my thoughts
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Dad's 9th anniversary today. Cant believe that time had passed that fast and that long. Somwtimes i do wonder how life could be different and how different i might turn out to be?
So far, im minding my own business and wouldnt want to get myself attached too close to anyone as yet. I would put my focus 100% on work and do whatever to me is deem right accordingly. Right now, im not sure whether should i follow my co. to KL but of my own expenses. If i do, the money that i spent would be of better use to something else. If i dont, i would miss out on the fun. hmmm ..
Went out with some of my best peepz from delifrance. Oh how i miss them!! It was fun laughing and catching up with each others lifes and juz be lame. haha .. and we went to the SuriaRayaCarnival and honestly, i would prefer the old bazzar that was used to be in Geylang. But the up side of it was that, it's much more cleaner and covered. waha.
So far, things as usual is quite mundane. I still yet to feel belong. However will stay true to myself no matter what. I may not be the outspoken one or the one who stands out but it doesnt matter. I just need to know who i am and my capabilities and let people slowly understand me on their own terms and time.
I just love talking to mum. She always have the right advices to give. Even though i might not say it often but i really appreciate all that she have done and i love her sooo much. Wouldnt kno how i could survive this far without her. thanks mum!!!
Totally exhausted. someone ask me out after my work!! waha. tOodLEs!!
hAppY cHildrEN's Day!!! (in a few mins time) to all children and those who are children at heart!!
9/30/2006 05:54:00 PM
ground zero
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Mayb im making a big deal out of it. Mayb i juz have to learn to let it go. Mayb good things were never meant for me.
How could difficulties be good wen all it does is to put you down. And juz wen u try to slowly get up, you are slammed back down. So can i juz stay lying on the cold floor? i guez not .. but it's juz tiring me out soooo much.
Doors that i really want it to open wide will forever remain close and when there's a small glimmer of hope that the next one that i hope for opens, it will shut close again. So now im stuck in a place where doors are lock tight and sealed shut untill someone from the other side help me open one of them. but does anyone care to open and see if im on the other side? i need to find a key. THE key.
I can't change who i am. I can't be loud and outspoken wen im the type whose shy and reserve. I can't share my life stories to any strangers and i don't easily trust. So does that make me cold, unfriendly and snobbish? sigh ...
2 weeks down and more to go. heaven or hell? neither .. it's juz a place i guez.
missing my frens a lot.
9/27/2006 05:45:00 PM
weekend again
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Sunday again. Puasa(Fasting) starts today. tO all muSlims SelAmaT bErpUasA!! I juz love this month. the waking up early to eat together as a family and the buka together is juz so family bonding. I juz love family bonding activities. It makes me realise that this big, sometimes irritating family of mine is juz the best! hehe
Anyway, yest at werk, my flu was never ending and a felt a fever cming up however, i called my sis for a date after werk coz i really wanna go watch the devil wears prada. And it was worth it!!! totally totally awesome! but mayb along the way, i spread my germs to those in the theatre as well .. heez .. and something funnie happened in the theatre. me and my sister still laughs at the incident. lolz. ask me what is it wen u see me. haha.
Reaching home, swollowed a pill of panadol for cold and went straight to bed coz i could feel my body deteriorating. surprisingly, i slept at 7.50pm and woke up at 10pm which feels like mayb 1am but den slept again and woke up at 12am den i slept again and this time woke up 4.50am for sahur.
Actually wanted to follow my mum to Johor but my throat hurts so much and my nose was still dripping. So only my younger bro and my youngest sis followed her while me, after suboh climbed into bed.
Now .. im so much better!!! still a bit of sore throat left though.
And .. on friday finally at long last went to meet a familiar face. Nadia!!!! Since our werking time sort of the same, i asked her out for a date coz i really really really miss my frens!!! The familiarity of our interest, the laughs, the way we talk etc etc are soooo right at that moment.
thxs dearie for going out with me that day. i shall endure the 5 mths to get to see u all again.
p/s shd anyone wanna ask me out after 6pm bt mon-fri or after 2pm on sat ur welcome to do so. waha
tOoDles ..
9/24/2006 07:31:00 AM
Thursday, September 21, 2006
What if the past years of ur life, ppl view you as someone different but not in a good way and you always feel inferior even if you try to ignore such thoughts and when someone demoralised you so bad in front of you and that was a hard reality slap? how do you bounce back up wen u've been put down so low? how can and will you overcome the challenge of you trying to accept being you wen others possibly can't? What if you whole life you're been watched and talked about behind your back wen the fact you kno they are talking and you can't do anything about it?
What if you are never meant to be loved nor find it? How come people at such a very young age can already openly say they have fallen in love wen all your life you never did? Does that mean that you're juz totally abnormal or that you dont have the heart to fall in love and believe that noone could be so stupid to want to fall in love with you. btw can anyone define what is love? everyone experience love differently but it takes you urself to feel it to define it exactly the way you want it to be. hmmm
What if the dreams that you hope for never will come true but juz be a vivid image in you head and you realise that reality is far too cruel of a place to let a small glimmer of hope to shine tru. What do you do? Get lost in books? but from books you will start dreaming and hoping again. However, it is far much better coz you know you won't get hurt and you will be the master of how the dream will turn out to be. Still dreams are juz meant for ur mind to play around with and shall forever stays there.
What if you know someone who you can't get along well with coz of different personalities. As hard as you try to ignore the dislike-ness feeling, it will still be there. Then how? How do you tolerate a person who is a total opposite of you? There isn't a connection at all and as much as you try hating that person you simply cant coz it will be unfair to hate someone you barely kno. Then how? How do you try to befriend the person?
What if as much and as hard you try to be perfect it will always turn out wrong? Then how do you re-correct it? How do you be the best without making it look so hard? As long as you're called a human being, you can never be free from mistakes. But how do you prevent urself from being viewed as stupid or inefficient when the mistake was being made?
What if all your life you have been this type of person and all you life you thought that being you is totally fine and suddenly being you is not good enuf? How do you break out of that bubble that you so comfortable with and adapt to being someone new? Definately you will feel awkward and very insecure but you know you have to do it. As hard as you try to come of that comfort zone, you will retreat back to it and you will then have this feeling that you had failed. How do you deal with the sense of failure and to make ppl accept that little bubble of urs as well?
OhnO... juz wen i think that my mind is free from all this ridiculous worries, it's all floating back in my head. Thanks to the long bus journey to and from werk. Seems like i've totally surrendered my life to routine job hours and trapped in a certain area which i have no interest in. haiz. what have i got myself into. where's the light at the end of the tunnel? where's the thousand door that should be open wen the one i want closes? where's the blessing in disguise?
ManNnn .. dont tell me im falling into my depression mood again ... i need chocolates and ice cream!!! haiz
9/21/2006 02:46:00 PM
first week down
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
i survived one week of SIP! waha. okie actually it'S not dat bad lah. Still got lots of data entry to do so im so gonna be occupied for this whole week. miraculously, my body clock is all back to normal. well sort of. I can now wake up early in the morning and sleep early (usually at 1am which to me is early .. hehe). Anyway, i dont like to pick up the phone!! It's scary!! and i dont like to call ppl!! it's scary too!! waha. but im learning since the phone is juz next to me and i still have to pick it up wen it rings and call them to reconfirm addresses and all those other reasons..
and juz now got a break from doing the 'precious' data entry. Me and Zila had to follow one of the bosses to Al-Iman Kindergarten @ Tamp (which is also theirs) coz we nid to help out there. The boss car was totally cool (since it's Merc wat do u expect) and there, the ppl are sooo friendly and nice. The kids there are cute and adorable that made me wonder why didnt i apply for Early Childhood instead of HTM ... mayb my love for organising events and travelling and werking in a hotel or the excitement of meeting different ppl interest me more. Bottomline, the service industry is way way better. hehe .. Overall it had been fun being there. Something different from the routine office job ... and we got to go home early for once!! waha!!
Speaking of fun, yesterday, for the first time i went out with the 3 lovely ladies frm TP marketing. My cheeks hurt from laughing too much with them. They are so entertaining and great to be with! We all went to Bugis for dinner and afterwards walked around Bugis Village to shop. Mostly they are the one who shops while me juz follow. waha. i have no intention to buy anything yet. Anyway, walked around and around and through all the lane of mazes with my heels!! BUT i survived! it was not bad actually. waha. my feet are getting used to wearing heels i guez. Oh and before you could say aren't i tall enuf to be wearing heels? well ... there's no hard and fast rule that u cant wear heels if you're tall ... SOoOoo ... why shouldn't i if i like wearing heels. waha.
And coming Saturday, im gonna be the only intern in the office, the other 3 is gonna be having their on-campus training in sch. 'sObSob'
dont leave meeeee!!
Wen ur so concentrated on finishing ur werk at hand, time seems to pass very fast. Suddenly it's lunch time and suddenly it'S time to go home. The day juz flew by. One great thing is that since you mind is soo busy, u dont have to think of anything else or worry about life itself. waha. Thats y my entries nowadays are only reports on how my day went (which is mostly on SIP) coz i got no other stuff that is crowding my mind. hehe
time check:1230am .. time to sleep!! nitez!! tOodlEs ..
9/20/2006 05:45:00 PM
Saturday, September 16, 2006
I cant believe that tomorrow is finally Sunday!!! 'jumping for joy'
'still jumping'
'still jumping'
...... ok done ..... 'take in deep breath' ..... lets continue.
Anyway, today was only the 4th day of SIP and im feeling exhausted. yes im working on saturdays!!
Never in my life i wld wake up at 7.15am without fail and leave my house at 8.20am on the dot so i could reach the office by 9am. BUT!!! whenever i reach there, i wld always have to wait outside for quite some time coz no one is there yet!! talk about punctuality. hmmm ...
And yesterday, my co. had an event an TKS and we were invited to come down to see how it went about. The event was more of an auction thingy. It was really interesting and totally cool. Learned some stuff there via abit of qns and lots of observation. hehe. sadly they dont really do big events that much anymore. They are concentrating more on travel and tours. Ironically that the subject that i dislikes, i ended up being in it.
After this im sooo gonna hate data entry!! Still got alot left. Wen im done with it, there will be filing to do which im actually looking forward to it. gonna have to arrage all the brochures and pamphlets of countries around the world. interesting rite.
And juz now, went to catch a play by Yellow Chair Production entitiled A Story Of Hope. it was really inspiring. Really love the meaning behind the play.
Im not getting out of bed tommorow. Shall have my fill of sleep. Working straight from Wed to Saturday was tiring enuf. what about cming Mon to Sat? ... Wahhhh ... i shall eat more vitamins from now on. I think i will get use to werking frm 9am-6.30pm(2pm on Sat) but for now lemmi whine. hahaha ... no wonder those werking wld prefer to go back to sch.
9/16/2006 05:46:00 AM
my day
Thursday, September 14, 2006
HappY biRthdaY to mE
hAppY birThdAy tO me
hAppY biRtHdaY hAppY BirTHdayyyy
hApPy BiRtHday tOoooo ... Asy
hehe ..
okie and so im officially 20. i can NOW stay to be at this age only? waha.
my bday wish today? hmmm .. ohno i think i didnt make any. no candles to blow so ya no wishes to make. and even if there is, my wishes never do come true. but then, no harm in making one ... mayb i shall make one now .... 'wishing' ...
ok done.. heez ...
Spent my bday in the office without anyone's knowledge that today is my day. Wouldnt want to make a big hoohaa out of it. Like what i've been feeling as always, my birthday is juz another typical normal day. and today, my theory was proven rite. Without realising due to the work i've been given, suddenly more than half the day was over. no celebration nor anything being planned for the sweet me. but thanks for all the wishes you guys. The smses that i got was the highlight of my b'day. waha ..
Talking about SIP, juz now was my second day there. So lemmi start from the beginning. 'ahem' .. Reached the office yesterday at 10am sharp. waha. den i was directed to a room whr i met 3 more other interns from TP oso but they are frm marketing. And so, was firstly brief by Hanah and later by Ms Rozie. As mentioned in my earlier post, i am in the travel and tour department. yupyup. Continuing on, my first task was to do some calling calling of pax followed by the preparation of the upcming KL shopping trip stuffs. It was really an experiece to be calling so many ppl eventhough it was juz to inform them on certain stuff. so the telephone etiquette from service skills really was put in use.
Then today started the day with pasting double sided tape (which starting now im hating cutting double sided tape) to some(alot) pieces of papers followed by finishing up with the preparation of the tour stuffs. Then wen everything's done, did some data entry which goes way way back long before my time .. waha .. okie not really that far but still far. didnt realise that time even flew past and suddenly it was time to call it a day!! wahhh ..
truthfully, im starting to like werking there and there's really lots of things im slowly learning. hopefully by end of my 5 mths there (i still think it's very long. the marketing student will only be there for 3 mths!) i will be able to gain alot .. =)
2 days down ... alot more to go ...
okie .... now lemmi enjoy my remaining 2 1/2hrs of my day. wahaha. tOodleS.
9/14/2006 03:26:00 PM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
ONE more days before i surrender my freedom to worklife. OhNooo .. SIP starts tomorrow and im having butterflies in my stomach!! for once can the day today pass very very slow so i could enjoy the remaining few hours of this wonderful thing called slacking? waha
Those who had to leave for their OSIP did so on monday at about 8am. Didnt get to sent them off coz i couldnt wake up!! Somehow it seems that if the clock doesnt strike 10am, my eyes will forever stay close. waha .. how to wake up early starting tml!!
Anyway to those who have fly off, take care guys!! all the best for ur OSIP there!! Bon Voyage and see u all again soon in 5 mths time. Especially a shout out to Huiying, Althea, LimKaili and Linda Low .. waha!!
have fun!!!
On Sunday, had an afternoon out with my sis to the last day of the John Little Mega Expo sale. Other than the sale, there were about 3 to 4 other exhibitions going on beside one another and the crowd that came was massive!! waha .. dont worry, me and sis was able to get in and out of the place in one piece. waha.
Then afterwards, sis met up with her frens while me went to meet up with my darling chacha again for dinner. I always love it with cha2 ard! thxs for the prezzie dear!
Then monday, went out with my 3 besties .. nad, audrey and su. and to u girls also thxs for the gifts!! i totally espacially like the necklace! waha.
by 5pm, only left me and audrey as usual and so ... we went shopping!! for our (my) SIP 'what more i need' list. haha. walked from douby ghaut to somerset to orchard!! went tru every shopping center we passed by to fish for the best price. Finally, wen my bank account finally dried up, had our dinner and made a pit stop to the national library. my first time there! and i was awed with the buiding itself and the collection of books they have!! WaHHhhhh .. i shall make that library my second home!! for the first time borrowed 5 books at one go! if not for the limited no. of books one can borrow, i would have borrowed 2 more!! blame it on Nora Roberts for having so many interesting trilogies.
As i look back on my life and how everything have been going, im glad the friends i've made are exceptionally great! To those who are special in my life, im glad that you guys are part of something dear to me. You know who you are but if u wanna a confirmation can juz ask me .. heez ..
oh and now suddenly service everywhere is getting better!! mayb the GEMS movements really works! every shop that i went in now, their salesperson and i mean all of them are totally courteous and very very nice. waha ...
and to all my peepz of HTM seniors who are starting their SIP tml, all the best and take care of urselves!! lets work hard together for the next 5 mths and count down together to January. hehe ..
9/12/2006 07:08:00 AM
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Met julie early early in the morning to firstly meet soul to get julez camera back. den proceed on to rabz hse but we were too early!! reached actually bout 10.50am but we were only expected at 11.30am!!! so had a mini breakfast at mac. den while on our wae there, khai and nad z called to pick us up. khai drove in nad z car! cool-ness. but wen we reached, we had to go walk2 ard. soooo .. back to the car for a drive ard and ended up in parkway parade. waha.
Wen we were back to rabz hse, khai and nad z surprised me with a bday prezzie that they bought at parkway. A novel and a bookmark!! wAhhh .. i was shocked! really shocked! i tout they were kidding. waha. thxs u guys. i was really touched!!
at rabz hse they were already making the preparation. it was interesting to watch the guys cut all the fruits and doing all the preparation instead of the girls where we wld relex and only help wen needed. lolz.
by 2+ to 3, the house suddenly bcame sooo crowded with all of rabz frens. and at about 4+, the cake cutting ceremony started. sang rabz the bday song and suddenly rusy announce that the celebration was also for the september babies. ahhhh .. OMG!! in total there shd be 8 sept babies present but fie and aisha cldnt come.
overall, it was really fun with them all. even though it was a simple party but it all turned out great.
to the sept babies whu were there and suppose to be there
(rabz, farhan, aisha, hanifi, shahid and zaini and rabz fren and me) ... happy belated bday to some and an advance bday to some ... hehe ..
thxs to the advance prezzie i got! u guys are really so sweet!! i really didnt expect any of it. i really love every one of it! waha
to julie, azm, suhaila and kal: thxs for the forever frens bear and mug!! sweet seh u guys and u guys will of coz forever be my frens and i shall now love that bear more than tatty bear. lolz.p/s luckily u guys didnt listen to kal idea for my bday gift. 'shudders' wahahato rabz and mamat: thxs for the watch. it'S really so cool!! i really lyke the design of the nad w and rusy: thxs for the mini, cute compartment thingy (i donno wats it's really called) i really love it! and again to nad z and khai: thxs for the novel. the cover and the plot of the book is really interesting! and the yellow butterfly bookmark too!! ahhh .. u kno my fav colour. hahaden decided to go down to the esplanade for the free weekend nite shows. but the guys ... first they agreed to go along then one by one they leave!! ahhh .. only left me, julie, shahirah and dessy whereby we later met with azm at city hall. but by 8pm, only left me, julie and azm. but instead of staying at the esplanade, we walked donno whr and ended up at starbucks for a drink and some conversation. hehe ..
today really helps!! suddenly after the party, i became sorta crazy and totally not myself. haha .. in a gd kinda way. my mood was really good and my cheeks hurt from laughing too much!! i think it's the company ur with that really makes the diff. im glad i have frens like all of them. =) i can sleep well tonite. waha .. tOodleS

september babies without fie and aisha

dessy,me,parvin,nad w and rusy

guys at werk

we were all actually slowly melting under the sun!

me and the two great ppl

finally a pix of 3 of us .. and azm is anothere gr8 person .. hee

the cake - i still dont understand why 6 big candles .. whus 60 yrs old? hmmm .. waha

the choc fountain and fruits
9/09/2006 06:49:00 PM
weekend cming
Friday, September 08, 2006
Once again my mood is tumbling down. I hate all this free time. Makes me think too much and worry about everything and reminiscing too much about the past. I really have to work this negative energy off but everytime im at home i feel so drained and too tired to do anything but juz let my mind do the wondering.
i think the reason im feeling down is mayb bcoz since today was Westlife concert and i didnt get to go!!!! SobSOb .. haiz .. come back soon aite westlife and i will definately go. ahhhh ..
hmmm .. cant wait for tml. planning to go somewhr even after the party. On sunday planning to go shopping for my work clothes and monday for a singing session. for tuesday mayb one last time to fully enjoy rotting at home before THE day starts on wednesday.
Somehow time do seems to fly but sometimes it feels as though its crawling too slow. And finally finally watched Lake House and it was juz soooo sweet. watched it twice and i still wanted to watch it again. haha ..
Now time for me to wonder what shd i do. Sitting in front of the comp is really boring now. haha .. ToodLEs to all.
9/08/2006 05:40:00 PM
all better
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
finally after nearly a week, went out of the house for sunlight and fresh air. waha. thxs fate dear for asking me out for the date. lolz. it was juz wat i needed. huggiez.
it was so much fun. went shoe shopping with her ferst den had my late lunch at marina. den suddenly i wasnt feeling well .. mayb bcoz since my stomach was empty and the first thing i drink was pepsi which i think the gas killed me. haha .. anyway while i was 'recovering', we sat down and start chatting and before we realise it, an hour and a half had passed!! and so we decided to go hav dinner. haha .. and we have juz eaten k.
den we changed our mind to juz have dessert and i got to eat my ben and jerry's ice cream!!! really sastified my craving for it. heez. and once again while eating we start chatting and when we realise the time, another 1 1/2hrs juz passed!! haha .. and guez wat we did 5 mins later wen we left the place, we find another sitting place and continued our conversation!!! haha .. we finally really left to go home about 10+pm i think.
it was really nice talking to her. i could really tell her my thoughts and my opinions bout everything that came up. i think it was the first ever conversation i had with a fren that i could really juz say what i feel and not having this tugging feeling of being judge. hmmm ..
once again to my dearest chacha. thxs and dont worry to much aite. juz gimmi a shout or a call to ask me out if u need to talk again aite. love u dearie.

me and fate

me and ice cream

our ice cream .. whu can tell the diff .. waha
den today, went to watch monster house with mum and 3 of my other siblings. an outing with the as-salaam peepz. the story was really interesting and nice to watch. there were moments of funny-nest and shocking-ness. haha .. but overall it really is a great movie to watch with ur family. heez.
then after went to see my baby cuzzin. finally after a month since she was born, went to go see her. she was sooo fragile and small. her fingers, hands, feet and toes were so tiny! i was sooo afraid of hurting her if i pick her up. it was sooo cool to see another life's miracle. =)
Next was to have dinner and my siblings decided on New York pizza. So called my other 2 bros who didnt join us for the movie to meet us there and we ordered the biggest size pizza and one more medium one. waha. it have been so long since we had a family eating out together. it was soo nice. =) during this time is the moments that i will always treaure and the moments that shows why i love my family and am glad for having a big family.

aisyatul halimah

her hands against my sis .. sooo small

me and my new smallest cuzzin .. hehe

one of the pizza we ordered

me and my two yongest siblings and pizza
Anyway, my mood have been improving tremendously. mayb becoz of the sun. haha. 1 more week to freedom .. tOodlEs
9/06/2006 06:05:00 AM
Monday, September 04, 2006
Been cleaning my room since sunday and the dust that have been collected since the last room clean up is really overwhelming!!! by the time i'm halfway tru, my nose was already swollen and red and dripping. I hate my nose wen it's time for cleaning. just abit of dust will leave me sneezing non stop.
Anyway, the big brown cupboard that i have to keep all my school stuff and other stuffs have not been in use since like last 2 sem and i didnt even touched it. Wen i finally came around to start cleaning it, the dust accumulated was oh my god. it was as if the cupboard has been there untouched for 10 years! and now im still in the process of reorganising everything. My notes that i've binded from yr1 till now is alot!! i cant believe i actually studied all that stuff!!!
As much that it's great that i finally start cleaning my room, i've been stuck in my house for ever since the last paper. for one, no one asked me out. secondly, im broke. thirdly i wanna finish clearing my stuff before SIP starts. fourthly, im feeling under the weather this past few days. fifthly, i donno where to go and even if i do i dont have the mood to dress up to go out and to take the bus/mrt to the destination (this is the time wen i really wish i have a license and a car).
Can i feel healthy and normal for at least a day? Never in my life wen i wake up my head will not feel heavy or that i do not feel breathless or that my whole body does not feel weak or that my back doesnt ache.
I want to be able to run as fast and far without feeling my heart beats very very fast after a short distance or the fact that i will lose my breath and can't breath easily.
As much as i believe in miracles and magic i've yet to experience or see it happening. I still do believe that dreams and wishes do come true and that magic exist (gd magic) in the world. or that miracles and fairy tales really happens that leads to a happily ever after.
But sometimes reality is far to strong and too overpowering to have faith in all that. but somehow, i shall keep on believing until the time i feel that fantasy is no more than reality itself. haiz ..
anyway ..
to RabiA .. hAppY 20tH biRthdaY!!! (her's was on the 4th btw)
9/04/2006 07:56:00 PM
Saturday, September 02, 2006
I want to go away. far away from the city. I want to go and have a holiday in a cabin in the woods where everything is peaceful and serene. A place i can go out for a breath of fresh air regardless of the time of day or go for a hike. To just enjoy the scenery of the early morning sunrise and the evening sunset. Then at night, i will sit in front of the fireplace with a book in hand. A perfect dream. yupyup. haha .. mayb i shall leave it to be just a dream.
Anyway, im feeling that something is missing in my life. I just donno what is it. Somehow i feel i have everything i need but there is just this feeling that is tugging at me but i just cant figure out what is it. hmmmm .. time will tell but i can't shake it off for now and it'S really bugging me. haiz .. mayb it's just me turning 20 soon and im not yet prepared to face the big 2-0. oh well ..
9/02/2006 01:20:00 PM
September is here
Friday, September 01, 2006
to all teachers i've met and whom have taught me for the last 17 years of my life from nursery to primary, secondary and now polytechnic. Espacially those whom had been special to me and helped me made a difference in my life.
This day is dedicated to all those who are called teachers. May you continue to inspire.
Oh and to my parents who are my first ever teacher even before i turn one. heez ..
My mood have been a on roller coaster ride. It's been topsy turvy and very unstable. One minute i'll be happy and feeling at the top of the world and the next, i'll be down and moody. I ain't got any clue to why is it happening. Mayb i need to work this feeling off. I need something to do and accomplish. I need to take my mind off things and concentrate on the work at hand. SigH ..
9/01/2006 03:55:00 PM