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PS tour
Thursday, June 30, 2005
First and foremost ... HaPPy biRthdAy Diiiiiiii!!!! How is it to be old? LoLz ..

Anyway, celebrated her bdae today together with Fate at Pizza Hut PS. Actually Di planned it to be a gathering for the 3 of uz. Been a very very long time since we hang out together. Then, me and Fate realise that the day we gonna go out is coincidentally her bdae! wahahaha .. and so, me and fate was cracking our precious brain to think of a bdae prezzie for her. At last we decided to treat her to dinner. Hope it's ok di ... hope u like it. We both love u so much! I really miz all the times we shared and joke and lame ard and talk almost about everything and anything under sun and rain and wind .. LoL. Asy .. lame lah. Wahahaha

Really had fun today. I wish u a berry happy bdae once again dearie .. may all ur hopez and dreamz be fullfilled and u forever be the bubbly, fun, cute and a great fren u are. (",)

forever frens ...

And tomorrow, i was thinking of skipping my Applied Research lecture again. Haha .. i cant stand it. It's juz torture i tell u. Having to go for tutorial is bad enuf. To endure 2 hrs of her talk early in the morning juz kills me. It's better if i juz skip it and be able to sleep longer.

And finally, last tuesday, im done with my proficiency test. Im glad it's over. I had to cut brunoise and Paysanne on carrots and chiffonade of lettuce. Easy rite .. but then comes my mashed potatoes which wasnt really being mashed up well. I couldnt find the masher after wasting precious time searching the whole kitchen for it. So i juz mash my potatoes with a fork. Imagine how hard it was. 'siGh' .. there goes my marks. Of all that i had to prepare, i enjoyed doing the deep fried dory fillet covered in breadcrumb. It was really easy. Was surprised i remebered how to do it step by step. But ... it turns out a bit salty. That was wat Ms Daga says but wen i bring it home for my family to try, they say it was really delicious. Wahahaha .. of coz!! i cook wat! LoLz ...

And my accounts class test, i got an A!!! YaY .. eventhough i was aiming for at least a minus of a maximum of 2 marks, i got 36 out of 40. Can lah .. i'll do better for my mid sem test. Talking bout that, do u kno i ONLY have ONE paper. Let me repeat ... ONE PAPER ... Wahahahahaha .. im lovin it!!! but it's on thursday! why cant they make it on monday so i can hav a least 2weeks of break. HumpH ... oh well .. still shd be gratefull .. Happy studying u guyz ... ' asy cant stop smiling evil-ly'. Ok den .. need sleep .. im so deprived of it. ALways end up sleeping on the MRT .. muz stop! hehe... toodles!!!!

6/30/2005 05:46:00 PM

real me
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Got this website frm Amin's blog. Try it u guyz ... surprising some of it is true .. =)

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:

You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:

You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

try it: http://quizbox.com/personality/test82.aspx

So wat u guyz think? Am i lyke dat? .. hehe .. Comments plz. Toodles (",)

6/29/2005 05:05:00 PM

real meaning
Try reading this .. i so can relate to it. Really very nice. =)

To laugh is to risk appearing a fool
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental
To reach out for another is to risk involvement
To expose your feelings is to risk
exposing your true self
To place your ideal, your dreams before a crowd
is to risk their loss
To love is to risk not being loved in return
To live is to risk dying
To hope is to risk despair
To try is to risk failure

Yet risks must be taken
Because the greatest hazard in life is risking

The person who risks nothing
Does nothing
Has nothing
Is nothing

Self-realisation is harder than
Self Sacrifice

6/29/2005 10:57:00 AM

school lab
Monday, June 27, 2005
Rite now in TAS school lab. Juz finish discussing on Applied Research questionaire that is to be passed up tomorrow. Anyway, slept at 3am yesterday juz to finish up my case study on budget airlines. Why so late? coz ... actually i probably would reach home by 6 but my manager wanted me to do OT till 8pm!! ArgHhHh .. hebut hey, it means more money for me. Bcoz of lack of sleep i accidentally woke up at 9am!! instead of 7am!! 1 hour to be on time to Sentosa .. Impossible! You should hav seen me that morning. I was soooo panicky. Then my mum gav me some money to get to school on time and the journey from Tampines all the way inside Tourism Academy cost me $13.70!! wahahah .. precious money going down the drain. Oh well .. either dat or be really really late for my tutorial class and late to pass up my case study.

Today during APEL, discuz a topic that was really interesting. Pre-marital sex. We discussed on the different reasons why people are open to it and why some people are not. I didnt realise from the different point of view of that. My whole life i am soo against it and have no idea why some people arent. It really opens my eyes on what do the different gender gain from should they agree to it or not.
Ask you this. Some people say that they have pre-marital sex to kno if they can really live with their partner and also get to know them in the process. Im not talking about one night stand but in terms of co-habitat-ing. So what about who doesnt? What if when u get married and discover habits that totally gross you out? Wil you stand by your partner and accept him/her for who they are or finally when you cant stand it, divorce them and find someone else that you are attracted to? Thinking about it. reality sucks. There is juz some challenges and setbacks for you to go through. When you try weighing you options, usually the best one is the one that should be avoided. Get me? haha .. if u dont .. oh well

AAbout the topic that i discussed with joey last friday was about friends. Who do we consider friends? Why do we catogerise our friends into best friends, good friends, close friends, just friends or acquaintances. How do you go about doin that? Should you have a best friends, do you mean that he/she is the best? DO you actually know their likes or dislikes? Or should they encounter and problem or setback or when the world turns it's back away from them, will you do the same or stuck by them through the end? When you say yes, will you really do it when the time comes? Do such friendship exist? For those reading this, who do you classify me as? friends mayb and to some, acquaintances .. right? coz when you think about it whenever i go out with you,do you find a gap hanging? You dont know me and i dont know you. Even if im tempted to tell but im scard. Of what you may ask. Mayb being judges. I feel that with different groups of people, i juz act differently. The time when i can act looney is with my groupmates. Most of the time wen im quiet is with my cca grp ppl and when im juz being myself is with my family. Dont kno why .. it's juz me i guez. i think if you dont reveal yourself to others how can they do the same? ... hmmmm

Oh well, there's gonna be a class using the lab in 10mins time. Till next entry. Toodles!!!

6/27/2005 08:25:00 AM

Saturday, June 25, 2005
Sometimes wen u hav a lot to blog about, u juz dont kno where to start. Mayb i juz start about yest first. After sch yesterday, went our with the Nadians .. in my formal dressing. Why u might ask im wearing that .. no, i did no have any presentation what so ever. It's juz every friday, i have to be in formal to class. Yup2 ... in sentosa in blazers and all juz for a 2 to 3 hrs of class ... sigh .. haha. But i love it .. sometimes. Since we're talking a bit bout my sch, i'll show u some pixs of it ... Enjoy!!!

Blk A

bLk C

from left: joey, asy(me), su and audrey

daily sch visitor

sch canteen area to buy food

alfresco style canteen

canteen part 2

nice rite =)

audrey, nad and su at the pathway headed toward the library

the library

partial view of our sch

nad, me and joey at the upper lvl of the sch

view from the canteen

nad, me and hui ying - who shd be a bit more shorter than wat u see ...

our lecture hall

So now, back to wat happened yesterday. I met julez, rabz, azmi and sid about 6.30 in front of swensen. And as usual with azmi around, there should be a game of pool. haha .. so we headed off to pavilion for the guyz to play pool. Actually was tempted to play but .. playing pool in formal? I dont think so. Also rabz and julez oso not playing. so ... move on!!! Feez came later and den mamat came as well. They all played for about 1 1/2 hrs while we three juz sit and watch. After dat, had our dinner at Long John and den they wanted to take pix to keep as memory. But got this one person rite .. went home early to watch tv. haha. By the time, all pixs are taken, it was time for home. While the girls headed home, the guyz went to the nearby pasar malam. But halfway towards the interchange, azmi called and told us that ifwe wanna eat durians!! haha... and so me, rabz, azmi and sid went to eat durians outside KFC!! .. a very interesting place to eat durians if i say so myself. All this bcoz rabz had a craving for durians earlier and the guyz make her carving wish come true. wahaha. After eating the yummy sweet durians, we all headed home.

from left: rabz, julie, me, sid, azmi and feez

And today, work was abit slow but still busy. Then after work headed to Suntec to Zah work place. It's only to giv her the money to the upcoming concert we're goin together. On the way there saw Bistro delifrance. From the way i see it, it looks cool. Yup2. And our outlet is goin to be like dat in coming September. Yeah! im lovin' it! haha .. anyway, actually wanna update something that joey and i discussed about on our way back on friday. Was really an interesting topic. Will try to update it ya and see wat u guyz think of it. =) till den ... toodles!

6/25/2005 05:01:00 PM

tiring. .. exhausted
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Nowdays, seems that it takes me reali reali so long to update something even if i wanna too. I think the travelling time to school is slowly taking it's toll. Im soooo very exhausted by the time i reach home. And with all the research to do and stuff, i'll be dead by the end of the day. sIgh .. And i think last tuesday i really nearly "died". Upon reaching home at about 9.30pm, i thought of lying down for a while before CSI starts but suddenly i got knocked out! I accidentally slept from the minute i put my head on my pillow and only was able to wake up wen my mum woke me up the following day. I didnt even change out of my chef pants! haha ..

Talking about chef and cooking, on Tuesday (Monday actually but my class was on tuesday) was the official opening of RITZ ( or used to be known as SAFFRON ). That day, i was to be in charge of Garde Manger ( salads and dessert ). While everyone else it all hot and getting scolded and stuff at the hot area, me and audrey and this guy kevin was so comfortably in the slightly cold room enjoying the air-con and was so bored. haha .. Business that day was slow. Really slow. And the service ppl on the other side wasnt that efficient esp the CP ppl. haiz ... Anyway, nxt week i think i wont be in the service kitchen but instead hav to make sandwitches to sell. But .. ppl who hav n'tin to do every weekday between 11.30 to 2.30, come down to TAS for a fine dining experience!!!! Wahhahaha

And juz now, had our trial cooking. It was sooo demoralising!!! Eventhing that we did was a failure! Some cooks we are! The spegetti was tasteless, the mashed potatoes were raw and the chicken was dry!!! ArgHhHhHh ... And i juz couldnt stand for the fact im not inform nor corrected! So now ... donno lah wat is the next step. And worst, our proposal is due next tuesday. hAiZ .. hopefully Victor can provide us with a miracle!!

Accounting test was today oso. It was not that hard neither was it easy. Cant guarantee a full mark but should be able to score. I hope i can!!! Since my trail balance balanced .. it should be ok ... right? haha. Tomorrow, i was thinking of skipping my Applied Research lecture. It so damn boring!!! I will end up reading my book and not paying attention. So wats the point of coming in the first place? Hate that subject!! And tomorrow oso the Nadians were thinking of hanging ard together. But me .. i will be in my formal dressing - blazer and all ... so shd i go? or shdnt i ? haha

And since last friday eversince i wore a red blouse inside my blazer, my "irritating" groupmates keep teasing me and calling me vampire. WTH!!! All started with this nonsensical Victor. But now, everyone of our group member have their own nickname!! Wahahahaha ... Joey is called Count Dracula, Suliani is a witch, Nadia is Tiffiny ( Chucky girlfriend ), Audrey is Wednesday from the Addams family and Victor is Frankeinstein!!! LOL ... Carp rite .. that what we are full of ... craps!!! oh well .. my eyes cant take it no more but i havent finish up writing my presentation for tomorrow. So Toodles ppl!!!

p/s .. i've taken some photos of my school in Sentosa. It's really nice!! Will upload it soon .. if u guys are looking forward to look at it. If not .. then i juz keep it for myself! Wahahhahaha ... So how?

6/23/2005 07:26:00 PM

Nadi orientation
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Yesterday was Nadi's orientation and it was fun if i say so myself. I think all lot of ppl were in doubt whether the whole event was gonna be success .. even me. But i really gotta thank Sid for his confidence & teamwork in making the orientation a success. And also to my other dearest Nadian for all ur help in coming up with interesting ideas & games & everything. To zah .. thxs for ur guidance & confidence in us! Love u guyz!!

Before meeting the rest, i was to meet Jules at the mushroom to get a water cooler container frm one of the lecturer's room. At first jules sms me that she's gonna be slighty late coz she had to turn back to get her camera but ended me being late as i missed my bus by 1 minute and had to wait for 15mins for the next. But wen we reach there, the office was locked and no other lecturers have the key to that room. SO we decided to come back later.

Other than juz us Nadians, there were peepz frm TPerdayu & Sohib. Thankz for supporting us u guyz! Oh and I juz love our freshies! They are so on & sporting! Hopefully they will stay on and be committed in Nadi unlike my batch .. haiz .. Anyway, for the whole of 4hrs, played games with em'. but not sure whether they really enjoy it. Next time muz ask em' to write a feedback form .. haha

In our first game whereby we hav to remember each others name, we purposely start from Rabz who was sitted 2 places away from me. But we too soon remembered all our freshies name but i think wen we meet again im gonna forget. wahahaha .. Anyway, after that game, it was time for Wacko but me & Julie went to go take the water cooler container which we couldnt get earlier. Wen we came back, me, julez, azmi and hidayah had to go tru the Wow Wow World game but we ourselves got mixed up and so we changed the whole game to sort of like Amazing Race.

After the paper game, i was to be in charge of the game Hunter, Girl and Wolf which was interestingly funnie espacially at the end. The group who loses for the last round had to run to the dustbin near the amphiteatre which was really really far. Zah thought her group lost and started running really really fast but actually the other group cheated and did all three characters. haha

But overall, really love the last part wen we sabo Zah for her belated b'dae. heez .. sori dear for having to lie to you and making up the we gonna hav a water game so that you wont suspect a thing. And the cool thing was that the freshies were in it too! haha .. Kesian zah was bombed with flour and water. Wen she realise what we juz did, she was so shocked and then chased Amin all the way back to sch and back! So far seh they ran!!! When she came back, she was bombarded for a second round. Haha .. And after that, we gav zah her prezzie and she was overwhealmed with tears .. Awww .. u deserve it my dear. =) Hopefully it was a memorable day for ya. 'hUgGIez' Oh and Guez wat we gav her? .... A guitar! cOoL huH!

After the orientation, went to meet wan and shah at the mushroom with the cakes for zah which was slowly melting. And after the mini celebration, me, julez, rabz, shah, muhd, azmi and sid headed to simei banquet for lunch cum dinner. haha .. Then, was thinking of playing table hockey but we all prefer the one at TM. So ended up only azmi and shah playing against each other. Next, we went 'window shopping' and ended up in this shop wherby they sell all this cute fuzzy adorable soft toys .. esp the bears!!! Shah and Muhd went off first and later me while the rest stays for some drinks. Anyway, reali had fun .. =) glad all turns out well.

And today, i practically had to drag myself out of bed to work and the buses wasnt on my side. At first, missed the 69 bus and the next came 10mins later. And then bus 15 zoomed off even after i waited patiently for 10mins!! ArgHhHh .. At last took the taxi juz to be on time. And today the crowd was reali OMG!!! from 9am till 3pm .. i didnt get a chance to sit or breath. I was so exhausted by the end of my shift. As soon as i reached home, went straight for my pillow and ended up snoozing for 2hr!! And now hav to catch up on my tutorials h/w and research ... haiz ... oh well ...

Oh and i still hav not update on my Tioman trip rite .. haha .. will do it soon .. i promise .. =) Toodles!!!

6/19/2005 03:10:00 PM

a woman's beauty
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
I really love this .. to those whu dont understand what is written im sori since it's written in malay .. but if u really wanna kno, try coping it down and ask ur malay frens ya! =D


Allah berfirman

" Ketika Aku menciptakan seorang wanita, ia
diharuskan untuk menjadi seorang yang istimewa. Aku
membuat bahunya cukup kuat untuk menopang dunia;
namun, harus cukup lembut untuk memberikan kenyamanan."

"Aku memberikannya kekuatan dari dalam
untuk mampu melahirkan anak dan menerima penolakan
yang seringkali datang dari anak-anaknya."

"Aku memberinya kekerasan untuk membuatnya tetap
tegar ketika orang-orang lain menyerah, dan mengasuh
keluarganya dengan penderitaan dan kelelahan tanpa mengeluh."

"Aku memberinya kepekaan untuk mencintai
anak-anaknya dalam setiap keadaan, bahkan ketika
anaknya bersikap sangat menyakiti hatinya."

"Aku memberinya kekuatan untuk mendukung
suaminya dalam kegagalannya dan melengkapi dengan
tulang rusuk suaminya untuk melindungi hatinya."

"Aku memberinya kebijaksanaan untuk mengetahui
bahwa seorang suami yang baik takkan pernah
menyakiti isterinya, tetapi kadang menguji
kekuatannya dan ketetapan hatinya untuk berada
disisi suaminya tanpa ragu."

"Dan akhirnya, Aku memberinya air mata untuk
dititiskan. Ini adalah khusus miliknya untuk
digunakan bilapun ia perlukan."

"Kecantikan seorang wanita bukanlah
dari pakaian yang dikenakannya, susuk yang ia

tampilkan, atau bagaimana ia menyisir
rambutnya.Kecantikan seorang wanita harus
dilihat dari matanya, kerana itulah pintu hatinya,
tempat dimana cinta itu ada."

6/15/2005 06:59:00 PM

Had a reali funnie morning today. My lecture today starts at 10am. As if as per normal, i should wake up latest by 7.30am or if not im gonna be late. but somehow. dont kno why, i set my alarm at 8am! haha. instead of rushing to prepare for sch, i was taking my own sweet time to wake up and wen i finally did, it was nearly a quater to nine! haha. In my head i was thinking that school is so near and i got more than enuf time! haha. I so was dreaming!! i thought that my school is still in TP! wahahaha .. wen i finally realise, it was nearly 9.30am! I cant possibly arrive in sentosa in 1/2hr time. And so ... i had to skip my first lecture. sigh .. and now im sorta at a loss wen i tried doin my tutorial qns on wat is being thought todae. Oh well ..

And yest, actually had to meet up with sid to discuss and finalise what to do for saturday's orintation. But then, rabz called and told me to accompany her to MAG meeting which i was not aware about. And so .. frm school at about 6, i tried rushing back to TP but ended up there at 7.30 coz all the trains and buses that i suppose to take make me wait for sooo long!! As if it was on purpose knowing that i hav to rushing back. haha. The meeting ended about 9pm and by the time, sid say juz meet up online to discuss. And .. wen we did, about i think 6 other NAdi peepz joined us and finally we all started to talk crap. LoLz .. and with all the confusion, we decided to meet up on thurs at 6.30 to really discuss about saturday.

Rigth now, waiting for my accounts tutorial to start in about 5 mins time. And after class gotta rush to work. hopefully Eric hav a new apron and nametag for me. If not, dont tell me i'll be staying int he kitchen and hav to do washing for four hours!!! Alrighty .. gotta go! Toodles!

6/15/2005 08:40:00 AM

Had a reali funnie morning today. My lecture today starts at 10am. As if as per normal, i should wake up latest by 7.30am or if not im gonna be late. but somehow. dont kno why, i set my alarm at 8am! haha. instead of rushing to prepare for sch, i was taking my own sweet time to wake up and wen i finally did, it was nearly a quater to nine! haha. In my head i was thinking that school is so near and i got more than enuf time! haha. I so was dreaming!! i thought that my school is still in TP! wahahaha .. wen i finally realise, it was nearly 9.30am! I cant possibly arrive in sentosa in 1/2hr time. And so ... i had to skip my first lecture. sigh .. and now im sorta at a loss wen i tried doin my tutorial qns on wat is being thought todae. Oh well ..

And yest, actually had to meet up with sid to discuss and finalise what to do for saturday's orintation. But then, rabz called and told me to accompany her to MAG meeting which i was not aware about. And so .. frm school at about 6, i tried rushing back to TP but ended up there at 7.30 coz all the trains and buses that i suppose to take make me wait for sooo long!! As if it was on purpose knowing that i hav to rushing back. haha. The meeting ended about 9pm and by the time, sid say juz meet up online to discuss. And .. wen we did, about i think 6 other NAdi peepz joined us and finally we all started to talk crap. LoLz .. and with all the confusion, we decided to meet up on thurs at 6.30 to really discuss about saturday.

Rigth now, waiting for my accounts tutorial to start in about 5 mins time. And after class gotta rush to work. hopefully Eric hav a new apron and nametag for me. If not, dont tell me i'll be staying int he kitchen and hav to do washing for four hours!!! Alrighty .. gotta go! Toodles!

6/15/2005 08:40:00 AM

hapy bdae zah!!
Monday, June 13, 2005
Before the day ends in one mins time, i wanna wish zah a wonderful ...

'HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY!!!!!'

To a great fren, i wish u success in everything that u aim for and may all u hopes and dreams be fullfilled!!!

Juz returned home about 1/2hr ago from my 'holiday' to Tioman. haha ... A really marvelous place! No wonder it's known to be the top 10 beautiful place on earth!!! Goin there was both tiring but at the same time fun! Did things that i never thought i would be doin'!!! Wanna kno how my trip goes? Stay tune tml after i update! haha .. now too tired to elaborate. Think i wanna call it a day. Toodles!!!

6/13/2005 05:59:00 PM

Friday, June 10, 2005
Had shiseido workshop today during BESE tutorial. For those whu doesnt kno wat is the workshop about, hav u ever heard the Shiseido brand name. SO yup2. We learnt everything from knowing ur skin type to how to wash & moisturing ur face to hygiene and best of all .. how to wear make up! haha .. for the whole 2 1/2 hrs, it was really interesting. Why do we need to learn this? coz ... they wanna make us look more groomed and professional and ... next week gonna be tutor observation of our dressing from head to toe. With the shiseido workshop that we've attend, they were saying that we now will look more groomed unlike now. hahahaha .. b4 they left, they gav each of us some goodie bag. For the gurls, we got makeup wipes, diff shades of lipstick & eye shadow. For guys, they received 3 types of cleaning product - cleanser, moisturiser and toner (if im not wrong)

Anyway, Terri Panda wasnt as fierce today as she was last week and to other classes. PheW .. And tomorrow, im goin off. Goodbye ppl .. Sayonara. Im off to take a break. Hopefully i could. Rite now, my mind is full of things and deadlines that is to be met. Giving up this weekends seems so sinfull now. Im so having second thoughts. But bcoz of this, i hav to leave. I need to relex and revitalise. haha .. but im quite stressful now. Being the project leader for the prject combo between Club, Resort and Spa and Marketing is sooooo hard. Luckily, Joey is my assistant. At least there's someone to share the burden with. Heez ... And not forgetting that im organising my sub group ( Nadi- MAG) orientation. double sigh .. it's gonna be next saturday and me and sid is still in the midst of organising. or i think now some of them are discussing wat to do amg em'selves first .. i donno. even if they are, no worries coz it's hard for em' to get in touch w/ me. Schooling in Sentosa while the rest of the Nadi peepz are in TP is so hard. I always hav to skip meeting and all coz by the time for me to reach TP frm my sch wld be about 7.30pm ... and im even missing out on their outings and such .. haiz ... feel that my life is in a mess .. thx god for the frens i hav now. They make me laugh so much and cause me to forget my worries. 'hUgGIeZ to u guyz'

Being busy, it seems u dont hav time to reflex on life. To feel even! Bad huh .. but u sometimes cant help it. After one chore, the next will come. U dont even hav the time to breath so how to sit down and reflex? sigh ...

Well den .. at time point of time, i havent even packed what am i suppose to bring for the trip. Juz finished my accounts tutorial and my culinary sci quiz. And now gonna research a bit on Italian cuisine for our project. Or shd i do that later or wen after i go back ... ArgGgGhHh .. i dont wanna think anymore! I juz wanna do things as it comes ... till monday only. haha .. den im back to stress myself out. Oh and i shd bring my camera to school one day so i can post it up and show u guys how my school looks like. But since no one been asking me dat .. shd i do it? haha .. or mayb juz doin it for my sake .. for the fun of it and showing u guys how beautiful my school is. wahahaha .. Till den! Toodles!!!

6/10/2005 04:59:00 PM

Thursday, June 09, 2005
I didnt realise that im already so exhausted. Cant wait for the short break with my family to Tioman this weekend. I so really need it. I think the long journey to and from sch is the one that's wearing me out. SigH ... coz today, on my way back home, while i was on 69 and wen suddenly, i dozed off. The funnie thing was that i didnt realise or was aware that i did. Suddenly felt someone tapping me and telling me that it's time to get off!!! Luckily my cuz was on the same bus as me. If not, i think mayb wen i do wake up, i would have reach Bedok interchange! haha ..

And tomorrow, goin to Sentosa in formal again! Love wering formal once in a while but once in every week, OMG!!! i'll be like perspiring and i just dread Friday too .. coz gonna be having Terri Panda tutorial class. Hate that teacher. She juz plain weird. Really weird. haha ..

Juz now, had a short lesson on playing golf during our CRS tutorial. Since it's about clubs and such, our teacher gav us a brief intro about golf so next time wen we hav to 'rub shoulders' with the high end clients who loves golf, we wont be so blur! haha

And yesterday, i actually hav to go to work but .. i lost my apron and nametag!!! It's not in my house or even at my workplace. So where can it be??? *sings* oh where oh where did my apron go . Oh where oh where can it be?? .. haha. And so, for the whole morning i was trying to think of excuses to tell my manager why i couldnt come for work and wen i reach school, my fren told me our group gonna be meeting Mr Ram for consultation after class and it shd end about 6pm. And if so, i wont be able to make it to work. But .. i've told my manager i really couldnt find my apron and nametag and so he gonna try get a new one for me. pHEw!

Oh well, will write more for my next entry coz i yet to finish up my research for culinary science .. Toodles!! =)

6/09/2005 02:03:00 PM

im lovin it
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
A week since my last entry and .... i love goin to school now even if i have to wake up 2hrs in advance! Love my new classmates, the school settings and espacially my groupmates. They're a bunch of fun and funny peepz. When one starts laughing, the rest will start even when it's about n'tin and it will continue on till our stomach hurts coz since no one stops, no one can stop. Haha ..

Anyway, today's culinary science was better than last week. Even though there's all the HTB peepz still but it's better. But slightly. We learnt all types of soups and how to make em' and was able to try it on our own. Each group was divided into 2 and was futhur divided into 3. I paired up with su and we decided to make chowder soup. Coz, carrot soup and tomato soup isnt up to our liking. Anyway, we took an hr to cook the soup!! haha .. coz we were quite stressed out while cooking as we was afraid our soup was too thick or have a funnie colour. But ... it turns out superb and delicious!!! haha .. We even get to try out other group soups but we love ours the best that we, along with some other ppl finished up the whole big bowl of the soup me and su made!! Wahahahaha .. Future chefs in the making seh!!!

After lunch at the warong with audrey, su, nad and gavin, we retured back to the kitchen for some demonstration on making dessert. And, we were shown the way to make yummy tiramisu minus the alcohol, some bread pudding and fruit cocktail. I still can taste the delicious, creamy choco taste of the tiramisu in my mounth!!! haha ... cant wait to try making the desserts and soups for my family to show the skills i acquire for today. heez ..

After class, had a short project discussion with grp A to discuss what theme we wanna have for our themed project. The HTB peepz was thinking of western cuisine and we ( HTM ) have to think of a western theme. I was thinking of a cowboy theme. Cool rite .. but anyone with any other interesting ideas, do tell me!! We gotta prepare 3 course meal base on our theme. Although it's gonna be a bit difficult but i predict it's gonna be fun! haha ..

Then after school, rushed to Queenstown to meet my sis. I was planning to get a new court shoes for biz etiquette and service excellence subject coz my old one is abit hard to wear. Imgine having to waer formal every once a week to sentosa! So i need really nice comfy shoes to walk about. And so, wen we reach Queenstown Shopping Centre, all we saw was sports shoes and formal men shoes. very dissapointing.
So we headed off to Peninsula Plaza to see if there's any there of my size. But ended up, my sis bought for herself a pair of nice look alike ballet shoes. =) Since i couldnt find any there, we then headed off to Lucky Plaza and ... i got a pair for me!!! Finally!! Gonna stick with it till the end of my year 3 before my next pair coz this pair alone coz me ( actually my mum ) a bomb!

Since i was hungry, we planned on eating something filling and my sis suggested to eat at Fish and Co. Been a yr+ since i ate there and so i agreed. Hehe .. Futhurmore, i was feeling a bit rich! wahahaha ... The meal was d-e-a-licious and by the time we finish eating, it was 15mins to 10pm and we were the only very few customers left in the shopping centre ( Centrepoint ).

Had fun today in school and goin out with my sis .. and tomorrow i gotta work ... but ... i lost my apron!! gotta find it by tonite or im so dead. SO till next time ... toodles!!

Oh and tml, 8th Jun .. is my bro's bdae!! He's turning 17 this yr ... but his in KL now with his frens. So, a message from the heart, 'HapPy bDaE KhAi!!!!'. Wish u success and everlasting happiness always!!

6/07/2005 05:51:00 PM

culinary science
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
I thought yesterday was gonna be a super fun day coz we're finally having our culinary science and gonna start cooking!!! But instead, the kitchen was filled with only about 12 to 14 of us and more than 30 foreigners espacially the CP! Not that i hav anything against them but they are taking up our place!! and it's hard to learnt with soooo many ppl! There are also super annoying and they have super over extra expression!!! Worst of all, all of us ( my classmates ) were splited upnto 4 grps whereby we were mixed with them ( foreigners) for other group project and for the rest of the semester!!! Oh no!! Luckily im in the same group as Audrey and Suliani. If not, im so wont kno how to survive!!! Some of them hav difficulty understanding and even speaking English. Sometimes after me and su talk to them bout' something, they need another ppl to help translate what we had said. My god!!! How on earth do they understand the lectures and tutorials and to communicate among those who cant speak chinese???

Anyway, it was the longest day of my life but the upside of everything is that after the demo on how to make different types of salads and dressings, we were allowed to taste the food!! YumYum ... but i only get to eat a small piece of meat which was in the salad and 2 piece of lettuce. Haha ...

But, i reali love the kitchen!! hehe .. not only it's soooooo big!!! but it's air conditioned! Wahahaah ... im so gonna love cooking there but it'll be more fun if it's only our classmates ... 'siGh'

Anyway, went back with Nad and Alvin aka BFB .. haha .. and we had dinner at Parvilion BK. But it's only me and nad who ate coz alvin gonna be meeting his family at 8pm for dinner. In the middle of the dinner suddenly Alvin asked me whether i wanna play LAN gaming. wahahaha .. i think the last time i played that was wen i was in sec one or two and i only played twice before giving up. heez ... but den donno why but i agreed to it. haha ... We then asked Nad along even we kno that she had to rush back to TP for her Malay dance. but surprisingly, she agreed!!! hehe .. she said only a short while ... and so did we ... coz we were planning to leave at 8pm. But wen ur having fun, time flies and before we realise it and after i and nad lose to alvin badly, it was already near to 8.45!!! LoL ... and so, alvin rush to CS to meet his family and me to my home sweet home while Nad to TP. hehe .. well, her frens are still practising till bout 9.45pm so Nad juz gonna join em' from 9pm .. =]

And today, after school, went to work and as usual, weekdays is quite quiet except for groups of ppl coming in tog once in awhile and juz my luck to be working with the irritating Hannan. Acyually, now im quite tired already but i gotta research on sauces for tml grp discuaaion with the HTB ppl ... so i better get started soon so i can have my sweet sweet dream .. haha .. toodles!!!

6/01/2005 05:51:00 PM

an intro

~ AsYUrAh rOsLAn~
~ 21 yRs ~
~ 14 sEpT 1986 ~
~ SIM & IMI, Swiss ~
~ BA (hons) in int'l tourism & events ~
~ MaLAy mUsLIm ~
~ nar_alien@hotmail.com ~

more to kno

* tALL * cHeErFuL * sunflower *
* coNTenTeD * hApPy *
* ChoCoLaTeS * bEaRs *
* boOkwoRm * sPeciAL *
* tRaVeL * yELLow *
* mIrAcLeS * piAnO *
* mOviEz * MuSiC *
* vIrGo * hOteLs/eVEntS *
* yOGa * gUItAr * * fAirYtALe * dAydReaM *
* iSoLAtiOn * mAgiC *

:: aSpirAtiOns ::

1.coMplEte mY dEgrEe with a min of sec hons
2.fAll iN lOvE
3.mY drEaM jOb
4.wOrk iN duBai
5.LivE a fULfiLLinG LifE wiTh mY fAmiLy & fReNs

beautiful souls

  • anz
  • cleo
  • dee
  • elena
  • g.w
  • j.d
  • mas
  • mel
  • mich
  • nickizah
  • nad.z
  • nadi-ians
  • nokz
  • rad
  • siok
  • u-ka
  • zila


    back in time

    'August 2004'

    'September 2004'

    'October 2004'

    'November 2004'

    'December 2004'

    'January 2005'

    'February 2005'

    'March 2005'

    'April 2005'

    'May 2005'

    'June 2005'

    'July 2005'

    'August 2005'

    'September 2005'

    'October 2005'

    'November 2005'

    'December 2005'

    'January 2006'

    'February 2006'

    'March 2006'

    'April 2006'

    'May 2006'

    'June 2006'

    'July 2006'

    'August 2006'

    'September 2006'

    'October 2006'

    'November 2006'

    'December 2006'

    'January 2007'

    'February 2007'

    'March 2007'

    'April 2007'

    'May 2007'

    'June 2007'

    'July 2007'

    'August 2007'

    'September 2007'

    'October 2007'

    'November 2007'

    'December 2007'

    'January 2008'

    'February 2008'

    'March 2008'

    'April 2008'

    'May 2008'

    'June 2008'


    picture design: © Alexander Karpenko 2005 | aikart@pisem.net or AiK-art
    skin: slayerette
    image font: adine kirnberg script