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study week
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
It'S the start of the study week and how i wish it will pass really really slowly. Im so dreading the coming exams week. hAiz. So far i've not been doing well in my courseworks espacially for Applied Reseach. I can only pray that i can just pass the subject and i'll be so happy. please god.

And today went back to Parkway delifrance but this time round, it's totally different. After about a week+ of renovation, the old cafe was transformed into a new, beautiful bistro. I was so shocked when i reached. It felt 'cozy' and nice. HahA. I prefer our place better than Tampines Mall bistro outlet. There, it seems small and crampy but ours is huge!!

As you guys know i was put in charge of cashier and so along with my other cashier mates, we were given training on the menus and how do we exactly serve customers according to their SOP. I tell you .. it was really stressful to having memorise all the dishes that is now jumbling up with my accounts and crs notes in my brain. haha. but had fun juz now. The big bosses there were quite nice and it's fun to once again meet my collegues and makes friends to the new ones. =) After all the training and stuff, we were able to eat!! YumMy! there was trail tasting on all the food on the menu and it was delicious! so wen next time you come down to the new delifrance, do try our our new menus. Some are really worth every penny.

Just now, i never had my patience tested so far. There's this one gurl whom everyone just dislikes. It's juz who she is. She irritates ppl and get on their nerves. At first i was having the thought that mayb she just needs someone whom understands. But mayb since i never really worked with her that's why i had that thinking. And juz now when i had to, i nearly screamed at her! She thinks she'S so great - Someone who knows everything and she doesnt even giv ppl a chance. Mayb juz now she juz wanna show off esp to the big CEOs that she's the exampled employees that all shd follow. WHATEVER!!
I've never been so irritated by a person in my life! Even when i dislike a person never to an extend that it juz pisses me off! Lucky for her i have to patience to tolerate her nonsense. Even my other cashier and bar area frens nearly blow up at her. But we tried cooling each other down. ArGhhHh .. and there she was early in the morning or almost everytime i met her she'll ask why everyone hates her. Mayb she shd reflect herself in the mirror!

Alrighty then, mayb i shd channel my anger to do something useful .. for example mayb start studying. HaHa .. think i wont be sleeping tonite. do or die i need to at least finish up 2 chaps of CRS. Back to my notes den .. tOodLes!!

* for all those studying for their exams .. Jia You!!!! and best of luck!!!

8/30/2005 05:56:00 PM

Friday, August 26, 2005
Today was the last day of school and surprisingly im dreading it. Wondered why .. hmmm ... For so long i've been complaining of the travel hours to and fro sentosa, the difficult and time consuming projects, the subjects im taking and the list goes on. But inspite all that, im proud of myself for going through all that and survived and in the process made great friends whom i dont wish to be seperated in the next semester. But all good things have to come to an end and im looking forward to the next chapter of my life.

Im turning 19 soon and i have to start on my piroties. To start setting goals for now and the few years ahead of me. I cant live day by day without knowing what to accomplish. I'll be lost like a fish out of the water. Mayb i've been trained to set goals. i kno to some it may sound weird but it works.

And so .. another 50m to go. Just FOUR paper to sit for and im done for this semester. YaY!! .. i can do it .. i can do it .. i can do it ... =) and .. off to KL with my bestest frens!!! and wen im back it'S study time again for the global citizenship cds thingy. 'sMileZ' ... To u all out there .. good luck for ur exams!! All the best! Toodlez!!

mY eXam tImETablE:

Tuesday (6 Sept) : Accounts @ 0930 - 1130
Wednesday (7 Sept) : Club Resort & Spa Business @ 0930 - 1130
Friday (9 Sept) : Applied Research @ 0930 - 1130
Principle of Marketing @ 1430 - 1630

'mA tHoughtS'

After so long
I think i'll just give up
It'll never happen
So what's the use of waiting
And hoping?
It's just tiring
And a waste of time
The candle that use to burn so brightly
Has finally dimmed down
But maybe
Just maybe
It will not die off yet

8/26/2005 05:16:00 PM

Monday, August 22, 2005
Last saturday was my first time working at bistro delifrance. Im currently sent to TM bistro for training and how nervous i was at first. Not only do i not kno anyone there but i tout i'll be the onli one from my outlet will be there. But then wen i arrive, i could feel all eyes was on me .. which was scary but then saw my 'godsis' there. SO i felt a bit better. As the time passed, i suddenly felt sick. My nose wouldnt stop dripping, my throat hurts and i felt a bit feverish. But to my surprise, i stayed and survived. But as soon as i reach home, ate my febs and slept. Felt so much better the next day and had fun at work with my new found frens. =)

Made some frens there and compared there to parkway outlet, there is much much more malay peepz there. but i still love the ppl at parkway. hehe .. so for my 8 hours there, learnt the new beverages they offer, how the whole system of bistro works and the new menus available. The food there looks much more delicious but at the same time much much more expensive. Even so, there was so many customers. And those two days was my first time being scard of the cashier and being scard of customers. Su and izah encouraged me to try out cashiering which i did but i was extremely slow. haha .. but im learning. yup2. and im loving it. Im getting use to this new bistro concept and i love it. the work is much more segregated and we juz need to concentrate on one thing unlike the old cafe which we have to do everything. So i think im loving it. (ok .. i shd stop saying im loving it. haha) However, the great thing about the old cafe was that it's much more free and easy and u can easily joke around with ur fellow colleagues. but no complains here and i think my pay is being raise up. but juz a bit though. haha

Anyway, the new bistro at parkway i heard is opening on the 2nd September and with the large sitting capacity they offer, it'S gonna be busier that usual. hAiz ..

And yesterday, listen to the national day rally and it was realli interesting. Im so proud of our government for being able to think far and adapt to changes of time to keep singapore up to date. They already started planning on marina bay and they even look through other issues such as health care, housing and post secondary education. And wen he mentioned about our course - hospitality and tourism management in sentosa, i felt reali proud. With all this development coming up, we'll be really in great demand. He also touches on service culture in Singapore. Surprisingly, that is one of the subject we're studying. And whatever he said is true. Singapore needs to pay a great deal of attention to service and that everyone have a part to play. Not only the front line service staff but also the upper management and espacially customers themselves. If they want ot be treated with the best quality of service, they themselves should behave in a way they deserve it. In comparing with what we learnt to what i've been seeing as a service staff as well as a customer, we definately need to raise our standards in service.
And in one part of the speech when PM Lee nearly cried with his heart warming story of a past event during a particular year of National day, it too touches me and i too nearly cried. =) Overall, im really pround to be where i am, im proud to be a Singaporean and im proud to call Singapore my home.

This week, is the last week of school. All lectures and tutorials now are just for revision purposes. Cant miss anyone of them. Should there be any tips for the exams, i'll be left out. I just wanna score for my papers so i can enjoy my KL trip with my frens and later the GC and to work and work and earn lots of money. Haha .. Im already packed even during the hols! So book me in advance should any of u guys plan to go out tog ya .. haha

alrighty .. it'S tv time now!!! till next entry .. toodles!

8/22/2005 03:35:00 PM

interview!!! arGhHhh
Friday, August 19, 2005
The day have arrive!!! The long waited day where i can finally breath a little is here. AND ... THIS DAY WILL BE MARKED IN MY HISTORY BOOK WHEREBY ..... i cried in school for the first time!!

Why is it u asked? i'll tell ya .. but in a moment. Before that, this week have been tough. real though. completed 2 very difficult quiz which im glad i passed and did 2 long winded peer appraisal .. actually only one of the peer appraisal that took me forever and the three terrible terrible interviews.

The first interview for Applied Research wasnt that bad. It was ok actually. The nightmare came and gone that you never really felt it was there in the first place.
Then it was the CRS interview. The first part of it was ok when we were asked individually on questions from the lecture notes. I could answer them well .. i think ... but it was better than the second part of it. We have to convice Mr Slatter aka Mr Ram to buy our proposal but instead, we came out feeling demoralised. HaiZ .. but nonetheless .. i love our project that my precious group members were soo committed to make it the best.
The last interview was the marketing interview and i'll tell u straight. IT SUCKS BIG TIME!! ArgHhHHhh ... i studied my heart out but instead i got shooted with very difficult qns that i can barely answer. I wasnt able to ans 2 of em' and the other 2, it was .... haiz ... however, I could answer my friends questions instead. Thanks so much! UrgH .. but what surprised me that after coming out of the hell-ish room, i cried. I did! I dont know why. I was telling myself it was over. There was n'tin i could do. But the tears flowed. Hard and lots. Mayb those tears wasnt bcoz of the interview. Mayb it was because i was angry. Angry at myself for not remebering what i studied. Angry at myself for being slow. Angry at myself for being stupid. And after that short burst, i feel better. Much better. Thanks so much to my group mates and Yee Yun for ur comforting words. Espacially to Su who was the first to make me laugh. I never expect that i could laugh after that. But u did made me laugh and im grateful for that. 'hUgGIez'

My aim now .. to study really really hard to for my exams. I just hate seeing myself doing so bad when i kno i have the potential to succeed. It's exhausting to see ppl doing better, to see urself not being able to reach for the stars, to always pick urself up after a long bad fall. These old bruises of mine still have not yet heal and there comes another fall. hOpe that i can take it. Please god. Help me.

Anyway, next week is the last week of sch and im already missing my beloved groupmates. I cant be where i am and be crazy as i am nor be what i am without you guys. In this short period of time, you guys have shown me the meaning of staying happy even when the world in not on ur side and the meaning of friendship by being there for each other in time of good and bad and the greatness of just being urself. Once again, frm the bottom of my heart, i thank all those who have touched my life in one way or another.

Tomorrow, im starting my first job in Bistro Delifrance in TM from 9 to 5. Im having cold feet as of now coz i do not kno anyone there nor know any new menu they have. I'll be a lost ship tomorrow. So come visit me so i will not feel lonely ya. Or if not, on sunday den coz i'll be working there oso frm 9 to 5. For now, need sleep. Been deprived of it. Toodles. (",)

8/19/2005 05:17:00 PM

global citizenship
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
YAY!!! guez wat guez wat guez wat .... IM JOINING GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP!!! WOOHOO!!! my mum finally approves!! Realli wana thxs my aunt noriah for helping me giv solid advantages to convince my mum that it is really really very very good for my future use!!!!

but my main concern is ... they dont realli promise halal food .. so .. mee maggi everyday for me for the 6 days trip or go become vegetarian. LOL . and the day we're off to the educational trip, it's the fasting month. SO im praying on the day im going i cant fast or if i do fast, i see how long i can tahan or become a musafir and pay back wen i reach home. Please god .. let me cannot fast on the 6 days trip there. 'stiLL praying'.

Next, the dreading CRS interview is tomorrow and i havent started anything yet!! oH nO .. hElp!!! im afraid that i cant answer any qns and worst no one in my group can help!!! HoW hOw hOW??? GO STUDY ASY!! afetr this i promise. even if it takes me all night.

hmMmM .. wat else to say. oH ya .. today was su bday. Few weeks ago we were so caught up with projects and presentation and everything about school dat we had no time to buy her present. So juz now, bought this lovely, sinful, delicious chocolate fudge cake and sang her a bdae song at the warong amids all the sentosa ppl who were having lunch there. Surprisingly that she didnt suspect anything. HehE .. we all are good actresses. hehe .. sry su no time to buy ur prezzie. Will do it soon and promise u gonna love it.

And it'S confirm .. zombie and warlock is going with us to KL. And heard that the haze in KL is getting better bcoz of the rain. Cant wait for the trip. Hopefully it wont crash with my Global citizenship CDS. 'pRay aGaiN'

Alrighty .. that's all folks. Now need to revise for tml interview and pray again i'LL do well. Pray for me too aite. Thxs! Toodles!!!

hAppY 18tH bIrtHdAY sULianI!!!! 'hUggIez'

8/17/2005 05:28:00 PM

back late!!
Monday, August 15, 2005
PheW .. juz reached home half an hr ago frm werk. Late huh .. hehe .. actually it was on purpose. Today was parkway delifrance last operations in a self serving counter. Starting 2 weeks later, gonna be bistro delifrance. Cant wait for it. So juz now was the last time i did washing, the last time i see the big counter. The last time i sat and ate at the kitchen, the last time i slack at the office and the last time in this uniform. Everything gonna be new new new!!

We left at about 12am while before that, around 9.30pm, the renovation guyz started coming. They started tearing down the office first den the kitchen and then the counter area. They all worked so fast! so efficient!! like they know exactly what to do at what time!! Everything's going. The glasses, the ovens, the sandwitch place thingy, the cold showcase .. alomost all. I think all was to be replaced. Cant wait for the next two weeks to see how it turns out in the end. hMmMm .. and the uniform too .. it'S gonna be new. interesting uniform act. but mayb i will look weird in it ... haha. we'll see. =D

Oh well .. mayb now gonna get ready my things for tml long day of deployment at golf club again and get some shut eyes. TirEd man .. toOdleS ... =)

8/15/2005 08:00:00 PM

Sunday, August 14, 2005
IM TIRED! mentally and especially physically. but im holding on. Have to. Must and Will. siGh. Cant wait for the KL trip with some of my gothic pals - witchy, wednesday & tiffany. HahA. (take note: these are scary characters names not make up!). Mayb warlock N zombie is joining us ... but to be confirm. Most probably warlock is. hAhA ..

Anyway, news for all --> Delifrance in Parkway Parade is closing soon!!! On tuesday in fact. So tomorrow is the last day of operations. Come eat there to experience the self service style of delifrance in Parkway!! coz we gonna be changing to Bistro delifrance which will be opening in 2 weeks time if im not wrong. Fast huh .. like magic sia they renovate everytin'. Surely wen it opens it 's gonna be overcrowded for the first few weeks. Can'T wait for it! but before dat gonna have training at bistro TM. Im in charge of cashiering .. so muz kno all the new products very very well. =D

Oh and im glad for one of my fren whu finally with patience and sincerity got wat he'S after. Touchin' story act. Wont go into details coz i dont reali kno the details dat much oso. LoL. And t my other two frens .. surprising surprising. Never thought u guys were an item. Glad that im the first to kno. HehE .. previlage u kno. HahA ... Seems like alot of ppl are falling in love. Except me. Mayb my prince charming got lost somewhere since S'pore is too small. HahA .. one day .. just one day hE'll some and sweep me off my feet. Till den. For now .. to concentrate on winning the last week of battle Before facing the war!!!! Toodles ...

nExt weEk obStAcleS ...

1) Applied Research Interview
2) Culinary Science ( Golf Club ) report
3) Club Resort & Spa Interview
4) Club Resort & Spa Quiz
5) Marketing Interview
6) Biz Etiquetter & Service Excellence Quiz
7) Peer Appraisals for all 6 major subjects

8/14/2005 01:39:00 PM

one more week
Friday, August 12, 2005
HaPpy bELatEd nAtiOnaL dAe!!!! hAhA .. Asy Asy .. wat took u sooo long???

Anyway, finally part of my 100m race is done .. 50m more to go. Today, finished off my marketing presentation and we did a good job. Yup2. I juz love my group mates .. 'hUggIez'. And rite now, all my projects are done. Finish. Zip. Completed. .. but then it'S not realli time yet to be celebrating. Next week is going to be the most stressful week ever. With 2 quizes, 3 veri veri veri hard interviews and lots of peer appraisal to do, im so gonna be 'dead' by the time the week is over. But i dont want the last week of the school term to come!! It means that the exams is near and it'S going to be the time that im gonna be splitting up with my current classmates and close frens there that i've made to a new class. sIGh ...

And last tuesday, during the national day, guez wat i did? Werk and werk and werk. HahA .. cant resist not werking. It'S double pay for that day! SO muz werk! bUt after dat met 2 of my siblings at the tampines carnival to hav fun. It was ok i guez. The booths was interesting but to my opinion, the stage and the screen is far to small. They should either make it bigger or put 2 or 3 more around the carnival (i mean the screen) so that ppl at the back can see the parade at the padang as well.
It'S like once a year do u see everyone wearing red. Shows how united we S'poreans are ya. hEHe ... beFore 8pm, me and my the other two siblings quickly rushed home coz we wanna see the fireworks from our house. I think over there will be nicer as the view of where the carnival is was not blocked by anything. And yupz .. the view was spectacular. =D took some pixs of it but it'S still in my camera. Donno wen i will upload it. HahA ..

Finally ... watched CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY!!! with some of my classmates. I rate the show 4 out of 5! HehE .. was reali funnie and nice. Johnny Depp is super talented. I love his movies. but best of all, I love the chocs and the cute lil squirrels .. HehE .. bEfore the movie, some of us splited up coz some wanna eat at the food court, some at Sakae Sushi while me, audrey and su was craving for Swensen. HahA .. I think the last time i ate at Swensen was wen i primary 5 or 4. That is wen one of my aunt blanja us for ice cream. That was the first and last .. untill last tuesday. And the sundaes there on dat dae was only $4. But i was sick. My flu was there and my throat hurts. Still, i ate .. banana split. And finished it all up. HehE. But i suffered the next day coz untill now .. sob sob. But i didnt regret eating it though. LoL =P

Alrighty .. shall stop for now. need to complie all my notes to start revision for the interviews and to read my AR proposal coz i kno nuts about it. All i kno is how to write introduction and attendence list. LOL ... till den. tOodLes

8/12/2005 03:10:00 PM

Monday, August 08, 2005
Im so getting sick and now is not the time to be sick. Finally our combine project for CRS and mkting is done but there's the presentation and interview that is coming up. And i repeat ... it's not the time for me to get sick!!

Last tuesday had my deployment to Sentosa Golf Club and it was F-U-N!! Never thought that i was having fun cooking. haha .. at first it wasnt all nice and rosy coz we had to do 4hrs of mis-en-place like peeling i think it was 2kg of prawns that took us 2hrs in doing so and also we had to peel lots of potatoes and carrots. After peeling comes the cutting of those stuff including some vegetables and worst of the worst ... onions!! By the time i was on my 3rd onion, i started 'crying' and i couldnt take it anymore!!! LoL ..

tHe tOns oF prAws we Hav tO peeL .. aLot rite!!

hUi yInG & mE & tHe biGgesT prAwn oF aLL thE otHEr prAWns .. hEHe

After doing all those tough jobs, we got to eat! which is espacially cooked for us by the chefs there! yUmmY! and afTer dat, a tour ard the golf club which was super nice and den the best part came ... cooking! at ferst thought that we only gonna watch the chefs cook but den we were told to cook while they gave us instructions .. heHe .. we cooked this yummy japanese curry which later they use it to serve their customers .. so honoured! And ... again .. we eat! the curry that we cooked together with their own made noodles, rice and wanton ...

from left: vivien, kissy, hui ying, siokkie, our shifu, me and su ... and those dishes in front is for us to eat!!

Our final activity for the day was .. cooking muffins which we were able to bring home!! Ok .. so dat concludes our Golf Club deployment .. till next deployment den!
btw .. we hav 2 more weeks there to enjoy cooking!!

For the next few days, i have not been having sufficient rest due to compiling and editing and editing and editing of our proposal. Hard work man .. but a tap on the back for my gothic team mates. Without all of ur hard work and perserverence, we couldnt finish everyting b4 time. YaY .. so juz another 100m left to run ppl .. we can do it!!

And on friday, was the CCN day. Really wanna go but i did go .. so wats the but for .. it's bcoz ... i had to go there in my formal wear!! coz earlier had our BESE tutorial! Man ... reaching there, me, su and joey felt out of place but it'S ok .. hEhE .. it wasnt as exciting and fun as it was last year. Mayb the yr 2 HTM students werent there to liven up the whole place. LoL. Ended up sitting in LT21 with my frens and watch Business School Brainest Student. Thought at first was gonna be a bore but it was fun.. really. The students who took part was really clever. Wen the qns pop out, i have to think quite a bit but they already shoot out the ans. They were fast! Me and my frens thought that mayb we juz go in, sit for a while to see the show and leave but we ended watching the whole thing. Haha ..
And guez wat i bought there ... a BEAR!!! no surprise there huh .. i bought a cute beanie bear for juz $2!!! hEhE ..
Overall .. i rate the CCN day 3 out of 5 .. HehE .. juz bcoz met a lot of my frens there whom i never thought i might bumped into. =)

For the whole of last week i never went to werk and how i miz werking. Not bcoz of the customers but my fellow colleagues. I love talking and joking and crapping with them. And knowing all the juicy gossips they came up with .. haha ..

Oh well .. im off preparing for my presentation this coming friday. Wish me luck! Hopefully our proposal will be the chosen one for Tabcorp Australia! Haha .. toodLeS!

* the pixs was taken by the funnie lil siOkkIe!!

8/08/2005 10:04:00 AM

an intro

~ AsYUrAh rOsLAn~
~ 21 yRs ~
~ 14 sEpT 1986 ~
~ SIM & IMI, Swiss ~
~ BA (hons) in int'l tourism & events ~
~ MaLAy mUsLIm ~
~ nar_alien@hotmail.com ~

more to kno

* tALL * cHeErFuL * sunflower *
* coNTenTeD * hApPy *
* ChoCoLaTeS * bEaRs *
* boOkwoRm * sPeciAL *
* tRaVeL * yELLow *
* mIrAcLeS * piAnO *
* mOviEz * MuSiC *
* vIrGo * hOteLs/eVEntS *
* yOGa * gUItAr * * fAirYtALe * dAydReaM *
* iSoLAtiOn * mAgiC *

:: aSpirAtiOns ::

1.coMplEte mY dEgrEe with a min of sec hons
2.fAll iN lOvE
3.mY drEaM jOb
4.wOrk iN duBai
5.LivE a fULfiLLinG LifE wiTh mY fAmiLy & fReNs

beautiful souls

  • anz
  • cleo
  • dee
  • elena
  • g.w
  • j.d
  • mas
  • mel
  • mich
  • nickizah
  • nad.z
  • nadi-ians
  • nokz
  • rad
  • siok
  • u-ka
  • zila


    back in time

    'August 2004'

    'September 2004'

    'October 2004'

    'November 2004'

    'December 2004'

    'January 2005'

    'February 2005'

    'March 2005'

    'April 2005'

    'May 2005'

    'June 2005'

    'July 2005'

    'August 2005'

    'September 2005'

    'October 2005'

    'November 2005'

    'December 2005'

    'January 2006'

    'February 2006'

    'March 2006'

    'April 2006'

    'May 2006'

    'June 2006'

    'July 2006'

    'August 2006'

    'September 2006'

    'October 2006'

    'November 2006'

    'December 2006'

    'January 2007'

    'February 2007'

    'March 2007'

    'April 2007'

    'May 2007'

    'June 2007'

    'July 2007'

    'August 2007'

    'September 2007'

    'October 2007'

    'November 2007'

    'December 2007'

    'January 2008'

    'February 2008'

    'March 2008'

    'April 2008'

    'May 2008'

    'June 2008'


    picture design: © Alexander Karpenko 2005 | aikart@pisem.net or AiK-art
    skin: slayerette
    image font: adine kirnberg script