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long weeks
Monday, November 27, 2006
Didnt realise how time flies and how busy it was at werk. Lots of things been happening in a blink of an eye and it's a miracle that i am still well and alive. haha.

At werk:

Busy with all the travel stuff that i have to prepare and the never ending 'to do list'. In addition with the events that have been taking place that is taking up my precious weekends, no wonder i actually feeling half dead.

~ the events ~
1) Changi Fiesta @ Changi Ferry Terminal
- was in charge of the Kids Colouring Contest!! So cute rite! and it was interesting to see that the parents are more overly excited to help their kids colour than leaving them to colour on their own. haha
- then helped out at our areas that needed my help.
Overall, an interesting, fun, hot and tiring day. waha

2) Raya Fiesta @ Le Meredien
- At the reception once again.
- Hardy Mirza was there! but i wasnt really star strucked. haha.
- You should see wen he was making his leave, some girls did chased after him but came back dissapointed. You shd see some of their looks.
- His voice was nice but wasn't that captivating. I still prefer Taufiq though. waha
- Maia Lee was there too and she sang in Malay. Surprisingly she sound good!!!

Went straight home after that. Slept from 7.30pm all the way to 8am next morning!!!

3) Kids Fiesta @ Swissotel
- Reception duty again
- not really alot of comments for this event only that the food was great. hehe

After the Kids Fiesta event, went out with Zila, Dee, Veen, Nina, Farah & Farez. Had a blast with them. Went to hang out at Esplanade since it was so near by and later had dinner at Marina Sq. Cants wait for our outing tog again on Thursday. =)


Had a bbq bday party for sis at Pasir Ris Park last friday. I reached there quite late since i went off from werk really2 late. Luckily bro & his fren picked me up.
Was only intending to stay till 3am but end up till 5am. But it was fun. And faizah came!! hehe. Watched Ghost Whisperer and Survivor on my mini protable tv and taught my sisters & cuz to play taiti. I lost my touch in that game!! haha
well, i wasnt that great in the first place. haha.


Other than the past Salam Aidilfitri that i've missed, nthing new is up. Missing my nadi peepz and espacially my coursemate frens - Suli, Nad, Audrey, Joey, Peiling, Fate, Di, FangAn, Huiying and the list goes on. Why in dec there's no classroom session!!!

I still have yet to write my e-journal for this month and believe me i got lots to write. haha.

And i've yet to start on my portfolio and the capstone subject!!! oHnOooo

On a seperate note, im falling in love with the song 'Usah Lepaskan' by Taufiq Batisah. A really touching song and the meaning behind it is soooo heartbreaking.

Anyway, all pixs will be up soon (for real this time) after i completed uploading all to my photobucket. heez

And a shout out to my babe Julieee :-
HapPy 20th BirtHday!!!

stay cheerful, bubbly and urself always! luv u lots gurl and miss u even more!!


11/27/2006 02:16:00 PM

thursday post
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Write this post three days ago but somehow i didnt have time to finish it and post it up. hehe .. so lemmi start again.

Dont you think Taufik Batisah is getting cuter everytime he appears? haha.
Went to AMP 15th Anniversary Dinner on Wednesday with my co. and yupyup Taufiq was there. He was the highlight of the event and practically everyone melted (mostly ladies) in their seat. Im anticipating for his new album to release! wen he sang one of his new song, it was so breathtaking.
Anyway, due to this event, had to miss Salam Aidilfitri but it's okie since i've been goin to the rehersals till late on Mon & Tues so i was confident everything will go on smoothly. And it did!! waha.

Half my colleagues are away for the trip to Vietnam. They will only be back on Monday. yupyup. Brings back memories of my trip there during GC. Really had a blast and i realise i do miss the place. waha. The free & easy trips together with some of the locals we made frens with, the experience of crossing the busy streets without traffic lights, bargaining with the shop ppl during any shopping trips that we did and everything else that happened during the days we were there.

Yesterday there was an event in two places so we had to divide ourselves. One was in Chompang and the other in Bedok. I was stationed in Bedok together with veen, kaksu and faryn and guez wat i did. Runner!!! haha .. my first time as a runner k. I've done, SM, FM, lights and crew so being a runner was something new and fun for me. Overall the event went smoothly though there was a bit of a hiccup at the near end.

For today, i shall waste my Sunday off. Another busy week coming up and im bracing myself for it. ToodLes.

p/s pixs i owe will be up soon.

'mA thOughTs'

Bottling up this feeling
Hoping it's for the best
I tried to take it all in my stride
I tried to be the best
As reality sets in
And fantasy steps away
Im left alone in this cold brutal world
Where nothings seems as it should be
Opinions and judgement i cant seem to shield from
Gossips and whispers that are heard so clear
To flater and fall i try not to be
But i wonder how much longer i can hold onto all this
Tears i hold back to show im strong
To only let them go in times no one knows
Praying hard that i can finally see
That there is something much better waiting out there for me

11/19/2006 08:47:00 AM

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
oh god how can i be so careless. oh god how can i not be too precise. or am i too a perfectionist? im my own worst critic i guez. oh well.

But mistakes is meant to be learnt from and that what i shall do. Im sorry if it seems i screw up but one can never be always perfect the first time.

The going back to school for rehersals have been one thing that keep me sane and alive and to know i still have a life. At least i know i can be my crazy, lame self and be surrounded by frens whom i can be comfortable with.

Part of me love what im doin but part of me dont coz im missing school too much. after werking the whole day and going to sch after that up to 10pm+, im so dead. tml another bz day at werk.


mY tHoughTs

Thoughts surround me and buried me with worries and fears
Life ever changing with hopes and dreams keeps building and dashing
Time flies with a blink of an eye
As you realise things can never go back to once upon a time

I dont know why but sometimes i wonder
Where does this road can actually lead me to
I don't know how but i do ponder
How did i ever end up here
They say if one door closes another will open
But what if two doors open at the same time
How do you decide then?
How do you choose?
How do you know the door that you walk through
Will be the right one for you?

11/14/2006 04:10:00 PM

after a long time away
Monday, November 13, 2006
I didnt realise that it's been so long since my last entry nor does it cross my mind to update my happenings or thoughts. Rite now im totally extremely tired out. it's gonna be another busy week again. Yesterday had the Changi Fiesta and oh god how my whole body ache after the whole day. But it was expected after every event.
Was the asst in charge of the children's colouring contest but before and after that hop around other departments to help out. Think more than 6000+ ppl turn up on that day. To think this coming sat there's going to be another event and the next sat as well. It'll be a miracle if everyone in the office will be able to survive till the end of the month espacially those involve in travelling to Vietnam as well.

Suddenly today, my back cramp up. Twice. It freaked me out for a while due to my op history and truthfully i got shaken up a little. I wonder sometimes what blessings is there when u'll be sick for the rest of ur life. I know i shouldnt qns such things. I know i should accept what god have endowed, blessed and given me and to be thankful that i can still do some stuff normally. As any normal humans would, they qns when they dont understand. I dont expect anyone to answer but if i could have one wish, even for an hour, to feel how is it to run as hard and fast as you could. Having long legs but not being able to run, only my siblings and god knows how it feels.

On a seperate note, having someone to really talk to, someone who too shares the same thoughts really is nice. Even if you only get to talk only for a short while, it actually makes you feel better. So i thank you my dear fren for sharing and being a listening ear as well. =)

Listening to some of my frens in school talk about classes, lectures, projects and practically anything about school made me realise how im missing sch life. Meeting ur frens everyday, sharing and fighting each other on projects ideas and laughing almost at everything and nothing and the normal great stuff you do in school made me wonder if i am prepare to end school and start working?
To think that about 10 years ago the only worry was to get in EM1, Em2 or EM3 den what sec sch will i be in and if so will i be in express, NA or NT and then if i can do well for my N levels and proceeding on to my O levels and after that which poly and which course i want to be in. How time flies and suddenly here i am experiencing werking life and to worry about expenses and money and the future. Oh god. I wish i was young again. The age when you need not worry about anything but just being a kid. haha .. keep dreaming asy.

And so, another long day at werk tml. haiz. till my next post. hopefully with some pixs. toOdlEs.

and tO my nEw fOunD baBe, hAppy 19 biRthDay Dee. Im glad that i found you as a fren. Stay cute, smiley and cheerful like me always. hehe. and may u be blessed with all the great things in life. take care always and thanks for being you. take care lots love.

11/13/2006 04:32:00 PM

busy busy busy
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Been a while since my last entry. Everthing that had happen seems to be a blur. SO my this entry going to be all mix up. waha.

And so, yesterday was once again the back to campus session. Report at 9am for the capstone subject briefing. To think that one more subject left for the one more month of school after SIP gonna be a breeze but man oh man how wrong were we. It's really going to be a killer! In fact we have to start writing the report now for approval. Im so not looking towards the end of SIP now. waha.

Anyway, for the classroom session, it's only left with the 3 of us - me, di and yati. coolness. haha. Talked about everything and anything with Mr Lee. After that, went for lunch with Fate, Peiling and Fang An at PS. It was fun hanging out with them as we laugh practically at nothing. hehe. Afterwards, met Su and her fren Raodah and we went to the Malay Heritage Center as there was an event there. Wen we reached, the event was about to end but as usual for all event, they always save the best for last and so we enjoyed the last two performance. It was sad however to see the turnout wasnt that great. Then we headed to Bugis for some shopping and finally ended at Mc for snacks and some chit chatting. A great, tiring and fun day if i say so myself.

SIP has been going well. Mr Lee says from my e-journal it seems like im really enjoying myself. waha. hmmmm .. mayb i think. We'll see wen the 3 other interns leave end of this month. They will so regret ending SIP as they will really miss me. wahaha.
But time really seems to fly at werk. Suddenly it's lunch time and after that suddenly it's time to go home. And this month i think time will really zoom pass with all the events and the upcoming travel happening.

Had a belated bday celebration for Zila last tues at Breeks. The food was yummylicious as usual and then the other 3 babes went shopping while i juz browse ard. Nothing seems to attract me. waha.
On thurs met sis at Vivocity and it really to my breath away. It was totally huge!! Love the Forever 21 there and really spent lots there. But the shop that is first on my list is CANDY EMPIRE!!! the chocolates and candies there can really drive me crazy to make a choice. haha.

Starting tomorrow, im bracing myself for the upcoming busy weeks ahead. Juz pray that i wont die of exhaustion by the end of this month. heez.


11/05/2006 01:44:00 PM

an intro

~ AsYUrAh rOsLAn~
~ 21 yRs ~
~ 14 sEpT 1986 ~
~ SIM & IMI, Swiss ~
~ BA (hons) in int'l tourism & events ~
~ MaLAy mUsLIm ~
~ nar_alien@hotmail.com ~

more to kno

* tALL * cHeErFuL * sunflower *
* coNTenTeD * hApPy *
* ChoCoLaTeS * bEaRs *
* boOkwoRm * sPeciAL *
* tRaVeL * yELLow *
* mIrAcLeS * piAnO *
* mOviEz * MuSiC *
* vIrGo * hOteLs/eVEntS *
* yOGa * gUItAr * * fAirYtALe * dAydReaM *
* iSoLAtiOn * mAgiC *

:: aSpirAtiOns ::

1.coMplEte mY dEgrEe with a min of sec hons
2.fAll iN lOvE
3.mY drEaM jOb
4.wOrk iN duBai
5.LivE a fULfiLLinG LifE wiTh mY fAmiLy & fReNs

beautiful souls

  • anz
  • cleo
  • dee
  • elena
  • g.w
  • j.d
  • mas
  • mel
  • mich
  • nickizah
  • nad.z
  • nadi-ians
  • nokz
  • rad
  • siok
  • u-ka
  • zila


    back in time

    'August 2004'

    'September 2004'

    'October 2004'

    'November 2004'

    'December 2004'

    'January 2005'

    'February 2005'

    'March 2005'

    'April 2005'

    'May 2005'

    'June 2005'

    'July 2005'

    'August 2005'

    'September 2005'

    'October 2005'

    'November 2005'

    'December 2005'

    'January 2006'

    'February 2006'

    'March 2006'

    'April 2006'

    'May 2006'

    'June 2006'

    'July 2006'

    'August 2006'

    'September 2006'

    'October 2006'

    'November 2006'

    'December 2006'

    'January 2007'

    'February 2007'

    'March 2007'

    'April 2007'

    'May 2007'

    'June 2007'

    'July 2007'

    'August 2007'

    'September 2007'

    'October 2007'

    'November 2007'

    'December 2007'

    'January 2008'

    'February 2008'

    'March 2008'

    'April 2008'

    'May 2008'

    'June 2008'


    picture design: © Alexander Karpenko 2005 | aikart@pisem.net or AiK-art
    skin: slayerette
    image font: adine kirnberg script