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SIP launching begins ... today!!!
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Yes people ... the SIP launch juz started. Before this 24th June, i should secure a place somewhere in the hospitality & tourism industry. The school have provided a list of places from hotels to events related companies to travel agencies to attractions to airlines and etc. Definately a wide range from us to choose frm but for now, my main focus is on the hospitality industry.

The sad thing is that, The fullerton is not offered!! how sad!! but it'S ok. There's still RC hotel and PanPac to consider. 'winks' So now im my way to start writing my CVs and resume and researching on all the places of the SIP placements im interested in. Hopefully, with god's guidance, i will be offered/accepted to the place that is the best for me. amin.

We will be out there for 5 whole months!! 20 weeks!! and juz now from the talk by some people from the industry, i believe i really inside the best course. 'grins' ... the way they describe to us the insight to their jobs and the challenges they face and the memorable experience they encounter, i cant wait to go through it myself! haha

Anyway, next topic, the Food & Hotel Asia (FHA). Went there last wednesday and it was really an interesting experience. With heels, had to walk all the way to Hall 1 (which is the end of expo) for registration and then walk around the exhibitions that stretches to Hall 6!!! By the end of the long walk, my legs were incredibly tiring and painfulll!!!! but it was sort of worth it. With all the things that we saw, the delicious food that we tasted, no wonder it was such a grand event.

Next was the sriwana productions. Overall, it was indeed an memorable learning experience for the 4 of us. Problems arose and matters did get blown out of propotions but still, it was an event that we all wont forget that easily. The people there were really nice, friendly and i could see that they were really discipline and organised. I really admire them and frm the bottom of my heart, thank them for the opportunity to work for them.

For the next 2 days will be busy with werk .. and from then onwards school as per normal with the Arts Fest as well .. so i be at the MAG booth most of the time, everyday frm tue to friday.
Anyway, anyone yet to complete the NE talk? This friday there's one and i need someone to accompany me.
Ok, dats the update of my recent 'happening' life. haha


4/29/2006 02:35:00 PM

back to school
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
And so, yesterday was the first day of school. Back to the bustling life of TP and its overcrowding state. haha .. bcoz of this, miss TAS so much. first lesson was my elective subject which is E-biz .. ok i guez.
but wen it came down to business enterprise, it was bad. haha .. im elaborating .. but it WAS bad. firstly, had to sit on the damn stairs for two hours!! blame it on all the people who crash the lecture slot!! since im the one who have that slot i shd be the one sitting on the chair not them who crashes!!! argh! sickening .. think of others can. Anyway, that was a small thing. More bigger things was frm the lesson shedules and all those stuff. If i start complaining, this entry will be never-ending. wahaha ..

Just the first week of school, homeworks have been given out, reflective journal are to be written - so GC all over again!! ohgreat. =P

One thing great for this sem is that ... im back with su!! as u guys know .. and huiying too!!! but no brainy .. so saaddd ..
next, i only have 4 subjects which does not include APEL. and two of em' are examinable!! Sooo i be having only 2 papers for my exams!! yay!!

tml going for the Food & Hotel Asia @ expo!! finally gotta see wats all the buzz is about. To get in one must pay $80!!! and im sooo gratefull that we're getting in for free!! thxs ms daga!! but then muz be in formal!!! but it'S ok i guez. haha ..

will update more bout this FHA in the next entry. till den .. toOdles ..

p/s who are in T03? so far i think i kno only about 5 ppl in my class. haha

4/25/2006 05:43:00 PM

feeling down
Sunday, April 23, 2006
As the saying goes: Dont let anyone let u feel inferior without ur consent ... and i just did. And worst, i wasnt feeling well today. Slept the whole day and my whole family can vouch for that. I hate people that makes me hate myself. Is being a leader this hard?

Dont talk to me about commitment. Dont talk to me about being responsible. Dont judge me when u dont even know who i am which is sad actually wen i gave my best for so long and you dont even remember. If u think you know my name and dats all, you have no right to say anything bout me.
I've been committed. I've been there wen the rest gave up and left. I've been there when there's no one was around. So stop judging wen i need a little of ur support. To back me up. but i think now u're hating us, too dissapointed in me and seeing too much of our flaws. thanks so much ..
I was sick for goodness sake. I didnt plan of lying in bed the whole day and feeling so down and out plus all this blaming. ArgHhhh ...

Mayb is my fault? if is my fault that i fell sick, im sorry that ur blaming god for making me sick. if u think im too irresponsible den im sorry that you dont know me at all. if i drop ur water face, im sorry that you think i did it on purpose and that i did not feel bad at all to do that. bottomline, u juz dont kno me. so shut up.
but guez wat .. i tired of saying sorry for something i didnt do. why shd i feel bad wen ur too full of urselves. i had it of being soft hearted and taking everything in my stride and keeping it to myself and blaming myself. damn all of u who judge me for not knowing and thinking ur the perfect one and that i owe u.

Whatever it is im still holding my head high and giving myself credit for trying my best. So save ur criticism to urself or it be left ignored and you juz be wasting ur breath. I believe that tru this, god shows me that such people are not worthy of my time & respect and a lesson for me to learn and be wary of in time to come.


4/23/2006 03:20:00 PM

another boring update
Saturday, April 22, 2006
1 more day to school!! nOooOOo .. gimmi one more week of rest can?? oh and i got in T03. same class once again with su and huiying!! yay! but no brainyyy!!!

and so for the past few days, been werking for 2 of the days. One of the days i was soo sick dat by the end of the day my voice was sooo sore and my nose kept running!! reach home and immediately went to bed. and i was short of 50 cents for the other day!! i wonder whr it went!!

den had a bdae celebration for Mamat!! Happy bDay to nOr muhAmmad!!!
Went to farhan hse on thur for it. met farhan at white sands to get the cake and den waited for the rest at his hse - first was rabz and mamat den khai and nad z den aishah and wan and den haikal and his fren. And one of his cat (the evil one) practically hates me!!! wen i first came in the hse, it kept staring at me den pounce at me twice and later stalk me before pouncing at me again!!! OMG!!! scary black cat!! and it'S attracted to the bell on my hp!
den while some of them played risk (which i still dont understand hw to play), i played monopoly till i was bored of my mind. We all left at about 8 or 9pm den me, nad z and khai went white sands to find some stuff. It was a fun day juz hanging out with frens like em'.

and juz now went back tp for the pentas post mortem to watch the pentas video. as usual nadi ppl are the first dere but before end of the video all of us were gone. hehe. me, nad z, syafiq and julie went to hang out tog but julie had to go off first. later me, nad z and syafiq we went to Beach Road to eat Sup Tulang!! wahaha .. yummy!! didnt expect dat at all. but it was nice.

ok dats all i guez.


4/22/2006 07:14:00 PM

5 days and counting
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Reality people!!!

5 more days to school reopens!!!

and i cant wait! hahaha

not exactly excited of going to lectures, tutorials and projects that are awaiting but the thought of finally studying once again in TP is the main reason.

however, i'll be missing studying in TAS though - the comfy leather chairssss!!! and the private discussion room and juz the environment for HTM students. sighh .. but all gd things hav to come to an end rite.

Somehow, i hav a feeling im down with a flu!! nOoo .. why now? and im werking tml!! my throat hurts, my nose is running and my temp is slightly high!!! muz be my bro's fault. he'S been sneezing and coughing the last two days and now im infected!! damn! so much for being a gd lil gurl and staying at home.

Oh and anyone out there knows Nicole Miller products? A very popular cosmetic brand in NY if u muz kno. So if ur interested in getting em', ring me up. There'S a place i kno that specialise in em' at a very affordable price. 'winks'

Anddd .. im going to FHA (Food Hotel Asia)!!! YaY!!! for free!! frm sch!! woohoo .. it'll be sooo interesting!!! i cant wait for that day!

Think im gonna hit the sack .. im so drained .. need sleep .. need to recuperate and get well by tml morning. tOodleS ..

4/18/2006 03:06:00 PM

finally passed
Friday, April 14, 2006
what a day, what a day, what a day!!! Came to werk at 9am today and only went home at 8.30pm. Line today was incradibly long!! frm 11am onwards up till nearly 6pm, the line was never ending. the queue was sooo long that for every one person being served, 5 more joined the queue!! how to end like this! No time for short toilet break, to breath or even for a sip of water!!! i shd record myself in a tape recorder. makes my job ezier .. repeated the same line over and over again!! ' this are the show times for dolphine lagoon. take a red line bus to get there. thank you!' .. haha

my second day of werking alone, and there i was having to jump counters and doing transactions for travel agencies and explaining and encountering lots of different discounts and the 'best' of all getting shouted at by a customer!!! It wasnt my fault can!! he said i didnt giv his tickets but i did!! and after scolding me for no reason in frnt of all other ppl, he found the tixs in his pocket!!!! arghhhhhhh!!! and den tried apologizing profusely. being soo nice, i didnt mind. after all, after today no one there will remember this incident. wahahaha...

And tml is sriwarna training at TAPAC! cant wait for it!! now, im dead beat! my eyes are soo heavy and my body is sooo tired but i cant sleep!! too much in my mind i think. 'stop thinking asy!' .. about wat? no idea .. haha


4/14/2006 06:29:00 PM

back to werk
Thursday, April 13, 2006
and so after weeks of rest, finally got back to werk and dis time im on my own!!! my own cash float, my own counter and experiencing everything for real for the first time. hehe.

Anyway, werk today was very very very bz. i couldnt really even catch my breath!! where does all this people come frm!!! the crowd was as though it was a holiday and the line was ridiculously lllooonnngg!!!

But it was nice. I manage to balance my sales. phew. alhamdullillah.
my heart was beating the whole time wen i was recounting everything. hopefully tml wld be ok as well.

And tml is realli a public hols!! dont tell me the line was gonna be longer than today!!! oHnNoooo .. hehe ..


4/13/2006 04:51:00 PM

Wednesday, April 12, 2006
After planning for quite some time, finally went out with my gurls - audrey, peiling & huiying. Met them at orchard, show em' some stuff and we had lunch at breeks. wah! my first time at breeks ever and i ordered this chix which i ended up getting this big piece with yummy mashed potatoes. Anyway, for the first few hrs of my outing with them, they kept asking why i was so quiet. Wasnt im always the quiet one? haha. but we started warming up to each other soon.

Anyway, then we thought of watching movies but none were gd so were walked backed fro frm taka to cine to paragon and to taka and back to paragon. haha .. And an episod happen between one of em' and with this size L aunty. hehe .. shall not take her things without permission now. lol

Then after walking practically everywhr, huiying had to go werk and so left me, audrey and peiling for more window shopping!!!

Soon, peiling'S turn to go off and once again pinky and the brain are left. haha .. so more window shopping tillll 8pm. by the time, our legs were like jelly.

Anyway, pixs will be up after i find time to upload em'. and im werking tml!! alone for the first time!! yay. till tml post, toodles!!

4/12/2006 05:12:00 PM

Monday, April 10, 2006
For these few days, so many serious questions keep popping where ever i go and any conversations that is being started.

First was the topic of my future. The question on whr am im gonna be after poly and whr wld i be in 10yrs time.

Next, was what was my greatest fear. Without anyone realising, i was stumped for a while. That reali got me thinking again. And funnie thing is that it reminded me of dad, and my greatest fear suddenly stood there rite in front of me.
So wat was my greatest fear?
Now they know but can never understand. I myself was too scard to face the fact. I was too busy to be normal. I was too afraid to see the truth even wen it was right there starting straight in my face. But the question got me there and then that i finally should face the truth, the fact that i was different.
They asked if i am sick. They asked if i am ok. but wasnt i there smiling and looking perfectly as i am?
Mayb i am sick. I've been sick my whole life. If you think eating one piece of pill is hard. wait till u see how many of that i swollow each day.
I can never be someone people admire to be nor wants to be with. do i care? mayb a little but mayb it might be a blessing in disguise coz mayb the person who accepts me for who i am is mayb truly the one.

Prior to this, wen i went out with a fren of mine, the topic of relationship came up. And there i was consoling and advicing wen i have no freaking clue on any of this. Advice from the heart mayb, but it got me thinking once again (i shd stop thinking too much!).
Since my sec sch years, some hav been seen or i've been told that they have fallen in love. and suddenly wen another person who is much more preetier or handsome than their partner, they wld fall out of love and easily replace the old with the new.
Even wen someone hav been in a relationship with another for years, they can suddenly break off and said the feeling they had before was gone. How could that possibly be wen for sooo long ur with the person, u kno everything bout them and suddenly 'bam', all gone.
A scary thought if u ask me. but ... wat if u got married. Wen the so called feeling of love is gone, divorce is always the answer rite? mayb or mayb not or mayb you juz need to experience once again the time that u fell in love with that person. but it'S sad really.
Mayb dats y i not into this kind of relationship. Mayb dats y im juz not meant to have one so as to spare me frm getting hurt. Mayb .. who knows ..

Next was about life. Juz how do one goes through it and at the end knows that they have succeed in life? How do one measures their scale of success in life? What is the actual meaning to life and how come some people can pass by it easily while others practically have to overcome so many obstacles. How does one perceive life to be?
A simple one word that brings about so many definations and meanings and insight.

I suddenly realise as one grows older, these things slowly seeps into ur head and get u thinking and u realise that being the once carefree kid you were once before was the best times of ur life. No worries, no cares. but funnily wen u were at dat age, u cant wait to grow up. To be 18, 20, 25 .. etc.

Why so late at nite am i thinking all of this stuff!!! School come back! i need to get my mind on projects!! haha .. so all this stuff can juz leave and bother someone else!! haiz .. a sign mayb. of wat? i myself dont know either.

oh well .. toOdles for now.

4/10/2006 05:54:00 PM

bbq election
Sunday, April 09, 2006
The day i shall never forget and the day that i wished it never end.

Had Nadi election cum bbq at East Coast park yesterday. Met up with Az & julie and later nad z, khai, aishah, azimah, parvin and aisha. Headed to the pit after we bought the prezziez and ended up lost. haha. but wen we reached at 3.30pm, no one was dere.

After eating non bbq fd, had our elections and congrats to those who are now the new commitee in Nadi!!

tO our new vice-head: Shahirah

secretary: Nadiah W

treasurer: Farhan (ohNo .. hehe) and

quatermaster: Mamad

and well .. the head of nadi now is ... me. oH grEat .. haha

pressure and stree here i come. and bring nadi to new heights .. erm .. praying hard that i could. A wonderful new commitee if say so myself.

To my fantabulous Nadians, since you guys had choosen me to be the new head, i shall readily accept the role. However i cant do this alone without all of ur support and encouragement. Should i make any mistakes pls advice me for i am human too. If i ever hurt you in any way, pls tell me so that i could realise it and apologise. Once again thank you guys so much for being part of Nadi, being part of our little family. Love u guys always.

After the serious election (hehe), the bbq finally started, the chix and fishballs were yummy!! and surprisingly they even bbq a banana and it tasted gd. haha.
i finally learned to play taiti! yay! but still bad at it though. =X
Wen nite time came, while the guys played taiti, gurls played heart attack!! very kecohrable! hahaha ..
den it was cake cutting time for the April babies!!!

happY advance bday to:

Siddique!! .... and ....

and after dat, the 'gang' sat on the beach and we played truth/dare. haha .. it was sooo funnie and fun. by the time it ended, was already 10pm. So most of em had to leave except me, az and julie who stayed the whole nite dere.
Another outing dat bonds us!

Then i asked julie, az and aishah to follow me to pit 12 to whr muni bday party is. Note that our pit was pit 50!!! at the other end of east coast!! but actually is at the chalet Q12!!! which was nearby!! i only found that out wen we actually reached pit 12!!!!!!! OMG!!! and we had to walked back all the way!!!!! it took us nearly 3hrs!!!!and by the time we ended back at out pit, it was 1am and our legs were like jelly!!! ArgHhHHHhhh .. hahahaha.

Wen we got back, hang out with some of the rest who stayed back as well but soon, me and julie and az went off to sit at the big gray rock to talk and played taiti.

Finally, we came back to the pit and soon they started packing and was going off. Only now left me, julie, az, shah and wati. Cont'd playing taiti and suddenly it rained!!! wahahahaha .. damn cold!! but luckily we were in the shelter. Cont'd playing and surprisingly time passes so fast!!

At 6am, we started heading off home to catch the first bus and damn the toads and frogs are irritating with their croaking wen we were walking all the way to the bus stop. Even wen we're there their oh so melodic croaking was making us crazy!!! Muz be them who called the rain!!! hahahahaha
Reach home bout 7am and overall an interesting, usual and fun outing. Wishing that out gang were too there. hehe.

here are some pixs taken dat day .. enjoy! toODleS

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yummy bbq fd!!

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our food on fire!!!

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learning playing taiti

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playing heart attack

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i loike this pix

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a 'gambling den'

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me and julez .. and khai at the back

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me with the nadi secretaries

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me with MAG old and new president

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April babies

4/09/2006 12:43:00 PM

another date with the doctor
Friday, April 07, 2006
Another year had passed and about 2years 1month since the day. SO many dates with the doctor at different hospitals till i got myself confuse between NUS and SGH. haha .. how clever asy. ish ish ish. I shd be there at 4pm but i arrived an hour later - due to the place confusion. As usual, the procedures were, register urself, go xray and wait hours and hours for my turn. How exciting rite. And dis time, waited from 5.30 till 7pm for my turn!!

So im ok, the xray ok and everything's ok. but suddenly the doctor asked me this questions. SO after poly where u'll be?

That was ez. I got that planned out. To Blue Mountain Hotel school for the next 2-3years.

Then he asked again. What about 10 years from now? Where wld u be? Where do u see urself at and as?

That question got me thinking. I never thought of myself in 10years time. I'll be 30years old! Whr wld i be working? Which post (a manager mayb?) will i be in? Will i hav my family of my own or still single with my career as my main focus. Will i still be in contact with my frens? .... and all those little stuff.

If i go back in time - 10 years ago, i be 10yrs. I never thought of losing him for the rest of my life, i never thought of my PSLE yet nor wat sec sch i'll go or which stream or which poly and which course. but that was wen i was still young.

This future thinking is really confusing. Mayb to Prof Wong, he thinks far. but for me i planned out as far as juz 3 - 5 years frm now. And once i reach my goal, i'll plan the next 5 years.

Anyway, tml is the nadi election cum bbq day!! yay! hanging out with my nadi family agn finally!! wahahahaha .. having fun tml! and oso tml is muni bday bbq celebration at east coast as well. mayb i drop by for a while. heez. tOodleS

4/07/2006 05:53:00 PM

gurls day out
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Finally after weeks of planning, pinky and the brain finally met. Along with their good fren nadia. haha ..

Met them about 1.30pm at PS. Had lunch at Pizza Hut and dessert at Swensen. imagine eating ice cream wen it'S raining so hard outside!! i was freezing cold very soon!! haha .. we indulge ourselves too much!! but had fun crapping and talking with em'!!! the last time i sae em' was after our KBox session after the final paper.

Anyway, movie started at 4.50pm. Watched IceAge2!!! It was funnie can! i donno why some say it'S not. I was laughing most of the time. but the sad thing bout the movie was that it was short! i didnt have enuf of laughing!!! hahahaha

After the movie, walked frm PS to Centrepoint. By the way, the delifrance there changed to Bistro!!! NoOOo .. and den window shopped for nearly an hr! den moved on to Taka den to the library and finally sastify my craving for BK lemon barly and the turkey bacon for dinner. hehehehe .. reali ate alot!!! No regrets except my wallet is getting thinner now!!
By the time we called it a day, it was 10pm!!! It was ssoooo great heanging out with em'. So sad that the rest couldnt make it. haiz ..

And tml!! Nadi day out! Well sort of. Juz meeting some of them and later meeting my sis for a movie at PS again!! haha .. since she won free tix to Inside Man!!! there's gonna be Clive Owen and Denzel Washington!!! but i oso wanna watch failure to launch!! oh well .. a date out with my sis is once in a while. hehe

Anyway, another long day tml! Enjoy the pixs taken today!! tOodleS!!!

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nAdz, me and audrey

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pinky & the brain

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princess (belle and jasmine)

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audrey's dessert

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my dessert!!!! ... no lah i shared with nad!!

4/04/2006 07:00:00 PM

pentas 05/06 pixs is up ...
Monday, April 03, 2006
and so .. pixs showing the incredible days we had ... enjoy!!!

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welcome to PENTAS 05/06!!!

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everyone chipping in to pack the brochures

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advertising the poster - shahirah, aishah, me and rabz

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in the audi : top row - nad w, asy and azmi. bottom row - parvin, azimah, shahirah and rabz

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in the control room

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the gurls

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the guys

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Nadi Kesenian

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dis is how crazy they can get ..

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more crazy-ier

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and crazier!!!

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but we can be sweet too...

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my 'family' in the nadi tree .. haha

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the two 'irritating' guys i kno .. haha

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body-less nadi ..

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julez, nadz and me

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slacking after Pentas

ok done .. still got more ar but too lazy to post em up .. hehe .. hopefully this is enuf .. ToodLes ..

4/03/2006 03:13:00 PM

the next day
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Woke up at 2pm! i kno it was late but since i slept at 4am and days before i slept barely more than 6hrs, i deserve it rite. hehe.
Actually have to meet my fren at Century Sq at her werk place for her to pass me sumting but i was tired. And sumting came up. soo had to meet her another day.

Oh and i missed my class on sat. It was my last lesson by the way and i have to missed it! i had bought with me the book and everything and i hav to miss it. All thanks to the cramps that came unexpectedly that had me lying down at the audi floor. Even eating panadol, it hurts untill i fell asleep and waking up much better. i was stuck there on the floor for about 1 1/2hrs. thxs julie and all who were concern.

Anyway, i miz my nadi frens already. it was great hanging out with em' and doin stuff together. Once again i shall say, this show realli bonds Nadi closer to each other. And coming saturday, is the elections for Nadi new head, vice head, secretary, treasurer and quatermaster. It had been fun being the vice head for the year. Learnt new stuff and get to kno more ppl in MAG. Hopefully the nadi ppl will choose the right next new head and the commitee ppl that will bring Nadi forward to a new height.

Till next time after my next few days of slacking ... Toodles!!

Pictures will be uploaded soon .. hehe .. still waiting for em frm Nad Z. =)

4/02/2006 07:21:00 PM

post pentas
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Juz got home bout an hour ago from school. yes people .. school. Partly the truth. hehe. After pentas, went to habibie to slack with the Nadi peepz. And now, im suffering from post pentas syndrome!!! nOooOOO ...
Why does time past soooo fast? Seems like wen it was monday where we were preparing for it, learning stuff etcetc and suddenly .. 'BAM' ... everything's done.
Mistakes were made, some audience were irritating and finale was all over the place. but overall, a great show. Despite watching it everyday for all the practises, i still laugh at all their jokes and antics and the songs are still in my head!!!!

Now to say thank you and great job to:

1) First and foremost ... our crazy Stage Manager(SM), Hanifi. u did good man. two thumbs up for you.

2) Our cute Assistant Stage Manager (ASM), Nadiah W. Stay cute and happy oways. and u too did good. =)

3) The cwazy and fun lighting gurl, JULIE!!!! thnks for everything!!! u kept me entertained and for buying me breakfast everyday. hehe .. a truly wonderful fren. And u did great for the lights!! Congrats!

4) To the sound people, vamp killer bug farhan and crazy, bubbly Nadiah Z. U guys did fantastic with all the constant sound checks. yAy for u both!

5) Follow spots!!! my sweet aishsh and the 'irritating' haikal. U guys improved tremendously!!! u guys did extremely well. yEAh .. hehe

6) The crews - azmi, mamat, shahirah, azimah, azimah baby, irfan, mizi and zarul. Without u guys no props will be placed correctly or be carried at all. hehe .. well done!!

7) Runners!! Rabz and parvin! Great job for having the performers be there on time for their item. Takde korang takde lah ppl on stage. hehe.

8) Not forgetting the video & camera ppl - khai and syafiq!! thxs for helping out! cant wait to see the video of pentas again!!

9) My AFM and ushers. Thxs for being semangat to help out and make my job ezier. thxs thxs frm the bottom of my heart.

10) Our x-nadi ppl like kiky and to others frm TPPC like khai (whom we considered as nadi oso), wati and ferhan. Thnks for helping out. thnks for the advice and being there.

11) Last but not least, Abang Rafi, Abang Jai and Uncle Wong!! From the whole nadi, we sincerely thank you for guiding us along the way. we will love u guys always. (",)

Shall look forward to more production werks with u guys. Every production we do bond us closer and closer and it have been fun. love every single one of the nadi ppl to bits. A great bunch of people to werk with and be crazy with. Thank You.

For those who came for Pentas like su, nad, adam, zainal, shamil, yazid and the dramatec ppl, rashid, fyda and my dearest family and others i didnt mention, thank you also to u guys. Thanks for the support and it was nice to see u all.

Pixs will be up ASAP as soon as i upload em and get some of them frm Nad Z. So in the meantime, wait lah k. hehe .. till next post. tOodlEs.

4/01/2006 08:49:00 PM

an intro

~ AsYUrAh rOsLAn~
~ 21 yRs ~
~ 14 sEpT 1986 ~
~ SIM & IMI, Swiss ~
~ BA (hons) in int'l tourism & events ~
~ MaLAy mUsLIm ~
~ nar_alien@hotmail.com ~

more to kno

* tALL * cHeErFuL * sunflower *
* coNTenTeD * hApPy *
* ChoCoLaTeS * bEaRs *
* boOkwoRm * sPeciAL *
* tRaVeL * yELLow *
* mIrAcLeS * piAnO *
* mOviEz * MuSiC *
* vIrGo * hOteLs/eVEntS *
* yOGa * gUItAr * * fAirYtALe * dAydReaM *
* iSoLAtiOn * mAgiC *

:: aSpirAtiOns ::

1.coMplEte mY dEgrEe with a min of sec hons
2.fAll iN lOvE
3.mY drEaM jOb
4.wOrk iN duBai
5.LivE a fULfiLLinG LifE wiTh mY fAmiLy & fReNs

beautiful souls

  • anz
  • cleo
  • dee
  • elena
  • g.w
  • j.d
  • mas
  • mel
  • mich
  • nickizah
  • nad.z
  • nadi-ians
  • nokz
  • rad
  • siok
  • u-ka
  • zila


    back in time

    'August 2004'

    'September 2004'

    'October 2004'

    'November 2004'

    'December 2004'

    'January 2005'

    'February 2005'

    'March 2005'

    'April 2005'

    'May 2005'

    'June 2005'

    'July 2005'

    'August 2005'

    'September 2005'

    'October 2005'

    'November 2005'

    'December 2005'

    'January 2006'

    'February 2006'

    'March 2006'

    'April 2006'

    'May 2006'

    'June 2006'

    'July 2006'

    'August 2006'

    'September 2006'

    'October 2006'

    'November 2006'

    'December 2006'

    'January 2007'

    'February 2007'

    'March 2007'

    'April 2007'

    'May 2007'

    'June 2007'

    'July 2007'

    'August 2007'

    'September 2007'

    'October 2007'

    'November 2007'

    'December 2007'

    'January 2008'

    'February 2008'

    'March 2008'

    'April 2008'

    'May 2008'

    'June 2008'


    picture design: © Alexander Karpenko 2005 | aikart@pisem.net or AiK-art
    skin: slayerette
    image font: adine kirnberg script