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bad day
Thursday, March 31, 2005
My off day today ... well, sort off. Had to go for my doctor appointment today and then i found out why my eyesight is getting blurer eversince i got the bad sore eyes. It's because .. the stupid bacteria left 'white spots' on my eye that causes blurness. And .. it takes about 2 - 3 mths from now till the spots completely dissapear ... MAn!! Dats very long! Tomorrow ... my off day again. But like i said earlier so much for an off day. Another doctor appointment for me to go to. Well, what can i say. My life not only revolove around school. And now work but for years ... doctors and hospitals. SigH ...

Anyway, had a lucky break just now. While i was in the train on my way to my appointment, a guy called and asked me whether i had lost my IC, ez-link card, matrix card and my thumb drive. I was like .. huh? What the hell is this guy talking about. So i dig my bag and found out i lost my wallet!!! OMG!!! i actually left it on the bench at the MRT stn! But, he den return it to me. No worries ... PheW ... Bless him and his frens ...whoever they are.

And finally today, i got my safety shoes. At first, we gotta buy it in school on last wed but wen i reach there, my size was all gone. Finish. Sold out. HumPh .. waste my time for coming down only. So the uncle told me not to waori as he will deliver it to my house on Thursday which is today. Haha .. i think im the only student that he has to deliver the shoes too. Talk about being treted like a VIP. Well, sort of. =) haha

And ... mayb ... not confirmed yet. Im gonna be going to Avril's concert! YaY!!! But im not gonna put my spirit's high up coz it may not happen. Let's wait and see. And ... people! Are u all frm outer space or wat! ( p/s not to those who knows me) but havent u all seen anyone tall???? OMG!!!! Everyone that i meet will say. " Wah .. u so tall. How tall are you?" In one day at least 5-10 ppl will ask me dat and a lot more will ask it to themselves. Im so sure of it!! ArgHhh .. i think i can make a living if for every of the question being asked, I'll charge $2 for the answer. HaiZ. ... People in S'pore shd travel more often and not see that everyone in this world is as short as they are. Sheesh!

Im now starting to miss reading a lot! Just finished reading Exclusive by Sandra Brown and it shows me what i've been missing for so long. .... A good book to get addicted to. SigH ... i think mayb on Saturday i'll go to work early to go to Parkway's library to borrow books first. YupYup .. i just love how books no matter if it's romance or thrillers or murder or anything ... there will be a happy ending. But my life ... quoted from Avril Lavigne ... " So much for my happy ending." Haha ... well ... gonna do my laudry and find something to eat. Haha . Toodles!

3/31/2005 02:28:00 PM

sem break
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Been 3 days since my last paper and only now i have the chance to write something here. For the other 3 papers that i sat for after biz stats paper, i think the it was all managable except biz stats which im still crossing my fingers. Help pray for me aite ... 'hUgGieZ'

Been working non stop, 6 to 8 hours a day and by the time i reach home will be 12 am and when i wake up the next day will be time for work. Haha ... How interesting can life gets. Haha .. But it's ok. With me working, im earning my own hard earned money and mum need not giv me any pocket money anymore. At least she can save about $200 every month. =) I've felt bad this month for asking her for $250 to pay for all my chef uniform, service uniform, the shoes, the knife set and the name tag .. all this for use in my Yr2 poly life. ArgHhhh .. so ex!!!!

Work is getting fun as days passed. Im now usually sheduled to do the counter and closing almost everytime ... so all's good. About 2 days ago, there are 3 more new comer to our outlet. They are too great bunch of peepz. As much fun as i had in my old outlet, at where im standing, im not gonna complain. =) Working in the service industry, there is something to look forward to. U'll get to meet so many types of customers from the really bad one to the one who really made ur day. There are some who are really easy to serve and there are some who really very very very fussy. Hahaha ..

Anyway, i realise that i feel so very guilty easily even when no one knows of what i did. For example dat dae when i bought the seventeen magazine, i accidentally took 2 magazines for a price of one. At first i was thinking why is seventeen magazine as thick as cleo or her world. Then i realise, i had took 2 copies with me. I was then at the bus queue and was debating with myself for nearly five minutes to go back to the newspaper stand to return it or not. I know that the lady didnt know but it seems like someone is whispering to me saying how wrong am i if i do not return the extra mag. Finally ...... i went out of the long queue to return it. After that i felt soooo relieve. Haha .. weird man. I know some ppl juz ignore and keep the extra mag but i cant do it. There are also other instances but now im rushing for work and cant write any longer. Well peepz ... post something more some other time ya... Toodles!

3/27/2005 08:44:00 AM

work life part 2
Monday, March 21, 2005
The second day of work: washing again!!!! but this time met new and better colleagues. After two days of doing washing and dining, i suffereeed major backpain. sIGh

3rd day of work: beverages. I cant believe that i still remembered how to do all the drinks including all the tedious frappe. Wahahaha ... not bad asy. Met more new colleagues too and they were all great bunch of peepz. For closing that day, did the counter and it was better compared to washing ... wahahaha.

4th day: beverages and sandwitches. Was really very very very busy. So many beverages orders!!!! Hot choc, coffee and tea and frappe and coffee refills and tea refills and lime cooler amd milk ... arghhhh ... i got confuse more than once. But all's well =) I had to do morning shift that day and closing the day b4. SO u know how tired i was. But that makes time to really fly!!!! About 3pm, i was put in charge of sandwitches. I dont like doing sandwitches! U'll get sooo stressed. In addition there are a lot of new menus and so many prices to remember. I still need alot and lots of practise and remembering.

Overall, the first four days of work was from worst to bad to good and hopefully next time, great. Heez ...

Anyway, back to today, had my first official exams papers - Biz Stats. It was sooooooo hard!!!! All i can do now is pray and pray hopefully that i can pass the paper and not re-sit for supp papers. 'cross fingers'. And after sch, went to bugis to head to Raffles Hosp for a typhoid injection. Actually, i've taken mine a year ago but .... i lost the original copy!!! Search through all my things but i still could not find it. Sigh ... at least i need not burnt $25 to pay for it as the company will do so. Hehe .. But waited for nearly 11/2hrs untill i was allowed to go home. By the time, i was soooo hungry and sleepy. And i think while waiting, i did sleep for a few mins. Hahahaah.... Oh and earlier, checked on my results for TTOpns coursework. ANd i got a C+!!!!! Why so low?????? and it's 60% of my overall results for god's sake. Seems like there's no chance for me to get at least na B+ for it now.... SigH ...

Oh and b4 i forgot, wanna wish Phyllis a Berry Happy 19th Birthday!!!!! May all ur hopes and dreams be fullfilled!!!! =)

And tonight, i dont think i'll be sleeping. Got POM to memorise for tomorrow. Cant affort to let my A slip away. Haha. So sweet dreams u guys and Toodles!!!

3/21/2005 04:21:00 PM

work life
Friday, March 18, 2005
Yesterday was my first day of work. My shift was from 5 to 11pm and boy was it tough work. ANyway, i was put in charge with dining and washing but was still being taught all the rest of the stuff. Got to know the one of the manager, tony and few more of my new colleagues. They were alright i guez but i still miss my frens over at delifrance centrpoint.

For the first few hours, work was relex and easy. But when it was nearly to closing, it was then i started to hate work. I never in my life had to wash soooo many stuff ... even when i was working in delifrance centrepoint, i never ever did washing for closing! I so regretted not going back there. Worst, i was to put all the new tab and clean wrap the food for tomorrow inclusive of my washing. There was so much to do and my seniors never even helped me out! They kept on asking me to do this and dat and stressing that we are running out of time. When the finished clearing their stuff, i was still washing lots of stuff espacially the stupid soup pot which i had to wash nearly 4 times to remove the stain. While i was doing all the hard work with the pain in my back form washing so much, they were relexing, chatting at the dining area. ArgHhHhH ....

Now, i juz finished studying my POM. Gonna get ready for work again. Somehow, im dreading it. Hopeully it's better today ... YA RIGHT!!!!! But my only montivation tool to strive on is that i dont wanna burden my mum with all my school and other expenses. Having to provide for all 6 of us alone is already tough on her. My mum will be my motivator. =) Toodles!

3/18/2005 07:02:00 AM

Friday, March 11, 2005
Finally, everything is done .. no more deadlines to take note of, no more presentations to be stress about or little little test to worry on. Except for the main exams that is coming in a weeks time, im actually a bit relaxed. And soon .... in May, Sentosa here i come!!!! Haha

Just now came to school to complete our commskills2 roleplay. After this, there will be no more commskills ever in the coming semesters. YaY!! Overall, we did quite alright just now in regards that we didnt practice or went through everything together as a group. Im really proud of my team mates. After that, we were all prepared to attend another boring POM lesson but then Ade suggest that we skip the boring tutorial and go watch a movie since if we do skip POM lesson we will have 4 hours of free time. hahaha ... so me, Ade and Limei headed off to TM to catch a movie which we decided to be either Hitch or Series of Unfortunate Events. We den decided on Hitch coz it seems more worth every cents. On our way out of school, we saw Fang An from far and thought of askng her along. haha .. which she did. Of coz she would! She will listen to her big sister ... who is me. haha.

Anyway, Hitch was great. The movie was totally awesome. It was funnie, romantic, interesting, great and sad. Hahaha .. sad? Or mayb that's just me. Im just too emotional. But it'll recommanded for everyone to watch the Love Doctor ... =)

After that, we headed back to school for econs lecture and b4 that, me and FA brough our Tourism Academy T-shirt . It was alright i guez. Plain and simple.
After the short lecture, FA acconpanied me to wait till 4pm for my psych test which went quite well. PheW ... And b4 i forgot, i got an A for my POM coursework! Wahahaha .. i couldnt believe it! But my econs coursework i got a B+. It's ok i guez eventhough i was aiming for an A. And yah .. dats what happened today. Uh Huh .. LoLz ..
Oh and im addicted to the Channel 8 show at 9pm - You Are The One. A nice story ... but it's gonna be ending soon. But the storyline is qiute predictable. Even so, it's fun to watch. Anyway, think I'll turn in for the night early for i've been yawning since survivor starts .. haha ... Toodles.

3/11/2005 04:50:00 PM

sore eyes
Woah .. cant believe that my last entry was more than a week ago. Well, i was infected with vival conjunctivis or in simpler terms very very bad sore eyes. All b'coz of my brother who passed it to my brother then to my other brother who den passed it to me. In short, all my family members got it except my elder sister and my mum who was spared

For the first week dat i got it, i still had to go to school for TTOpns presentation, stupid commskills test and the econs Q&A session. The whole time i was out, i had to wear my ridiculous sunglasses that makes me look stupid. But on the seventh day of my unfortunate infection which was on friday, it soon got worst that even the polyclinic doctor had to sent me to the hospital to be seen by a more professional doctor. Dont wori .. i wasnt warded. I went there as a walk in patient with an appointment. Anyway, after the hospital visit, i know more of the condition of my eye and the doctor gave me a lot a lot of eye drops to last me for another week. One of the eye drop was purposely given to me to make me temporarily blind. Yupz .. you've read the word correctly. BLIND ... for nearly 3 days!!! So there i was on my bed like an alive corpse I couldnt do anything coz i cant see anything except to sleep. I've never slept so much for so long. It like I slept almost all 24 hours in the day. A great but scary feeling. Imagine aworld where u cant see which leaves u helpless and muz rely on ur other senses. try doing that for 3 days and u'll know what i mean.

Anyway, by tuesday, i was able to finally see ... but my vision was totally blur. I still cant read anything, use the computer or even watch the tv. My eyes was very sensitive to sunlight .. in fact any light. In a way, i was still blind .. partially. It was the next day dat i could see just b'coz i force my eyes to open. Still , everything was blur but it was better.

Today, had to drag myself to school to complete the commskills roleplay and to do the psychology test . I can gladly say that my eyes are not swollen or red anymore but my eyesight is still quite blur. Sigh SiGh ... hopefully it'll recover really soon. Till den .. Toodles!

3/11/2005 01:53:00 PM

great tto presentation
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
What can i say? We did great for out TTOpns presentation despite finishing our ppt slides the day before and not having any rehersals. Yeah .. I LOVE ALL MY GROUP MEMBER!!!! WooHoO .. hahaha ... Anyway, my (left) eye is becoming worst. My face looks sooo funnie with one eyes so white and big while the other so red and small. SigH .. Worst, i gotta wear the stupid sunglasses everywhere i go that makes me look sooo weird! ArGhHhh ... I need my eyes to heal fast! Now, it's so watery and therefore makes my vision a bit blur. How to survive like this?!?? No thanks to my not affected eye to keep a look out for me. SheesH .. Seems like all the parts of my body is useless. Sometimes i just feel abnormal. Really .. dont try to console me. It wont work. Unless ur in my shoes den u know why. SigH .. Well, some might just say that the word special would best describe it but to me, the word alien describes it the best of the best of being me. Still, im glad ... dont worri. I still love me. Wahahaha ..

Anyway, gotta study for CommSk2 summative test. Somehow my gut feeling says why bother? Ur gonna fail for sure. It's true though. With my eyesight as blur and watery as now, it'll be a miracle for me to read a whole full length of a compre like test. SiGh sIGh sIgH ... and there's still the econs portfolio that's due on thurs and i havent even do my part!!! God help me!!!!!!!!
Wish me lots of luck u guys ... Toodles and thanks!

and today is my 1 yr anniversary that i was warded for my first major op .. LoLz

3/01/2005 04:57:00 PM

an intro

~ AsYUrAh rOsLAn~
~ 21 yRs ~
~ 14 sEpT 1986 ~
~ SIM & IMI, Swiss ~
~ BA (hons) in int'l tourism & events ~
~ MaLAy mUsLIm ~
~ nar_alien@hotmail.com ~

more to kno

* tALL * cHeErFuL * sunflower *
* coNTenTeD * hApPy *
* ChoCoLaTeS * bEaRs *
* boOkwoRm * sPeciAL *
* tRaVeL * yELLow *
* mIrAcLeS * piAnO *
* mOviEz * MuSiC *
* vIrGo * hOteLs/eVEntS *
* yOGa * gUItAr * * fAirYtALe * dAydReaM *
* iSoLAtiOn * mAgiC *

:: aSpirAtiOns ::

1.coMplEte mY dEgrEe with a min of sec hons
2.fAll iN lOvE
3.mY drEaM jOb
4.wOrk iN duBai
5.LivE a fULfiLLinG LifE wiTh mY fAmiLy & fReNs

beautiful souls

  • anz
  • cleo
  • dee
  • elena
  • g.w
  • j.d
  • mas
  • mel
  • mich
  • nickizah
  • nad.z
  • nadi-ians
  • nokz
  • rad
  • siok
  • u-ka
  • zila


    back in time

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    'February 2005'

    'March 2005'

    'April 2005'

    'May 2005'

    'June 2005'

    'July 2005'

    'August 2005'

    'September 2005'

    'October 2005'

    'November 2005'

    'December 2005'

    'January 2006'

    'February 2006'

    'March 2006'

    'April 2006'

    'May 2006'

    'June 2006'

    'July 2006'

    'August 2006'

    'September 2006'

    'October 2006'

    'November 2006'

    'December 2006'

    'January 2007'

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    'June 2008'


    picture design: © Alexander Karpenko 2005 | aikart@pisem.net or AiK-art
    skin: slayerette
    image font: adine kirnberg script