 PM

dead beat
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Been werking non-stop since thursday + the marathon of princess hours on tue&thurs
= not enuf sleep.

went back to EV to help out on thur & fri. Once again, did what i usually did - tour leader's file. and also tmr, monday. i sometimes wonder why did i agree to come back & help. guez wats my motivation to come back (though it was that too good of a motivation). haha. oh well. it will really be my last since sch gonna start.

Talking bout sch, wen will they come back to me with regards to my applications. the wait is killing meeee ..
Final results for sch gonna be released wed .. another wait.

About the princess hours marathon i had, i fell in love with the story as soon i finished watching the first episode. waha. wonder why i didnt watch it during its craze period. now i cant wait for its season2 which i found out frm my sis.

On a total seperate note. (questions to ponder)...
Why do ppl cant wait to board the mrt wen ppl inside have yet to come out? Esp at the city hall mrt.

Why do buses esp the express buses frequency is sooo long and only single deck wen the crowd waiting for the bus is too many. Waiting for the next bus (which will also be full) is far too long & irritating. Buses frequency nowadays must be more frequent than usual seeing that spore population is growing at a very fast rate.

Why doesnt ppl go to the rear of the bus wen there's so many ppl want to board the bus. isnt everyone paying the same fare so just move in! if ur afraid it'll be difficult for u to go out, isnt there such a word called 'excuse me' .. haiz

Why doesnt the escalator for the city link mall to suntec city convention center works? wen tru there yest & today and both the escalator up & down didnt move! i reali pity esp the senior citizens and those who had problems going up & down the stairs & those who had children to carry.

Why does taxi stands doesnt have any taxis? It's weird knowing spore has so many taxi companies but wen u need one, there is none in sight.

okie enuf pondering. my mind is too tired as it already is. cant wait for tues to have an undisturbed sleep till late. tOodleS ..

3/11/2007 04:40:00 PM

quick post
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
As i found out there are some ghost visitors to my blog, i shall make a quick update on my so called 'busy' life. haha

werk came on sat. fun as usual and i balanced!! haha. juz love the feeling!

A marathon of heroes. to be continued but i assure u wen u watch episode 17 u'll cry!

pentas meeting and a nice surprise msg frm brainy saying if i wana go for high tea. and we did! with one of her sec sch fren who was totally great. Though the food was a bit not as expected, but the company was great. After our very long afternoon tea, me & brainy decided to watch a movie. yesh finally after so long since i last step in a theatre. Watched The persue of happiness and i muz say an inspiring true story about life. Movie ended at 12am. walked to the nearest 65 bus stop to catch the last bus back to tamp. By the time i reach the bus stop near the stadium, it was 1am. Walked all the way home alone in the wee hours of the morning surrounded by tall tress, i keep scaring myself from my moving shadow!! haha. i was afraid i suddenly will see another showdow thats not mine or siddenly something will sneak up behind me or jump down from the tall trees to scare me! haha. talk about wild imagination.

video shooting for Pentas. I was more of observing than shooting. nonetheless, an interesting shoot. And after that met my lovelie lovelie interns gang!!! didnt realise i miss them that much till i saw em'. Went iman as zilz gotahelp with the taklimat as usual. and it ended 1030pm! ironically upon seeing my other 'ex-colleagues', didnt miss them as much! haha. mayb our bond wasnt as tight. Nor do i hav a feeling of missing werking in the co. Weird huh to think i worked there 5 months. But the hours following the taklimat was (in the words of dee) love. haha. To kno things were as per usual, im not surprise. Hang out more ya babes! HUGGIEZ.

A marathon of princess hours. 4 more discs to go = 12 more episodes!! haha

okie i guez i covered most of the points. more elaboration on the days events, ask me. waha. toODles

3/07/2007 07:34:00 AM

help me understand
Friday, March 02, 2007
What is the fun of telling people things last minute when all you do is trouble the other person. If you know that you need to go then go and say it out. You think by keeping it all to urself and only telling them wen they crucially need you and THEN dropping the bomb on them is funnie? Then go ahead and laugh! Well .. FYI .. it isn't k. It's just plain rude and irresponsible and downright frustrating.

The next scenario. When ppl sms, you could very well ans! A simple hey, i reply u back or hey im busy at the moment or i'll get back to you soon is better than to just dissapear. At least if you weren't at your phone at that moment when the other person msg, you can very well msg back any time of the day rite. Argh .. i wonder why some ppl needs a mobile wen they dont jolly well use it.

Then we have those who said they are all for it. To be in, to help out. The enthusiasm, the promises. And suddenly .. BAM .. they forgot? how can one forget? How irritating can that be. But mayb one should never have believed in those promises in the first place huh.

Then there's this other problem. It didnt quite get to me untill a moment ago wen i had this convo with mum. This back pain i have due to my op keeps coming and going and due to that the amounts of pills i swollow a day could surprise anyone. But even after the countless numbers of so called 'health supplement' that i've tried have no effects wat so ever. So mum asked me to go visit THE nutralist person and suddenly i realise even if i go and even if i tell him the pain im going tru, the sickness im facing every single day of my life never gonna change it. ALl he can do is to ACT concern and understanding but i kno that in truth, he never could experience whatever that i will be telling. After years of seeing countless of doctors who come and go and seeing their fake expression, you'll just get tired of it. You get bored with having hopes that they'll understand and that they might be the one who have the cure. Wishful thinking for far too long.

Hmmm .. this entry sounded somehow bitter & angry. To whoever who might take the entry to personally, im sorry. i wasnt directing it to anyone in particular. I myself do make such mistakes sometimes. Aren't we all humans after all. Only hopefully now we are able to think of other first and how our actions will affect another.

On a totally separate note. Im thinking of joining body sculpturing. Not for the purpose of losing weight (i have that way under control) but for me to do something of myself to keep fit & feel better bout my health. waha. wat ya think? mayb i'll register soon after i get a confirmation that my heart can take the whole regime. hee

Hakuna Matata!! & Toodles

3/02/2007 12:04:00 PM

plans planned
Thursday, March 01, 2007
In my last entry i was worried on what i should be doin for the whole of this week. But surprise surprise .. there i was was stuck in bed since tuesday till today due to high fever of 39.5degrees + a flu bug that was here to stay. The last time i really collapse this bad was bout i think more than 6 months ago. Mum said wen im too worried or too over-worked, my body will demand for a rest by shutting itself down. waha.

On a seperate note, the day before i fell sick, finally went to EASB to sign up for the degree course we're planning to take. She for casino management and me as you have read before, events management. Upon reaching, somehow our confidance of goin tru with this seems to scare us a little as if we really did sign up for it, then there's no turning back! but as we talked to Ms Vivien and was given a tour of the whole school and after our endless doubts being answered, we now know that we are making the right choices. If this goes tru, back to school for me in April. But im opting for part-time classes though. Means sch hours is about 3 times a week from 7-10pm. The cost of the whole thing i must say cost quite a bomb and im trying to get a study loan. (crossing fingers) and while schooling a need to find a permenant part-time job (uww great but the pay i make a month wont cut it anymore) so that i could start saving and pay up the loan once i graduate.

I just hope god give me stregth to see tru this phase of life for me. Sometimes bcoz of all this, i envy those whose parents could afford them to futhur their studies overseas and they need not really worry bout the financial expenses. AND to think some of them would give that up and prefer to work!! i would gladly take that wasted money and spend on futhuring my studies overseas than settling for this and even now still having to worry bout paying for it. sigh. sometimes life gets too easy for some who doesnt realise it. hmmm

Forget bout watching just follow law or dreamgirls or ghostrider. My movie to watch now is pursuit of happiness. anyone interested for a movie as well? beep me! waha

till then! hakuna matata & toodles!!

3/01/2007 02:53:00 PM

an intro

~ AsYUrAh rOsLAn~
~ 21 yRs ~
~ 14 sEpT 1986 ~
~ SIM & IMI, Swiss ~
~ BA (hons) in int'l tourism & events ~
~ MaLAy mUsLIm ~
~ nar_alien@hotmail.com ~

more to kno

* tALL * cHeErFuL * sunflower *
* coNTenTeD * hApPy *
* ChoCoLaTeS * bEaRs *
* boOkwoRm * sPeciAL *
* tRaVeL * yELLow *
* mIrAcLeS * piAnO *
* mOviEz * MuSiC *
* vIrGo * hOteLs/eVEntS *
* yOGa * gUItAr * * fAirYtALe * dAydReaM *
* iSoLAtiOn * mAgiC *

:: aSpirAtiOns ::

1.coMplEte mY dEgrEe with a min of sec hons
2.fAll iN lOvE
3.mY drEaM jOb
4.wOrk iN duBai
5.LivE a fULfiLLinG LifE wiTh mY fAmiLy & fReNs

beautiful souls

  • anz
  • cleo
  • dee
  • elena
  • g.w
  • j.d
  • mas
  • mel
  • mich
  • nickizah
  • nad.z
  • nadi-ians
  • nokz
  • rad
  • siok
  • u-ka
  • zila


    back in time

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    'September 2004'

    'October 2004'

    'November 2004'

    'December 2004'

    'January 2005'

    'February 2005'

    'March 2005'

    'April 2005'

    'May 2005'

    'June 2005'

    'July 2005'

    'August 2005'

    'September 2005'

    'October 2005'

    'November 2005'

    'December 2005'

    'January 2006'

    'February 2006'

    'March 2006'

    'April 2006'

    'May 2006'

    'June 2006'

    'July 2006'

    'August 2006'

    'September 2006'

    'October 2006'

    'November 2006'

    'December 2006'

    'January 2007'

    'February 2007'

    'March 2007'

    'April 2007'

    'May 2007'

    'June 2007'

    'July 2007'

    'August 2007'

    'September 2007'

    'October 2007'

    'November 2007'

    'December 2007'

    'January 2008'

    'February 2008'

    'March 2008'

    'April 2008'

    'May 2008'

    'June 2008'


    picture design: © Alexander Karpenko 2005 | aikart@pisem.net or AiK-art
    skin: slayerette
    image font: adine kirnberg script