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outing, werk & paarty ..
Sunday, February 25, 2007
And so .. as one by one they backed out, only left with me, audrey & su to the Sentosa Flower 07. The display of flowers with the nursery ryhme theme that came along with the whole thingy was fantabulous. We even had our pics taken by a professional photographer (we felt like models for that moment! haha). How cool was that! We then each bought back a pic (audrey bought 2) of our choice from all the photos that was taken. 'grins'
Halfway through exploring the beautiful wonders of flowers, we started melting all thanks to the sun. The weather was furiously hot but thank god heavy rain did not show up till we were back on the Sentosa Express to mainland. After dinner, we went vivo-exploring and overall the whole day was love - full of fun, laughter & with the company of amazing friends.

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summary of the day

The next day - saturday, back to werk!! I was initially nervous in case i might be totally blur and lost in touch with everything. Asked my sis so many qns the night before just in case. However, it turned out great! I never realise how much i've missed werking there. Beats SIP hands down. To think i havent been werking for more than 5 months and i still could actually handle the occasionally long crowds and the exceptionally huge amount of sales again was a huge relief and im proud of myself. waha.

And today .. HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY NADIA DEAREST!! U've finally at the age where the KEY OF FREEDOM is urs!! waha.
Anyhoos, she had her bday party today and only me, audrey, peiling & huiying (not inclusive her other other frens) cld make it. And frm 4+pm we stayed till 9.30pm!!! and throughout that time khabi khusi khabi gham was being played. I swear i cld see the scenes vividly in my mind even frm just listening to the tv and once again although i only started to watch the last part of the movie, i nearly tear-ed. hahahahaha.

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us and bday girl in the middle

so after today need to plan wat im gona do for the rest of the week. waha. yesh im that free. Any plans anyone? haha


2/25/2007 08:06:00 PM

future sealed?
Thursday, February 22, 2007
And so .. academically school is done and over with. Woahhh .. it totally feels so surreal! i cant believe it's over juz like dat. It's true wen they said that poly life is one of the best time u'll ever experience. i wld totally agree. not that i had a miserable time in pri & sec sch but in poly it's realli a totalli different environment. words wont be enuf to describe how interesting the 3 years have been. Im glad i've made tru the times.

Thank you di, fate, audrey, su, nad, huiying, peiling, joey & all those who had made my time in poly a memorable one. Esp all nadi-ians. Cant wait for Pentas for us to bond once again. 'smilez'

On a subject related to school, i finally decided on my next course of action after poly. Been worried bout whr i am leading to but now im positively sure and hope that the choice im taking will be the best for me.

Will be going to EASB institude of management and undertaking UWIC (university of cardiff) degree in events management. Back to my passion, back to my first love and back to where it all started.

Once my entry is confirmed, sch gonna start in April till June (for bridging subjects) and the actual degree course will start straight after dat all the way till June 08. So it seems my dear, i've sort of constructed out my road for now. What will happen after that .. well, lets take things one step at a time.

Growing up and having to make decisions of ur life is so not fun. But whatever it is, i pray that the path i choose is the right one and whatever obstacles that come along, will only make me stronger.

On a seperate note. Is love in the air or sumthing? but how come im missing all of it? Mayb it's the month of February - the month of love. but it's juz me not catching the love bug disease. haha.


2/22/2007 06:03:00 PM

long hols
Monday, February 19, 2007
Phew! cant believed that i just ironed 60+ pieces of pillow cases. I was helping my mum who is helping my aunt with her charity work for an old folks home. They gota sew new bedlinens and pillow cases for the home. There bout 100+ more for mum to sew!

And on a seperate note, im now addicted to Green Tea! all thxs to my siblings. haha.

On another seperate note, yest i was bored and decided to change my blog skin. But i was too lazy to browse tru all samples and decided on my this cute one. haha. but while nearly finishing editing the javascript, i dono wat i pressed and sudenly everything changed back to my old blogskin. and after hrs having to re-do it, i guez it turned out okie in the end. hee ..

Went to courts with my 4th bro and mum bout a week ago and agn with mum days ago to get us a new oven toaster and a microwave cum convection oven. Both of our ovens went burserk and there was no other ways to heat up food. But one thing good that came out of it, mum now cooks rice with the rice cooker instead of the microwave oven and it never tasted better. haha. i can now eat plain rice juz like dat! waha. well .. the old microwave oven been serving us for nearly 19 years! so i guez it's time for a change - even it's still the same brand and having the same functions. so now i can go back to baking!! yay-ness

And it seems that my frens dads are getting sick. I shall pray for their dads fast recovery and hope that that my frens and their family will have the strength to face tru all that.
All this really jolt back my memory of my dad. I could still remember his last sentence to me on the phone. during that time it never occured to me it will be the last. oh how i miss him.
i still remember wen i was young and if the family wld go out & come home late, i wld pretend to be asleep so that dad wld have to carry me home. Being in his arm juz bring me comfort and security and love. i wld do anything to go back to that time. oh mann im tear-ing.

changing subject. these past few days, im having the urge to clean. juz scrub sumthing, dust everything and put things in proper. mayb i juz need to tire myself physically. just started on my area in the bedroom and will slowly contd to the rest of the areas (esp the bathroom) and then to the living room. but cleaning my stuff already take hours to do. wonder when will it ever end. so it shows that i have mountains of stuff that i got no idea why i ever keep em'. hahaha.

and i stumbled across poems that i had written out of boredom. I think i shd go back writing. though i may not be the best but at least it is an avenue for me to strip bare of my tout & feelings.

okie enuf of blogging and back to doing stuffs. waha. tOodleS

2/19/2007 02:45:00 PM

phantom of the opera
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Da dee dee dum .. 'dances ard'

i hav never been this excited about sumthing for this long. though i now hav burnt a terribly huge hole in my pockets!!! Im now booked on the 22nd April at 8pm and i cant wait for that day to arrive. waha. im speaking of Phantom of The Opera at the Esplanade!! Yesh im going!!! 'jumping for joy' Since our snr d&d got cancelled, im gonna use the money that i set aside for a greater purpose. haha.

Oh and back to uws this 24th!! been more than 5 months since i last worked there. i hope it'll turn out great as usual. but im soo rushing out soon after my shift ends. im gonna clock out exactly at 7pm!! PP9th is showing that day. thank god it'll start at 8.30pm.

For this past few days been sleeping late. very late. yest, slept at 6am! watched khabi kushi khabi gham alone. can't believe that i still teared throughout the story eventhough i've watched it countless of times. im really an emotional wreak. but it was really an emotional story that teached you the meaning of family and love.

Anyhoos, today after bout 5pm, spore gona be a ghost town. hahaha ..

and to all my chinese fren:
- Gong Xi Fa Cai -
Happy Lunar New Year!!

2/17/2007 10:01:00 AM

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!!

A day where love is all around. But shouldnt love be around all the time? every second of the moment? This day is really over-rated being set aside for the day of love. whatever that means. Mayb it's just me being naive but how do you kno u're in love and can easily fall out love in a blink of an eye.

Love is really a big of a meaning to actually understand it. If you ask me, my favourite defination of love is as follows:-

Love is patient and kind. It is not jealous or conceited or proud.
Love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable.
Love does not keep a record of wrongs.
Love is not happy with evil but is happy with the truth.
Love never gives up; and its faith, hope and patience never fails

But what do i kno. I never fell in love before and i bet i never will anytime soon. Not yet anyway. The right guy hav yet to appear and i dont mind waiting. Patience is a virtue and i hope mine will pay off really well. haha.

and and and .. Finally!! my report is all done!! and im freeeee .. well for the moment. but still freee .. haha.
After days of facing the bright squarish screen far too long and sleeping in the wee hours of the morning wen ppl juz about to wake up is taking a toll on me. But i can proudly look at my 'thick' report and say i've really done my best and hopefully it can produce my desired A. 'cross fingers'

After this, i can now go back to my reading which i've been deprived of for so long and back to visit my wonderful land of fantasy. haha. And after the 22nd (the day of my research paper interview), theres the talk im attending with regards to the sch im interested in getting my degree and then Pentas to go tru (i cant wait for it!) before i officially end my poly life.

Now is the best time for time itself to creep slowly and not zoom pass like it usually does. Still, it will pass by and i can only embrace and make full use of every single second of it. waha.

tOodlEs ..

p/s i wana go for the flower display thingy at Sentosa!

2/14/2007 10:52:00 AM

arts trail
Monday, February 12, 2007
goin tru a major editing to my report. Finally my complicated 1000 pieces of jigsaw is making sense. bad news for today: my nose is totaly dripping non stop & that juz kills my mood to contd doin my report. haiz. im so gonna be stuck in frnt of my comp the whole day tml covering up my precious hours that i spent slacking. waha. btw, a 2500 words research paper is soooo limited!! so many things to cover on but really gota summarise everything like crazy.

anyhoos, had a totally fun half day out with sis on our arts trail tour adventure. Since im doin a paper on the arts scene in Singapore, why not experience it myself. =)

Started our journey at 3pm from Bugis and walked all the way to the Esplanade while covering most of the arts areas in Spore.

our arts trail:

NLB - Stamford Arts Center - Sclupture Sq. - NAFA - National Museum - The Substation - The Philatelic Museum - MICA - Asian Civilisation Museum - BMW Arts Car - Victoria Memorial Hall - Esplanade

random pictures as follows:-
(taken by asy & azi and editing by asy)

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our advanture beginsss .. lol

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Mr SSR & the famous hall

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guez whr is this ..

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futhur up NLB

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THE library

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a picture perfect museum

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our last stop ..

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coincidentally a band was about to perform wen we arrived
.. My Writes! fie's band!

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sis & me (",)

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sadly we didnt get to go into every single museum we passed. mayb one day, i shall go on a whole day arts trail tour again. anyone interested in joining. i promise u it'll be an eye opening and fun experience altogether. Then mayb u'll understand why i've fallen in love with this industry - the arts industry. 'grins'

On a totally seperate note, why do all nice people hav to go tru so many challenges and tribulation in order to be happy while the supposedly evil people live life happily ever after? Even when they do get what they deserve later, still it's heartbreaking knowing such things happens and that justice takes so long to come to the rescue. but i admire them who still holds on to faith and believe that everything will turn out alright in the end even when they hav gone tru alot. Mayb also i believe that god will not give a burden greater than wat one can bear. Still, i dont think im that strong of a person even after my histories, i feel wat i've been thrown at so far wld not surpass some others. thank god for that.

okie, think i shall call it a day and wake up early tml to finish up my report.

plan for tml:
1) wake up at 9am latest
2) re-edit report
3) compile all doc. for appendices
4) end everything by 10pm

wish me luck! jiayou asy!


2/12/2007 04:16:00 PM

a week to go
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Day check: Thursday
Date check: 8 Feb 07
Report check: Halfway done
Report due: 15 Feb 07

A week left before submission and as i research more on the subject im pursuing, im left with a blank paper all over again. haha. But one thing's for sure, im falling in love with this arts industry and mayb, if god's willing, i will be working in this industry i hope. A museum or an art gallery somewhr. 'grins' I may not have the talent in any forms of art but working in an environment where i can appreciate its beauty will be like a dream come true.

On a totally seperate note, dont you just hate first days. On this one day of the month, you just feel like dissapearing from the world, hide under ur warm comfy blanket and sleep ur day away. You feel so drained out and the thought of motivating urself, just kills more of ur energy away. Not to mention those who experience the cramps that feels as though ur stomach is being squeeze and punched at the same time. Tell me about it. Im goin tru it now as im blogging and writing my report in this cold computer lab.

Oh well .. back to my artsy report! toodlEz

2/08/2007 07:29:00 AM

full speed ahead
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Main goal: to finish the report by tomorrow!! and im not even halfway there!! Maybe by thur i hope. At least after's todays consultation, i kno im on the right track. Only that i got to be able to agrue my case well on paper. haha. good luck asy. Think it was better doing projects than doin this now. This really is really a higher level order of learning - critical thinking. at least they are preparing us for uni level. waha.

Rite now im at starbucks!! yupyup with di. Thank god for this wireless.sg thingy. Really make research and blogging easier .. hehe.
By hook or by crook, 2/3 of my paper must be done before i leave this place!! jiayou asy. after 15th feb u'll be 1/2 way done with poly life!

Anyhoos .. im thinking of futhuring my studies at EASB and getting a UWIC degree in events management. Seems like im going back to where my initial passion for HTM was. AT least now i can see a slight light at the end of the tunnel. 'grins'. Anyone wana join me?? heez.

Till then. Toodlez.

2/06/2007 09:52:00 AM

mixed thoughts
Saturday, February 03, 2007
I have all the supporting documents for my research paper. BUT i just can't seem to put everything down just like how i picture it to be!! My thoughts rite now is all over the place. Like a 1000 pieces of jigsaw, i need to slowly piece the whole thing together .. and soon!! Starting with the forming the sides of the jigsaw, im totally gonna end up with a perfect piece. 'cross fingers'. My target is to have it completed by wednesday so i can ask some peepz to help me edit and express their opinion on what ive written.
So far, the materials i've collected are from website. So tml .. to the library i'll go. But to whoever is reading my blog and cld help me with the paper .. by all means. My topic is as follows:-

What are the prospects for promoting arts tourism in Singapore? Do you think Singapore has the necessary ingredients to attract arts based tourism?

Anyhoos .. went vivo-ing with elder sis yest. And how broke am i now. Finally brough me a new pair of jeans. Believe it or not, it was my second time there since it opened. haha. with the SIP that took away my 'freedom', how could i possibly find a time to go there before. waha.
Anyway, speaking of SIP, wen i reflected back, im amazed how 5 months really flew past. Even a semester is only 3 months! haha.

Okie .. i've diverted my attention from my reserach paper long enuf. Till my next frivolous entry! waha. Toodlez ..

2/03/2007 09:32:00 AM

a fast graduation
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Only left with less than a month of school.

Only left than 2 weeks for my research paper submission.

Aside from than, in between there's Pentas preparation with meetings after meetings and meetings. waha. but im loving it!
Finally doing things that i love than having to force and motivate myself.

SO after all this and everything, where will i be heading too? Where do i see myself in the future? - A frequent qns asked by all seniors graduating this yr. It's scary when ur unsure where should you be turning to next. One thing's for sure if i have all the money in the world i shall futhur my studies right away. We'll see ...

Time for lecture!! ToodlEs

2/01/2007 05:51:00 AM

an intro

~ AsYUrAh rOsLAn~
~ 21 yRs ~
~ 14 sEpT 1986 ~
~ SIM & IMI, Swiss ~
~ BA (hons) in int'l tourism & events ~
~ MaLAy mUsLIm ~
~ nar_alien@hotmail.com ~

more to kno

* tALL * cHeErFuL * sunflower *
* coNTenTeD * hApPy *
* ChoCoLaTeS * bEaRs *
* boOkwoRm * sPeciAL *
* tRaVeL * yELLow *
* mIrAcLeS * piAnO *
* mOviEz * MuSiC *
* vIrGo * hOteLs/eVEntS *
* yOGa * gUItAr * * fAirYtALe * dAydReaM *
* iSoLAtiOn * mAgiC *

:: aSpirAtiOns ::

1.coMplEte mY dEgrEe with a min of sec hons
2.fAll iN lOvE
3.mY drEaM jOb
4.wOrk iN duBai
5.LivE a fULfiLLinG LifE wiTh mY fAmiLy & fReNs

beautiful souls

  • anz
  • cleo
  • dee
  • elena
  • g.w
  • j.d
  • mas
  • mel
  • mich
  • nickizah
  • nad.z
  • nadi-ians
  • nokz
  • rad
  • siok
  • u-ka
  • zila


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    'August 2005'

    'September 2005'

    'October 2005'

    'November 2005'

    'December 2005'

    'January 2006'

    'February 2006'

    'March 2006'

    'April 2006'

    'May 2006'

    'June 2006'

    'July 2006'

    'August 2006'

    'September 2006'

    'October 2006'

    'November 2006'

    'December 2006'

    'January 2007'

    'February 2007'

    'March 2007'

    'April 2007'

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    'June 2007'

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    'June 2008'


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