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Pentas over
Friday, April 29, 2005
I think no one visits my site anymore ... haha .. well, im writing for me, myself and i. Ahahz .. Anyway, been days since my last entry. Been busy i guez. Other than working in the night shift almost all the time, the Pentas Wayang that was organised by the Malay Arts Group have finally ended. Let me start frm the beginning. Since this is my first ever show, im so gonna be explaining every single of what happened ... be prepared! Wahaha

Ok .. it first started on Monday, 25th April. To report to school by 10am. Reaching there, zah gave out our roles and i was assigned to do lighting. At first i was like ... alright! ... cool! But little did i know that lighting is soooo hard!!! Ahahz. So for the next few hours, Uncle Wong ( Technical person) taught me on how to operate the lighting board. Such as to light up some parts of the stage or to operate the moving lights and to change colours, shapes etc .. At the beginning of the day, actually i did not know anyone except mayb for zah, rabz, kin, shah and zhywee. The others, i may recognise their face but not their names at all. Anyway, continuing on, time flies when ur learning alot. SO without realising , it was time for lunch. So all of budak2 Nadi went to the coffeeshop across the school to eat. It's nice when everyone sits, eats together and enjoy each other company. When we were back in school, i was back to practice on my lighting and then my manager, Clarence msg me to ask me to come back to work since they are short of staff. So i left at 5pm and headed to work and as usual ... n'tin interesting happens . Haha ...

The following 3 days seems to fly really really fast. Since day 2, i started working on the lights as what is needed with the help of uncle wong, wati and zaki. Thank god they're around if not, i think that the lighting will be really really really bad!!! haha .. There were so much that i learnt from the experience. Although it was tiring and stressful but one thing great about doing ligthing is dat u have direct contact with the spotlights ppl tru the intercom. Y? b'coz they will forever talk crap dat mostly doesnt make sense. Eventhough their jokes are really really lame but it'll make u laugh. Haha .. And they are no other than Zarul and Md .. At least they're there to make me feel abit relex and not too stressed up. But when it comes to biz, they gave their best! Once again good job guys!!!

Of all the scenes in Pentas, the part that i was really not sure of was during the SNT dance. There are sooooo many lights in one dance and ur timing have to be perfect. Lucky for me dat wati was there. Phew. And on the day, i thought i was so prepared for most of the part ... but something bad happened. The part when the song Fever was played, the lights shd be the heart beating lights which was on cue 221 but i pressed cue 212 instead and a different light came out! OMG!!! I kno!! i had the shock of my life! I hope the audience doesnt know dat it was a screw up! How could i've been so blind to have entered a wrong cue number!!! Well, wats done is done .. sigh .. and i gotta learn from my mistake.

Overall, the show was a success if i say so myself. A great job well done by every sub group and espacially to Nadi, kudos to all of u. To wan and zah for being the best stage manager & asst. stage manager. To Rabia for doing a great job with the sound. To the runners ( Zhywee and Adilah ) for running everywhere in search for the performers. To the spotlight guys ( Zarul and Md ) for talking crap and listening to ur cues well. To our cameramen ( siddique and sazly ) for the great capture of the show on video. And to all the stage crews ( Ali, aishah, wati, haikel, azmi and syah) for the great job on carrying and placing and arranging the props and all. And to everyone else i've missed out ... a great job well done at ur respective roles. Without u guys, the show wouldnt have been possible! YaY!!! 'cLapS ClapS cLAps' haha. Oh and to Abg Rafi, Abg Jai and Uncle Wong. Thxs for guiding me tru and taught me everytin' that i need to know and to have sacrifice ur time and effort for this production.

Overall, it was something not to be forgotten - The fun i had. The stressfulness i felt. The achievement i received. The lessons i learn. The great experience i gained and the friends i've made. I wouldnt trade any of it for anything. =) Cant wait for the next event and as quoted from rabz blog, " the feeling of elation and sastifaction from a job well done leaves u craving for more" haha .. till my entry ... tOOdleS!!

4/29/2005 06:30:00 PM

Monday, April 11, 2005
Work is getting great each day. More new people are joining our outlet and it's great fun. This week i got 3 off days which i dont understand why. Mayb bcoz i've been working for the whole of last week. Hehe .. Eventhough im already working there for about 2 weeeks plus but whenever suddenly there's a long queue of people, i still do get panicky and stressed up. Haha ... and my cashier-ing skills is still as bad. I still gotta find the keys for so long. Wahahah ...

A lot of peepz been saying my pay is really very low. Sometimes, i feel that teenagers nowadays are too pampered and want too much out of life. Even when the pay is $4 is still considered really really low. Now, they're looking for job that pays at least $6 an hr. To me, the money that i earn every month can cover my expenses and at the same time still have enuf to giv some to my mum and save, i'll be contented. The only reason that i work is so as not to burden my mum. If i was born in rich family, i will never consider working. It's just too much to jugle life as a teenager, and school and working. I admire those who could do it. But sadly, im not as lucky but still im grateful. =) So people, try stepping into other people's shoes b4 u start complaining about every single thing thatcomes in ur way.

Anyway, few days ago, just received the exams results. My results were just as expected. I passed all .. UhHuh .. but the most surprising was my psych results. I got B+ for that! I was expecting mayb a C or D ... haha .. but im glads that i passed my BizStat eventhough i just got a D for it. I was prepared for taking the supp papers. Haha ... I just suck at maths. Period. Thank god there are no more math subjects in the coming semester or else ... Haha

For next week (25 - 29 april) i will be involving in Pentas. Something that is being organise by the Malay Arts Group. Hopefully it'll be fun. =) Will update more on dat when i get to know more of it.

Today, mayb later ... i think. will be going out with my sis to watch The Pacifier. So long since i wanna watch any movie. And this month seems to have a lot of it coming out. Sadly, im running out of cash and time. Wahahaha ... Thank god for VCDs ...

Before i end, wanna wish my weirdy little sis, Fang An a Berry Happy Birthday!!!! May all ur dreams and wishes be fullfilled!!!! Toodles

4/11/2005 08:12:00 AM

Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Im so depressed and sad b'coz i have to give up my Avril's concert tix to go to work! ArgHhhH .. im so gonna kill Albert for making me work at the last minute! sIGh SigH sIgH ...
Anyway, since the holidays, i've been working almost everyday and the tiredness is taking a toll on me. Fell sick 2 days ago and me being responsible and not wanting others to suffer b'coZ of my absence, i still went to work. I never eat so much panadol in my life juz to help me get on my feet. Worst, when i was sick, the stupid, fat, shorty area manager came down and scolded me indirectly for sitting down! F*** him!!!! Can he understand that im sick and it's good enuf that i came to work! Damn him!!! Luckily my manager was nice and told me to try to tolerate him! If not for my manager, i'll kill that shorty fat guy!

Anyway, who ever looking for a job, our area is hiring ... full time, part time for both service crew and bakers ... if u wanna ... quick go ... application is limited!!! For those still in the dark at where im working ... it's at delifrance parkway... =)

And now ... my tape recorder is spoilt!!!!! Oh No.. Oh nO .. i've been missing so many great shows!
On monday: Desperate housewives
Tuesday: CSI and Charmed and coming
Wednesday: American Idol and Amazing Race
Thursday: American Idol, Dia and The OC
Friday: Smallville and Survivor ..... ArgHHhHHhhHHHhhhhh .....hOw HoW HOw .....

Well, no use getting depressed bout' this ... SigH ... want or dowan still gotta work. And now gotta get ready for work .. Till then .. Toodles!

4/06/2005 06:33:00 AM

an intro

~ AsYUrAh rOsLAn~
~ 21 yRs ~
~ 14 sEpT 1986 ~
~ SIM & IMI, Swiss ~
~ BA (hons) in int'l tourism & events ~
~ MaLAy mUsLIm ~
~ nar_alien@hotmail.com ~

more to kno

* tALL * cHeErFuL * sunflower *
* coNTenTeD * hApPy *
* ChoCoLaTeS * bEaRs *
* boOkwoRm * sPeciAL *
* tRaVeL * yELLow *
* mIrAcLeS * piAnO *
* mOviEz * MuSiC *
* vIrGo * hOteLs/eVEntS *
* yOGa * gUItAr * * fAirYtALe * dAydReaM *
* iSoLAtiOn * mAgiC *

:: aSpirAtiOns ::

1.coMplEte mY dEgrEe with a min of sec hons
2.fAll iN lOvE
3.mY drEaM jOb
4.wOrk iN duBai
5.LivE a fULfiLLinG LifE wiTh mY fAmiLy & fReNs

beautiful souls

  • anz
  • cleo
  • dee
  • elena
  • g.w
  • j.d
  • mas
  • mel
  • mich
  • nickizah
  • nad.z
  • nadi-ians
  • nokz
  • rad
  • siok
  • u-ka
  • zila


    back in time

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    'June 2005'

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    picture design: © Alexander Karpenko 2005 | aikart@pisem.net or AiK-art
    skin: slayerette
    image font: adine kirnberg script