Wednesday, September 29, 2004
It's already the middle of the week. How time flies. The only subject that i've finished studying is econs. Been going back to school everyday to study with di. It's so much better than studying alone - which most of the time i'll end up slacking ... muahaha
Den yesterday received our results for overall FFBS coursework. I got a B. Hehe. Was realli aiming for a B+ or better still an A but it was good enough. Should be thankful ... which i am =P espacially to my grp members ... 'MuaCkZ'
Anyway, now is nearly 6am. Just had my early breakfast before 5.35am. And if you're wondering why, im fasting as to pay back the days i skipped during the last fasting month. 2 more days!!! Finally!! Ahahz ... So now gonna get some shut eye b4 having to go back to school to study with di again. Can't be late. She's gonna kill me and this time is for real ... LoL ... Toodles
9/29/2004 11:38:00 PM
Fun & Sad
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Had fun yesterday during my CCA meeting. We went to Audi2 to see all the things production crew uses. We learnt about the lighting - the different types and everything you wanna know about it. And sound and video. It was so cool. We spent about 4 hrs altogether from 6-10pm. But now, i think i forgot almost everything ... LoL ... really had to much to absorb in one day. Can't wait to really try using them all =)
Den as i expected, i didn't do well for my excel test. Did really bad. Though i passed but my results were only borderline. Why? b'cos i forgot to do one part of the qns which i know how to do and it consist of a lot of marks ... 'siGh' ... well, it's over. Thank god!
'mA tHouGhtS'
Have you ever
Felt that signs were given
To tell you something
Asking you to follow
And show you the way
Directing you to your pirioties
To what is really important
But when you ignored it
And think nothing of it
It comes back
Over and over
In all sorts of way
Wanting you to realise
It's there for a reason
That you only need
To open your eyes and see
9/25/2004 04:03:00 PM
Friday, September 24, 2004
Right now in school with HuiLan and Fate ... practising for BCS excel test tomorrow. Im still a bit clueless on what functions to use. Just hope i can pass and do well .. 'sIGh' ... really hate this subject! HumPh!!! However, once u get the hang of it, it's quite interesting. Still ... not too fond of it .... which is why i never took IT in the first place! hahaha
Before this, we had lunch at Jupiter Cafe and it was great. We talked about the first day of school, the first impression we had about each other and what we gonna miss about the class. Time really flies when you're having fun. Really can't believe that this sem is ending soon. Well, we juz gotta move on - with new classes to go to, subjects to study and friends to meet. =) Feeling abit funny now without anything to research on nor any deadlines to meet after months of trying to do so. LoL ... Glad for it. Will be prepared for next sem for it to happen again .. heez.
p/s to TB051, here's wishing u guyz good luck in your future endeavors and do keep in touch once in a while ya!
'mA tHougHts'
Not that we purposely did it
That we dislike or
Hate you
But because we are concerned
And we would want the best for you
So that you'll change
Be someone better
And committed
You said we do not understand
We didn't care
Nor did we trust
But do you?
Understand and cared
And gave us the reason to trust?
So sorry that this happe
And hurting everyone in the process
However, try to see from our point of view
That we haven't got any other choice
But only to advice
9/24/2004 10:59:00 AM
measure of life
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Something to read and be inspired .... enjoy!!!
There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away. The first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in the fall.
When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe what they had seen. The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted. The second son said no--it was covered with green buds and full of promise. The third son disagreed, he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen. The last son disagreed with all of them; he said it was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of life and fulfillment.
The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had each seen but ONLY one season in the tree's life. He told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season, and that the essence of who they are - and the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life - can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are up.
If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, fulfillment of your fall. Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest. Don't judge life by one difficult season. Persevere through the difficult patches and better times are sure to come some time or later.
9/22/2004 07:55:00 AM
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Had the FFBS presentation ... finally, it's done and over with. Our presentation was ok i guess ... except for this part ... haiz ... dont feel like talking about it! Still, was sastifies with what we did. Hui Lan say i sounded fine when presenting, but i felt my legs were shaking and so was my voice. Wonder how we did? I wanna know the results but since this week is the last week of school, i don't think we will be able to know. 'sIGh' Gonna miz my grp when after our submission of our last project. Had fun laughing and crapping with them. Thxs so much guyz ... ur the best! Grp 2 forever! Ahahz ... 'muAckZ'
my group ... grp 2!!!
Den we received our results for IntHtm. Well, we passed. =) The important thing is that we did it together as a team and did our best! Though there's room for improvements but no regrets! Heez...
But something happened that pissed us off. Wont really elaborate. In fact it's been so long that this matter have been happening. Well, no comments from me ... Now gotta finish my research for CommSkill ... toodles!
p/s enjoy the photos!!!
frm left: adilah, geogia, belinda, asy(me), hui lan, jayce and fate
teddy and froggie .. =P
my closest peepz in class
HL milk and me ... heez
piggies ... LoL ... go figure!
my lil sis
me, yas and sarah aka darling ... ahahz
9/21/2004 07:51:00 PM
Monday, September 20, 2004
Great day today. Got our portfolio back and .... DaDeeDum ... got an A for it ... Muahahaha. Never been so happy. All thxs to di, fate and siew chin. You guys are the best! But when we get to see the total marks for coursework, i got a B+ ... 'sob sob' ... this is because my mid sem test pulled me down. 'sigh' ... nvm, still got the end sem exams that is 60%! Still got hope! Heez ...
Den after sch, my grp stayed back quite late ... about 6+ ... to finish up preparing for tomorow FFBS presentation. Hope i wont get cold feet and pulled my grp marks down b'coz of that ... 'cross fingers'. But can't wait to wear formal w/ blazers all that .. heez ... It's gonna be an interesting day tomorrow ... Toddles ... =)
9/20/2004 03:24:00 PM
Formal wear
Sunday, September 19, 2004
It's been a long time that my weekends felt so relexing. On saturday, i slacked for the whole day. The chores that i did was eating, sleeping and watching tv ... LoL. Den today out with di to buy blazers and everything else for tuesday presentation. After lots of places we went and surveys we did for the prices and quality of clothes, we brought our blazer and pants at O.A.M.C. The fabric was so nice ... so comfy ... and i got 20% off for it ... heez. But still it's so ex! Cost me over $100++ ... 'hEaRt pAin' Den still gotta buy some formal shirts that cost 2 for $59 at G2000 ... but it was ok compared to metro whereby a shirt cost up to $70!!! Really had a fun day ... Cant wait to wear it on tuesday but at the same time dreading for the day to come ... presentation gonna be a bit scary. Wonder what Mr Alvin Tan would ask. Hmmm ... Hopefully, we wont zone out with our mouth wide open and not knowing the answer. 'cROss fiNGerS' Have faith in my group members ... they're the best! Go Grp 2 !!!! WooHoo ...
'mA tHoUGhtS'
It has been written in a book
Where sayings throughout ages
And closes saying:
Be very careful in making
A Woman to cry...
Cause God counts her tears
Woman came out from
The men rib
Not from the feet to be stepped on.
Not from the head to be superior.
But from the side to be equal
However, under the arm,
to be protected
And at the heart’s side
To be Loved
9/19/2004 04:06:00 PM
No time
Friday, September 17, 2004
Days passed ... Too busy ... Didn't realise ...So much happening, So little time. Right now, in school printing out my BCS excel project. Finally, it's done! YaY!!! Now, to concentrate on our FFBS project due coming tuesday. Have to do well ... my life depends on it!
Speaking of the FFBS project, last wednesday, we got unexpected reply for the manager of Les Amis. At first, our group though of going there to eat - experiencing fine dining. But then, had to cancel it as there was not enough time and it also too costly ... unless, we could get a free tour around the fine dining restaurant. And so georgia e-mailed the manager and .... 'TaDa' ... the next day, he replied saying that he'll be happy to give us a personal tour on fine dining. Was so unexpected. Wished that it was planned earlier so can bring tape recorder and camera! But this was already good enough. The place there was so impressive, so grand, so amazing, so OMG!!! LoL Was really a great experience. Really learnt a lot!
Oh and about wednesday, just as i expected - the TmTpt test was so hard! Im not really sure what i wrote down on the paper but i think it makes sense ... i hope it does! And the test we did about 2 weeks ago which i failed by 1 mark, well ... i passed! Ms Tan helped me in adding 3 more marks ... Hooray!!!
Then yesterday, the CommSkill test, it was ... erm ... sigh ... i've already lost 12 marks! 'sob sob' . Just hope i can pass! But it was all fun during FFB lecture. We were suppose to do a hygiene test but Mr Alvin Tan was like giving us all the answer without the person in charge realising it. Give u an example. Should the answer be A, he will be saying " Class, don't forget my name" LoL ... it was so obvious cause his name starts with A!!! ahahz ... or should the answer be B den he'll be saying " The
Boys at the back, keep quiet" .. So funnie! Sure get all the answers correct!
Well, now gotta go back and finish up the FFBS project! Sure will be staying in school till quite late ... and rite now im hungry!!! Need food! Ahahz ... Toodles
9/17/2004 07:33:00 AM
Happy b'dae
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
HaPpY BirThdAy To mE
HapPy BiRtHdaY tO mE
hApPy biRtHdAy, HapPY bIrThDaY
HapPy BirThDaY tO mE ...
I'm 18 already! DumDeDum ... and it's my day today ... a special day for me! And did enjoy it. Sis brought me this chocolate mousse cake ... 'yUmMy' and a cute little teddy bear! ahahz!!! it's so cute ... i'll post up the pix tomorrow let u guyz see. My youngest bro and sis did gave me somethings too ... so sweet of them. But the nicest gift of all was from god ... he gave me rain to give me blessings aka 'rahmat' ... hehehe. Then in school, my classmates were all so very sweet ... some of them did remembered my b'dae and they sang a b'dae song for me in class ... was really so nice. Thanks a lot guys! Really appreciate it sooo much ... 'MuaCkZ'
p/s: tO fRienDs whO sMs mE wiShiNg Me a hAppY b'DaE hErE's a KiSs & huG fRm mE tO u! 'MuAcKz' 'HugGIeZ'
Before that, went to school early in the morning for project meeting. HAiz... still hate the FFBS project. Cant wait for it to end soon! We completed quite a lot already so now need to ... erm ... i dont know what to do next! LoL. Den didn't go for BCS lecture. Find it useless as no more test/quiz for BCS on lecture notes. SO for the hour we continued with our project discussion b'fore headed for IntHtm. That is when the sing a long b'dae session conducted by EeBoon aka Ms Froggie took place!
Really had a wonderful day today! So full of love and sweetness!!! Hehe. Oh and b'fore i forgot, hApPy b'DaE dAd! If ur wondering, i have the same birthday date as my dad ... =)
To him " Wishing u a very happy birthday... miz u lots ... love ya ... 'mUacKz' "
So im off to study TmTpt ... haiz...even if i study sure fail! Sigh ... Wish me luck! Toodles!
9/14/2004 05:04:00 PM
Monday, September 13, 2004
Oh man! The econs Q & A session was really a killer. I got the stupid oligopoly topic which i was praying i didn't get asked for. Since i was the first to go, i felt that i may get the easier topics in front but, Ms Yang picked those from the back which was so hard! I was sitting there practically talking too fast and talking rubbish which i myself didn't know what i was mumbling about. This thing is really gonna pull my marks down ... SigH ...
At least, there wasn't any CommSkill summative test. It will be postponed to this coming thursday. Therefore, i will have time to study - which in the first place i thought it would be easy! But today when she was doing revision with us for the test, i was so clueless. Don't know exactly what she was talking. ArGhHh ... a payback for me for not paying attention all this while! Hate this! And it's 30% of the overall marks ... 'haiz' ... why oh why does this gotta happen? The one who came out with this idea of a summative test really gotta go get a life! Humph! Muahahaha!!!!
Then after school, met my mum to go to take back my ac adaptor that i sent in for repair. YaY!! Finally can use my notebook once again ... No need to use my bro's computer anymore ... DadeeDum! LoL .. Den, told my mum that the place to get big size court shoes for me was at Lucky Plaza .... so, mum suggested to go there since we were out. So off we went and brought me my shoes which i really couldn't believe there was. Next time if i need shoes, will go to that shop. In addition, the salesperson there was really nice. He even crack jokes with me and my mum ... he's one funnie guy!
On our way home, my bro Aiman, ask my mum to buy him an apple for his art project or something. So we had to stopover to the new Community Center ... the newly build one at st 83 coz over there there's this Cold Storage there and today is its grand opening. But the place there was really very packed! Cant even walk! So ... i quickly grab some apples, a carton of milk and 2 packets of chocolates!!! Can't really browse through the whole supermarket coz was really jammed everywhere!!! Suddently felt so claustrophobic hence my mum had to pay for the things i took while i waited for her outside.
And today was the last episod of the final season of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. So sad to see them go. Felt so empty for a while. Have been watching them like for so long and suddenly now it's already their last episode, last season for 10 years! The ending was quite sad. Shed a few tears ... I know im quite sensitive ... but it was really sad! =( Hmmm ... now wondering what show is up on next monday!
Oh and tomorrow ... is ... my DaE!!! Ahahz ... but rite now gonna finish up my peer appraisal for FFBS, TravelGeog and TmTpt .... Toodlez!
'mA tHouGhtS'
Looking in the mirror
Wondering who was that I see
Standing in front of me
Imitating whatever i did
Irritating she was
Doing exactly what i did
But she was laterally inverted
Sometimes doing the opposite
To what i did
Still she was a mystery to me
Searching hard for her identity
Clueless and Lost was she
As i look deep into her eyes
All drained
Too tired
For all the pain she suffered
All her life in silence
Soon pity i was to her
Trying to make her smile and laugh
Though successful i was in doing so
But still there's something missing
Somewhere beneath
Hiding deep under
9/13/2004 05:54:00 PM
Saturday, September 11, 2004
At long last BCS end sem test is over!!! muahahah. HAiZ ... really gonna fail it though. I really couldn't remeber what I've study. I was so clueless. Didn't know what to write. Only about 6-7 lines were filled up for all 4 discussion questions ... and i was talking crap all the way! Why oh why do we have the study BCS? Coming up there will be this excel test! ArGhHh ... What does HTM gotta do with BCS? Just hope i can pass the subject at the end of the semester. Hate to repeat everything all over again. =(
The Tmtpt project has too been handed up. YaY! SO now there's only FFBS and CommSkill left to be done. Hooray! But when this two projects are done, it indicates that school is soon going to be over 'sob sob' Really don't know what to expect in the new sem - New class, new friends and new subjects ... somehow, hate for it to come too soon yet excited for what's in store!
Right now is about 6.30am!! I had been staying up all night without realising it! Too engrossed in finishing TG online tutorial questions. Trying all of it over and over again! Still, the results weren't up to my satisfaction ... sigh ...
Think im going to go get some shut eye right now coz later there's As Salaam meeting ... Cant go there with panda eyes! Toodlez
'mA tHouGhtZ'
Have you ever
Open your eyes and see
That somethings are meant to be
Even if you had let it go
And moved on with your life
It soon comes running back
Indicating ...
That it's yours
When what you want isn't yours
Holding on tightly to it
Never wanting to let go
Will never works
Cause ...
If it was never yours in the first place
Never can you get it back
Never will it be
9/11/2004 12:25:00 AM
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Rigth now it's nearly 2am and here i am still wide awake. I just completed by TmTpt project ready for tomorrow's submission ... Finally! YaY! Haven't really completed my research for tomorrow grp discussion though ... coz right now there is something more important in mind. BCS!!! There will be a test tomorrow and im so clueless about computers ... haiz ... that's why i never took up IT ... and here i am struggling to understand this thingy! Sheesh! Well, no choice but have to mug tonight. So maybe i'll be going for TG tutorial online from home but den will be going to sch later for the discussion. So now, gotta study ... Toodles!
9/09/2004 07:50:00 PM
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Haiz...right now still in school. Just finish typing out our econs analysis to be complied for submission on Monday. Finally!!! Never thought that it could be done! Anyway, after this thought of going to Challenger to see whether they got sell the portable zip drive and an AC adapter for my laptop. My old AC adapted really is a goner. Can't be used anymore ... 'sigh'
Then tomorrow Cyn said that the movie that we 'll be going to watch will start at 7.30pm. Suddenly, i realise that i got so many things overdue. Now having second thoughts whether to go or not. Then tomorrow got project meeting somemore. Don't know will finish at what time. ANd i really have to finish up my TmTpt project ASAP. Arghhhh! But then, i really wanna go and watch it. Oh, if you're wondering what movie is it, it's ...... ANACONDA!!! ahahz.
Well, gonna have to set my pirioties straight from now on. Can't really go for what i really want. Gotta go for what's important first. ANd by doing that, have to sacrifice a bit ... a lot in fact =(
Speaking of putting first thing first, have a read of this ... Enjoy!!! ... Toodles
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the coffee ...
A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar.
He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "yes."
The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
"Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things- your God, your family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favorite passions -- things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, and your car. The sand is everything else-the small stuff. "If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal." Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."
9/07/2004 12:11:00 PM
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Another weekend is soon passing by. SO fast. I haven't rested enough to face another Monday. 'sigh' Since morning was doing the TmTpt ppt. So many holes here and there. Not sufficient information are given. Now too tired to continue on. Mayb tomorrow. Stay back after school and do. 'sigh' Right now too much on my mind. Have to study for upcoming tests and the end sem exams are on the way. Gotta buck up!!! Study Study Study!!!!
Then yesterday, went to Fate's hse to do econs project. But then, Fate and Di gave me and Siew Chin some games that at first was amazing then becomes so irritating cause you can't really figure out how to play. Even if i got the answers right it is out of pure instinct. And they do not want to tell me how to play them ...ARGHHH... This games are still stuck in my head plus all the schoolwork i gotta do. i dont need this now! Mayb i go dig out from Kai or PeiRu. They are the one that started it! Must know!!!! Ahahz
Then yesterday yesterday = friday, went back to school at 10.30 to meet up Hui Lan to do the TmTpt ppt. We are in charge of the finale product of the project. Sigh .. but got pissed off at this person who never provide sufficient info! Then i gotta go research the part for that person. SO fustrating. But luckily, we both were able to finish 1/3 of the project and gotta try to finish everything by friday ... hopefully!!! 'cross fingers'
At last, my groupies finally decided to stay for the topic of obesity for CommSkill report project. But me and Hui Lan didn't contribute much that day. We were too bz concentrating on TmTpt. But when this project will be finally submitted, I'll do my part...promise! =)
So now, gotta study a bit of TmTpt upcoming quiz, IntroHtm upcoming quiz and BCS upcoming quiz too. Wish me luck everyone ... Need to score! Toodles! (",)
Here are something for you guyz to read ... ( REAL NICE!!! )
- Standing for what you believe in regardless of the odds against you and the pressure that tears
at your resistance ... is
- Keeping a smile on your facewhen inside you feels like dying for the sake of supporting
others ... is
- Stopping at nothing and doing what's in your heartthat you know is right ... is
- Doing more is expected, to make another life's more bearable without uttering a single
complain ... is
- Helping a friend in need, no matter the time and effort to the best of your ability ... is
- Holing your head high and being the best you know you can bewhen life seems to fall apart at
your feet. Facing each difficulty with confidence that time will bring you better tomorrows, and
never giving up ... is
9/05/2004 02:12:00 PM
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Sometimes it hurts. Eventhough people didn't really meant it. But it really have to stop. I know me. I know what i look like. Im not perfect but hey, so are you. Why does it bother you people so much? What wrong do i do to you? Say it out lah ... Don't keep talking behind my back. I always know ... believe me ... SO Enough is enough!!! I know my imprefections. Still i accept me for me. For what god have made me. It may be a blessing in disguise. I donno. So people out there, keeps your thoughts to urself. And just shut up!!! Go and look at urself in the mirror first. When you step into my shoes, then you know how i really feel.
Anyway, school was as per usual. N'tin special happened. Then, after that had econs project discussion. But halfway through it while we were in the library, I dozed off for about half an hour. And they didn't wake me up. But i was grateful though. Didn't realise i was so tired. However, still felt guilty b'coz of it ... 'sigh' coz wen i woke up, they finished looking through all the newspapers for articles for econs.
Then tomorrow got no school! Hooray!!! but can only celebrate for a while coz still have to go back to sch for grp discussion. Me and HuiLan gonna have to finish the TmTpt ppt. Hopefully can do a great job outta it. Really need to score for projects since all quizez for this subject that i did was extremely bad. =( .... Toodles ...
'mA thOugHts'
Skeletons i hide in my cupboard
Secrets i keep deep inside
Bottled up tight
And throw into the deep blue sea
Hiding beneath the ocean floor
For no one to see
A really big burden
For someone like me
But what choices do i have?
To whom should i share?
Wouldn't want people to judge
To criticise and make fun
And making them change
Their perception of me
Had enough of this
As it Tears out my heart slowly
Hence the only thing i can do
Is by acting like there's no care in this world
That everything goes the way i planned
Keeping in mind that some are worst off than me
So i shouldn't complain much
And be grateful for what have been given to me
9/02/2004 05:14:00 PM
Back to school
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
HAPPY TEACHER"S DAY !!!!! Haiz ... reali a very long day. The econs tutorial was really a drag and i dont really seem to understand it at all. But it was not as bad as my test for TmTpt. I got 24/50!!!! One more marks to pass!!! ArgHhhH and i can't rely on the next test...It's gonna be an essay qns. Sure to fail ... =(
Had a blast yesterday. Went back to my secondary school and met all my teachers ( Ms Ouh, Mrs Sum, Ms Lai, Ms Ang, Mr Mahmood and some others ) and friends ( Joyce, Grace, Shamil, Cyn, Iryani, Su, Ica ... and lots more). Had flashes of bittersweet memories. Really miz those days. Den as usual, there was a concert ... which turn out really lame. Those who sang were all out of tune and there was this really stupid game whereby a student and a teacher challenge one another to pop each other balloons that stuck to them. ... StUpiD ... Futurmore, the decorations that they set up was really plain and boring. Years back, it was more interesting and beautiful. Anyway, here are some pixs for you guys to see.

friends forever

us and our wonderful teacher, ms ouh (one in red) ... she's leaving this yr!!!

Me & my 'darling'
After that, me and huda went to Centrepoint to go to my old workplace at delifrance to collect this thypoid injection receipt. Luckily Eric still keeps it if not, den must go for it again and fork out $25 bucks! Then saw some of my ex-colleagues/friends still working there. Really miss the place so much. But sadly, too bz with school. No more energy left to spare for work ... 'sigh'.While we were there, i went in search for Ee Boon's b'dae present that i'll be sharing with Kaili, Siew Chin and Mel. Finally i brought her this cute, cuddly froggie that im sure she'll like ... hopefully ... 'cross fingers'. About 3.15, then headed off to school for a stupid talk that must attend. But then, only me, Mel, Siew Chin, Avril and Maisie showed up. It was quite interesting though. We found out what animal type we are in solving conflicts and im ..... surprisingly .... A TEDDY BEAR ... hehe
Qualities of a teddy:
-Willing to place the opponent interest above him/herself
- Tends to bottle up own feelings ( quite true ) (",)
... Toodles ...
9/01/2004 04:26:00 PM